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Showing results 1 to 20 of 63

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-08A 25-F Electric Double-Layer Capacitor Bank and DC Power Supply for Portable High-Current Applications고광철
2016-076.78MHz 자기 공진형 근거리 무선전력전송 시스템의 모델링 해석고광철
2017-0860kHz 자기 공진형 무선전력전송 시스템의 회로 모델링 및 비교 실험고광철
2011-08Active Clamping Circuit to Suppress Switching Stress on a MOS-Gate-Structure-Based Power Semiconductor for Pulsed-Power Applications고광철
2018-03Analysis of Design Parameters Reducing the Damage Rate of Low-Noise Amplifiers Affected by High-Power Electromagnetic Pulses고광철
2015-05Analysis of Magnetic Switch Core to Improve Reliability of Magnetic Pulse Compressor System고광철
2013-06Analysis on circuit-elements-composed-simulator of vircator for electromagnetic pulse emission고광철
2011-12Application of the Response Surface Methodology for Optimal Shape Design of an Arc Shield in a Vacuum Interrupter as a Compact Circuit-breaker Pulse Generation Device고광철
2017-05Damage Modeling of a Low-Noise Amplifier in an RF Front-End Induced by a High Power Electromagnetic Pulse고광철
2015-05Damage Modeling on a Radar affected by High Power Electromagnetic Pulse고광철
2013-06damage prediction of RF system affected by electromagnetic pulse고광철
2017-12Design for Compression Improvement of a Magnetic Pulse Compressor by Using a Multiwinding Magnetic Switch고광철
2018-07Design of a Low-Stray Inductance Magnetic Switch for High Compression of the Pulse Width in a Magnetic Pulse Compressor고광철
2012-06Electric Circuit Modeling Methods of Electromagnetic Shock Wave in Air for High Power Microwave Propagation고광철
2014-10Electrical Circuit Modeling for Efficiency Improvement of Axial Virtual Cathode Oscillator고광철
2020-03Experimental Investigation of Improvement in the Dielectric Recovery Characteristics of a Molded Case Circuit Breaker Splitter Plate고광철
2019-01Hybrid Analog and Digital Control of a High Current Converter Based on an EDLC Bank for Rapidly Decreasing Input Voltage고광철
2018-04Implementing a Dielectric Recovery Strength Measuring System for Molded Case Circuit Breakers고광철
2018-02Integrated Circuit Model for Generation and Propagation of High Power Electromagnetic Pulse고광철
2016-07Lumped-element model of a tapered transmission line for impedance matching in a pulsed power system고광철