2014-04 | 10MeV 전자가속기의 방사화 특성평가 | 이재기 |
2015-04 | 13MeV 사이클로트론 시설 공기 방사화 평가 | 이재기 |
2014-04 | 1p(3/2) Proton-Hole State in Sn-132 and the Shell Structure Along N=82 | 김용균 |
2019-04 | 252Cf 중성자 Time-of-Flight 측정방식을 이용한 수분함량 측정 | 김용균 |
2012-11 | 2차원 즉발감마선 분포 측정을 위한 PS-PMT 기반 감마선 측정 장치 제작 및 성능 평가 (Development of PS-PMT-based gamma detection system for two-dimensional measurement of prompt gamma distribution) | 김찬형 |
2019-05 | 3-D Look-Up Table for Multi-Unit Accidents Assessment | 제무성 |
2015-06 | 3.5 MeV 양성자 조사에 의한 철(Fe)의 조사손상 영향 연구 | 김용수 |
2014-06 | 32P measurment of urine samples and internal dose assessment for radiation workers in life science laboratories | 김종경 |
2011-12 | 6 MV 광자빔에 대한 MicroLion 액체이온함의 특성 연구 | 김찬형 |
2014-10 | A Preliminary Study of the Core Catcher System on Various Stud Shapes using FLUENT | 전규동 |
2020-07 | Accident Sequence Quantification in Multi-unit Seismic PSA using MCSs | 제무성 |
2019-01 | Advances in Computational Human Phantoms and Their Applications in Biomedical Engineering—A Topical Review | 김찬형 |
2012-12 | Algorithms and parameters for improved accuracy in physics data libraries | 김찬형 |
2019-05 | An Analysis of Economic Factors for Level 3 PSA | 제무성 |
2013-12 | Analysis of the ambient dose variation due to cosmic rays in Daejeon by using a neutron monitor | 김용균 |
2013-12 | Analysis of the ambient dose variation due to cosmic rays in Daejeon by using a neutron monitor | 김성중 |
2020-12 | Analysis of the criticality of the spent fuel pool on the consideration of the spent fuels having axial blankets | 홍서기 |
2019-12 | Analysis of the deviations from the similarity between JET and ITER ion cyclotron resonance heating | 이정표 |
2016-06 | Analysis of X-ray spectra in 14.5-GHz ECR ion source for optimizing operation conditions | 김용균 |
2016-06 | Analysis of X-ray spectra in 14.5-GHz ECR ion source for optimizing operation conditions | 이철호 |