2021-10 | 혼합연구방법을 통한 프로모션 참여 요인의 탐색적 연구: 커피전문점 프로모션 사례를 중심으로 | 박태영 |
2022-06 | 20․30대가 생각하는 합리적인 구매의사결정이란?: 정성연구로 밝힌 새로운 소비패턴의 원인 | 박태영 |
2021-09 | 혼합조직으로서의 사회적 기업의 사회적 가치와경제적 가치 추구 특성에 관한 연구 | 박지훈 |
2022-08 | When is interorganizational learning beneficial for inbound open innovation of ventures? A contingent role of entrepreneurial orientation | 박지훈 |
2021-01 | A study of antecedents and outcomes of social media WOM towards luxury brand purchase intention | 박정근 |
2021-01 | Editorial introduction: Luxury services focusing on marketing and management | 박정근 |
2021-03 | Understanding self-service technology adoption by "older" consumers | 박정근 |
2021-05 | Investigating travelers’ multi-impulse buying behavior in airport duty-free shopping for Chinese traveler: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations | 박정근 |
2021-06 | Examining antecedents of retail employees' propensity to leave | 박정근 |
2021-07 | Retail Employees’ Ethical Value and Climate on Multidimensional Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Study with B2B Employees | 박정근 |
2021-11 | Adopting autonomous vehicles: The moderating effects of demographic variables | 박정근 |
2021-12 | 디지털 시대 브랜드 옹호의 선행요인에 대한 연구 | 박정근 |
2021-12 | A look at collaborative service provision: Case for cosmetic surgery medical tourism at Korea for Chinese patients | 박정근 |
2022-02 | Luxury Hospitality Services: Editorial Comment | 박정근 |
2022-03 | Editorial introduction: Retail innovation in the 4th industrial revolution | 박정근 |
2022-05 | The Effects of Chatbot Service Recovery With Emotion Words on Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention, and Positive Word-Of-Mouth | 박정근 |
2022-07 | Masstige consumption values and its effect on consumer behavior | 박정근 |
2021-02 | 전략적 CSR이 CSR 진정성 인식과 구매의도에 미치는 영향 | 박병진 |
2021-09 | Coopetition dynamics between giant entrants and incumbents in a new convergent segment: a case in the smartphone industry | 박병진 |
2022-04 | 코피티션(Coopetition) 전략의 연구동향과 향후 연구방향 | 박병진 |