2015-05 | 10-Year Risk for Cardiovascular Disease Among Male Workers in Small-Sized Industries | 황선영 |
2014-03 | 40~50대 여성의 “나이 들어감(Aging)”에 대한 현상학적 연구 - Parse 이론을 적용하여 - | 유은광 |
2014-10 | Activities of daily living and cognitive status: Associations with urinary incontinence in Korea | 홍귀령 |
2018-12 | The amyotrophic lateral sclerosis supportive care needs assessment instrument: Development and psychometric evaluation | 김정아 |
2017-10 | Analysis of Nurses' Perception on Total Care Service to Develop of Healthcare Training Simulation Tools in Korea | 유은광 |
2016-09 | Analysis of Workplace Health Education Performed by Occupational Health Managers in Korea | 정문희 |
2019-05 | The association between dyslipidemia, oral health behavior, and periodontal disease: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey | 이여진 |
2020-02 | The association between periodontitis and dyslipidemia according to smoking and harmful alcohol use in a representative sample of Korean adults | 이여진 |
2016-07 | Association of Functional Ability and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia With Urinary Incontinence in Older Korean Men | 홍귀령 |
2019-06 | Associations between smoking and postoperative complications following elective craniotomy | 신용순 |
2020-12 | Associations of depression and anxiety with cardiovascular risk among people living with HIV/AIDS in Korea | 황선영 |
2021-01 | Behavioral and Physiological Pain Responses in Brain-Injured Patients Who Are Unable to Communicate in the Intensive Care Unit | 홍귀령 |
2020-07 | Building consensus on the priority-setting for national policies in health information technology: A Delphi survey | 김정아 |
2017-07 | Citation analysis for biomedical and health sciences journals published in Korea | 김정아 |
2015-05 | Cluster dyads of risk factors and symptoms are associated with major adverse cardiac events in patients with acute myocardial infarction | 황선영 |
2015-07 | Cognitive Function and Self-Care in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure | 황선영 |
2016-04 | A Comparative Study on Couple Role Performance, Depression and Family Strength of Multi-cultural Couples | 유은광 |
2018-04 | Comparison of Factors Associated with Fear of Falling between Older Adults with and without a Fall History | 홍귀령 |
2020-12 | A Comparison of the Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease and Lifestyle Habits by Disability Status and Type of Disability in Korean Adults: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis | 황선영 |
2019-12 | Concept Analysis of Health Literacy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease using Hybrid Model | 황선영 |