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연표·지도 밖의 유랑자와 비장소의 시학 - 배수아의 소설을 중심으로

연표·지도 밖의 유랑자와 비장소의 시학 - 배수아의 소설을 중심으로
Other Titles
Vagabonds out of Chronology · Map and Poetics of Non-Place - Focused on the Fictions of Bae Sua.
자발적떠돌이여행자; 딸의오딧세이아; 귀환불가; 비장소; 장소성상실; 장소성회복; 걷기; Voluntary vagabond-tourist,; Odysseia of a Daughter,; Impossible Return,; non-place,; placelessness,; Recovery of Placeness,; Walking
Issue Date
한국언어문화학회(구 한양어문학회)
한국언어문화, 2012, 49, P.33-60, 28P.
This paper aimed to investigate the aspects of ‘vagarious life’ shown in the recent fictions of Bae Sua, 〈Bukyeok〉, 〈Mujong〉 and 〈Low Hills in Seoul〉 through the viewpoints of identity and place. The way to recognize the world and existence as well as the concepts of travel, places and identity are differentiated from existing ones in those works. The travel in those fictions are the ceaseless daily life itself, not the deviation and expansion of recognition. It’s not just a matter of economic capacity. Such life is the result of progressive selection by characters. In this aspect, the characters selectively rebuilt their identity as the ‘vagabond-tourist’. The travel by ‘vagabond-tourist’ is not the travel of self-expansion through the experience in the expansive continuity in the modern times. Furthermore, it is far from the conventional travel narration which depends on the fixed place, starts from a hometown, experiences something strange as something unique in such relationship and returns to a hometown. ‘Vagabond-tourist’ rejects or denies the return. This paper examined their attitudes through the viewpoint of travel narration of return-Odysseia of a man and the negative narration of return-Odysseia of a woman around the fiction 〈Low Hills in Seoul.〉〈Low Hills in Seoul〉 showed the aspects of change even in the recognition of places in detail. The city where there is a real life, the mechanic organism, is not the ‘place’ where human value is implemented. The travel is based on the vagabond group named “Kharakorum”. “Kharakorum” is the capital city in Mongolia Empire in the ancient times. Being a member of “Kharakorum” means to lease an ancient city as the base of life for a while. In that travel, a place was changed from a rented room to a rented room in reality, but the place was the achievement of life in the times of tribe when the humane life was enabled in the aspect of symbol. Such process of symbolization along with the recognition on ‘walking’ can be interpreted as the effort to change the city of non-place to the city of place. Through this process, the recent fictions of Bae Sua examined in this paper demonstrated the attempt to restore the place of reality space which was lost in humane aspects in the aspects of symbol and literature.
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