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坯窩 金相肅의 散文 硏究 : 『坯窩遺稿』와 『重言』을 중심으로

坯窩 金相肅의 散文 硏究 : 『坯窩遺稿』와 『重言』을 중심으로
Other Titles
A Study on Proses of Baewa Kim Sangsuk - Focused on 'Posthumous Work of Baewa' and 'Public Opinions'
김상숙; 조선후기; 淸言小品; 書癖; 지식인; Kim Sangsuk; Late Joseon Period; Enjoying writing; Short Compositions with Serene Words; Intellectuals
Issue Date
어문연구(語文硏究), v. 44, NO 1, Page. 315-340
본고에서는 『배와유고』와 『중언』을 중심으로 감상숙의 산문을 集中的으로 살펴보았다. 김상숙은 문인이었고 서예가였으며 화가였다. 이에 걸말ㅈ게 감식안 또한 누구 못지않았다. 또 그림에 대해서도 문장이나 서법보다 폄하하는 견해에 대한 재고가 필요하다 力說하기도 했다. 그는 외부에 대한 관심 보다는 내면에 침잠하기를 원했다. 그의 삶은 영리나 부귀와는 거리가 멀었다. 權力의 부정적인 屬性에 일찍 開眼하였다. 그래서 그의 글에는 인간에 대한 통찰과 반성이 자주 등장한다. 인간에 대한깊은 이해가 없고는 포착하기 힘든 지점을 그는 포착해 냈다. 지식인의 處世 문제도 관심을 기울였다. 對外的으로는 대사회적인 전언, 즉 경세의식이 상당히 드러나고 있으며, 내면적으로는 修身과 自省에 대한 문제를 외면치 않았다. 김상숙이 교유했던 인믈들의 면면을 살펴보면 매우 주목할 인물들도 많고 서로 간의 교류도 빈번했다. 이번 연구를 시작으로 해서 김상숙 본인은 물론이거니와 그의 주변 인물들에 대한 관심도 환기되길 기대한다. Kim Sangsuk(金相肅, 1717~1792) was the writer and calligrapher. While Kim Sanguk was noteworthy in the history of literature or calligraphy, he was mentioned only in calligraphy. In particular, there is almost no research on his proses. This paper focused on his preses around 'Posthumous works of Baewa' and 'Public Opinions.' Kim Sangsuk was th writer, calligrapher and artist. As the person who was enthusiastic in writing, he had superior ability in writing. He was also interested in four treasures of study. Then, he wrote several works on them. Furthermore, he insisted that it would be required to deliberate on the opinions disparaging painting as compared to writing or calligraphy. He wanted withdrawing in the self rather than being interested in external world. His life was far from profits or wealth. He realized the negative aspects of power earlier. Thus, insights and introspection on human beings are frequently mentioned in his works. Moreover, he sincerely deliberated on the responsibilities as the intellectual. He was also interested in way of living and moral training of the intellectuals. He significantly expressed the administration awareness, the message to the society in the public world and didn’t ignore the issues on moral training and self-reflection in himself. The works related to his tendency above are mostly short compositions or short compositions with serene words. The researches on his works mainly focused on a specific group up to now. there are a number of noteworthy people when investigating his acquaintances in detail and he frequently met them. As the starting point, this research will revitalize the interest on Kim Sangsuk and his acquaintances.
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