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dc.description.abstractWith the improvement of people's living standards and people’s continuous pursuit of beauty, cosmetics have become an indispensable part of life. The cosmetics market in China is the fastest growing market and also the most potential market, whereas in the fierce competition in the market, it is dominated by international brands, which made the majority of the market share and profit, and our country lacks competing brands. China is a big producer and the largest manufacturing country in the world, which is known as "the world factory”. However, China is not a big country of creation. At the current stage, China's brand designing is developing, and many brands in the market are fake brands that imitate foreign excellent ones. I hope that in the future, China will not only be a big country of creation, but also be a big country of innovation and design. I write this paper regarding brand design due to my strong interest in brand design, and good wishes of no fake brands in the shopping mall in the near future. Meanwhile I’m very fortunate to come to the big producer of cosmetics---South Korea to study, thus this thesis is the study of cosmetics,which I hope to gain knowledge and experience of Korean cosmetics brand and excellent design to provide a reference for the brand design of China cosmetics.And with the continuous improvement of Chinese living conditions, people pursue not only beauty, but also health, ecology, and environmental protection.Plus,since China has a long history of herbal cosmetics, Chinese eco-cosmetic will have a promising future. So I studied Chinese Eco cosmetics in this paper. After looking through newspapers and books, and practice, I find that the marks of brand identity are the most important part of brand image formation. After studying various documents,we find that that we should not only consider the consumer groups, but also the information transmission capability of the brand identification logo when brand identity is designed. Now there are some problems in the design of some brand identity logos, some logo designs ignored the aesthetic feeling which was just to deliver information, and some logo designs neglected the transmission function of signs that deliberately pursue beauty. These brand identity all hindered the brand intrinsic meaning transmission. I will focus on the Analysis of 13 good-sales eco-cosmetics brands in China. There are 6 Chinese brands and three foreign brands in the 7 research object. The Chinese brands are: SPDC, CHANDO, HERBORIST, INOHERB, UNIFON and One leaf. The abroad brands are innisfree, Avene, Kiehl's, SHISEIDO, Fresh, THE FACE SHOP and NATURE REPUBLIC. The selection of the three research objects are selected according to the Baidu data base "Number of searches for the top 50 cosmetics brands in 2016". I conducted a survey of the literature to analyze the brand image and brand identity which became reasonable. The definition and basic concepts of brand, brand identity, brand identity marks and brand images are studied. In the study of brand identification signs related to the literature, brand identity marks are generally called "logo" in China. In the dictionary, both "brand identity mark" and "logo" has the meaning of logo, but there is also a little difference. "Logo" can be a mark of an enterprise or organization while "brand identity mark" tends to be the mark of commercial brand. I found many types of brand marks through literature investigation. I learned from the book by reading a book by Professor Cui Renrong of Hanyang University, called Brand Design, where he summed up the types of performance of the 6 brand signs. These types of expressions are text type (Logotype), the first letter (Letter Mark), mark type concrete (Abstract Mark), the abstract symbol symbol (Symbolic Mark), combination type (Signature Mark) and the logo badge symbol (Emblem Mark).Each of these six types of expressions has its own characteristics, which has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of brand awareness and brand meaning communication. When I study of the brand image, I learnt that brand image is very important for enterprise. Whatever approach enterprises take, if you want to maintain the brand's powerful position, brand image should be consistent at any point that consumer can access. It is always very clear, simple, not contradictory when a strong brand shows its brand image. Meanwhile, fascinating and too much information will not occur too. Brand identities are the specific one transferred by enterprise. For brand image, it is a kind of feeling after consumers accept brand identities. Brand identities build a communication bridge between enterprise and consumer, and it can also express the enterprise’s culture, philosophy and so on. In the third chapter, I analyze the brand shapes, fonts, colors and names of these Eco cosmetics brands. Color Image Scale, Lettering Taste Scale and Basic Form Taste Scale are used as the analytic methods. These methods are used to study 13 Eco cosmetics brands, among which are 6 Chinese Eco cosmetics brands and 7 non-Chinese cosmetics brands. We can see that there are 8 combination type signs (Signature, Mark) and 5 text type signs (Logotype) in the 13 types of Eco cosmetics brand identity marks based on analysis. Analysis of color results shows that there are 6 standard colors used in green. 13 brands of brand identification logo fonts have been redesigned from the font analysis, among which 11 have static feeling. Most of the 13 brands logos in the basic form of taste are in the third quadrant of the table, in a dynamic sense from the basic form of logo analysis. In the fourth chapter, I will do survey and analysis of the 6 Chinese ecological cosmetics brands, and the content of the survey refers to the research questionnaire of graduate thesis of (Chen Ruolian, 2016) and ( Dao Enying, 2013) from Hanyang University in Korea. The main question of this thesis is: what are the visual factors that influence the brand identity marks most in the formation of brand? I made 3 assumptions due to the question, the first of which is: consumers have lower awareness for the text type logo (Logotype) than the combined mark (Signature Mark) from the consumers’ perspective to understand the brand logo. The second hypothesis is:If features of a brand mark can be easily remembered by consumers, consumers will be more easily in distinguish it from others. The third hypothesis is: since green in Color Image Scale represents natural, idyllic, fresh. So green, as the main color of the brand identity sign,will make consumers identify that this is the Eco cosmetics brand, not other types of cosmetics brands. The results of the questionnaire are as follows The first hypothesis: the average value of text symbol is slightly lower than combination symbol from the perspective of understanding the degree of significance for the six ecological consumer cosmetics brand. It can be seen that there is a significant difference between the average values of the two sets of data from the results of the independent-sample T test analysis. So the first hypothesis is right. The second hypotheses: from consumers’ identification to the characteristics of brand identity on marks, if consumers can easy remember the characteristics of brand identity, they will be easier to distinguish the brand identity from others. Thus, the more consumers recall products or services of brands, the more reliance there will be. The results of Pearson correlation analysis show that there is a middle and high correlation between the two variables. So the second hypothesis is right. The third hypotheses: test data of independent-Sample T test analysis shows that green, the main color of brand identity marks, makes consumers identify more easily that this is ecological cosmetics brands rather than others. So the third hypothesis is also right.; 随着人们生活水平的提高和对美的不断追求,化妆品已经日益成为生活中不可或缺的一部分。化妆品市场是我国发展最快、最具潜力的市场,然而在激烈的市场竞争中,仍然由国际品牌占据主导地位,获取了大部分的市场份额和利润,而我国却鲜有品牌能与之一争高下。中国是生产大国,是世界上最大的制造业大国,被誉为“世界工厂”。但是中国却不是创造大国,现阶段中国品牌设计还存在发展阶段,现阶段市场上很多品牌都是高仿国外优秀品牌的山寨品牌。我希望在将来,中国不仅是创造大国,也要成为创新与设计大国。 因为本人对品牌设计有很强的兴趣,并且拥有在不久的将来不要再在商场里看到山寨品牌的美好愿望,所以写一篇有关品牌设计的论文。同时非常有幸能来到生产化妆品的大国--韩国来读书,所以这篇论文是研究化妆品的,希望能通过优秀的韩国化妆品品牌设计积累经验,为中国的化妆品品牌设计提供参考。同时随着中国人生活条件的不断提高,人们不仅追求美,更加追求健康,生态,和环保,再加上中国悠久的本草美容历史,中国的eco-cosmetic有很好的发展前景。所以我这篇论文研究了中国生态类化妆品. 在通过翻看报纸书籍之,以及实践考察之后,我发现品牌识别标志是形成品牌形象最重要的一部分。在研究各种文献中发现,进行品牌识别标志设计的时候不仅要考虑面对的消费者群体,还要考虑此品牌识别标志的信息传递能力。现在中国的一些品牌识别标志设计存在一些问题,有的为了传递信息忽略了美感,有的刻意追求美感却忽略了标志的传递功能。这些品牌识别都有碍于品牌内在意义的传达。 我将要集中研究14个在中国卖的很好的生态化妆品品牌。他们是6个中国牌子和7个国外牌子。中国牌子有百雀羚,自然堂,佰草集,相宜本草,御泥坊和一叶子。国外的7个牌子是悦诗风吟,雅漾,科颜氏,资生堂,馥蕾诗,菲诗小铺,自然乐园。这6个研究对象是依据百度数据库提供的“2016年百度搜索化妆品点击次数排行榜”得来的。为了分析品牌形象和品牌识别标志变得有理有据,我进行了文献的调查。研究了品牌,品牌识别,品牌识别标志和品牌形象的定义和基本概念。 在研究有关品牌识别标志有关的文献的时候,在中国一般将品牌识别标志称之为logo。在字典里“brand identity mark”和“logo”的意思里又有标志的意思,但是也有一点差异。“logo”可以是企业或者是一些组织的标志。“brand identity mark”则多指商业品牌的标志。 通过文献调查,我发现了品牌标志的表现类型有很多种。通过读汉阳大学的崔任荣教授的一本书叫做《品牌设计》,我在书中读到他总结了6种品牌标志的表现的类型。这些表现类型是文字型标志(Logotype),首字母型标志(Letter Mark ),具象型标志(Abstract Mark),抽象型标志( Symbolic Mark),组合型标志(Signiture Mark)和徽章型标志(Emblem Mark)。这六种表现的类型都分别拥有各自的特点,并且在品牌认知和品牌的意义传达方面有着各自的优点和缺点。 在研究品牌形象的文献的时候。我了解到所有品牌形象对于企业是非常重要的。不管企业使用什么样的手段,想保持品牌的强势地位,品牌形象在消费者能够接触到该品牌的任何点上都必须具有一致性。一个强势品牌在展示品牌形象时往往是清晰的,简单的,不会出现自相矛盾,令人着迷或者信息过多的情况。品牌识别是企业传达出去的东西,而品牌形象是消费者接受到这个东西之后的感觉。品牌识别可以表达这个企业的文化,理念等,品牌识别为企业与消费者之间的沟通建造了一座桥梁。 在第三章里,我对这些生态化妆品的品牌识别标志的形态,字体,颜色和名字进行分析。采用的分析方法有色彩意象量表(Color Image Scale),字型品味量表(Lettering Taste Scale)和基本形态品味量表(Basic Form Taste Scale)。用这些方法研究13个生态化妆品品牌的,其中有6个中国生态化妆品品牌和7个非中国的化妆品品牌。通过分析得知这13个生态化妆品品牌识别标志的表现类型有8个组合型标志(Signiture Mark)和5个文字型标志(Logotype)。分析颜色的结果显示,有6个标准的主要颜色使用了绿色。从字形分析来看,13个品牌的品牌识别标志的字体都进行过重新设计,其中有11个有静态的感觉。从标志的基本形态来分析,这13个品牌中,大多数品牌识别标志的形态在基本形态品味量表中的第三象限,处于动态的感觉。 在论文的第四章,我将对中国的6个生态化妆品品牌进行问卷调查并且分析,问卷调查的内容参考于韩国汉阳大学(陈若涟,2016)和(길은영,2013)的研究生毕业论文里的问卷。 这篇论文研究的主要问题是:在品牌的形成方面,最能影响品牌识别标志的视觉要素是什么?根据这个提出的问题我设了3个假设,第一个是:从消费者对于品牌标志的理解来看,消费者对于文字型标志(Logotype)比组合型标志(Signiture Mark)的认知度要低。第二个假设是:如果品牌标志的特点能被消费者很容易的记住,那么消费者将更容易区分此品牌标志和其他品牌标志。第三个假设是:因为绿色在Color Image Scale中代表自然的,田园般的,新鲜的。所以绿色做为主色的品牌识别标志,更能让消费者识别出这是生态化妆品品牌而不是其他种类的化妆品品牌。 问卷调查的分析的结果如下: 第一个假设:从消费者对于这六个生态化妆品的品牌的意义的认识程度来看,文字型标志的平均值比组合型标志的平均值要略低。从独立样本T检验(ndependent-Sample T test analysis)的结果可以看出,这两组数据的平均值是存有显著的差异的。所以假设一成立。第二个假设:从消费者对于品牌识别标志的造型特性的识别度来看,如果消费者对于一个品牌识别标志的造型特性容易被记住的情况下,那么消费者会更加容易区别这个品牌识别标识,所以消费者对品牌所提供的产品或服务的联想力更强,信赖感也就更高。Pearson相关分析(Pearson correlation analysis)的结果显示,两个变量之间有着中高度的相关关系。所以假设二也成立。第三个假设:还是通过通过独立样本T检验(ndependent-Sample T test analysis)来检验数据,结果显示绿色做为主色的品牌识别标志,更能让消费者识别出这是生态化妆品品牌而不是其他种类的化妆品品牌,所以假设三也成立。-
dc.title중국 에코화장품 브랜드의 브랜드 이미지와 브랜드 아이덴티티 마크에 관한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Brand Image and Brand Identity Mark Design of Chinese Eco-cosmetics-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorCHEN XIAOTIAN-
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