2016-08 | 3-Dimensional Positioning System Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons | 박현욱 |
2020-02 | 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image using Deep Learning | 조용채 |
2020-08 | A Blockchain with Parallel Chain Structure to Increase Scalability | 정치영 |
2016-02 | A CoAP based Group Communications Protocol with QoS Consideration in Internet of Things | 김병준 |
2017-08 | A Dynamic Hash Index Considering Data Patterns for Phase Change Memory-based Storage Systems | 강주영 |
2015-08 | A Flow-based and Information-Theoretic Method for Community Detection from Signed Networks | 팽림 |
2016-02 | A Memory-Resident Index Structure to Enhancing Read Performance for NoSQL | 강인수 |
2011-08 | A Network Coding Approach for Efficient Information Sharing in Wireless Sensor Networks | 걸자민칸 |
2011-08 | A New Approach For Character Prediction Using P300 ERP | 무르타자아스람 |
2018-02 | A Personalized Recommendation Technique of Related Words using Convolutional Neural Network | 김성진 |
2016-08 | A Study on Social Issues Automatic Detection Methods in Dynamic Social Communities | 정병문 |
2019 | A Study on the Difference between Software Design and Implementation through Static Analysis | Lim, Beomjae |
2021 | A survey on application of blockchain in COVID19 pandemic | 쿤쳄소픽 |
2019-02 | A Tool for Collecting and Classifying Information Spreading over Social Networks | Park, Junsep |
2022 | A Transformer-based Approach for Automatic Vulnerability Detection and Classification | Chenxi Li |
2015-02 | A Vehicle SoC Test Technique using FlexRay Protocol | 강승엽 |
2015-08 | A Wear-leveling by Exploiting Block State Change for Log-based Flash Translation Layer | 여창준 |
2016-02 | Actor Relocation with Guaranteed Sink Connectivity in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks | 김영균 |
2007-02 | Ad-hoc 위치기반 라우팅을 위한 안전한 위치 서비스 | 임지환 |
2009-02 | Adaboost를 이용한 다중클래스 분류기법 연구 | 이준태 |