2020-08 | RAGE-targeted delivery of anti-microRNA-92a antagomir for the treatment of acute lung injury | 장전옥 |
2008-02 | Recombinant human gelatin nanoparticles as a protein drug carrier | 원영욱 |
2011-02 | Reducible poly(oligo-D-arginine)을 이용한 뇌종양 억제 자살 유전자 치료에 관한 연구 | 김경민 |
2016-08 | Relaxin H1또는 Relaxin H2이 세포고사와 항종양효과에 미치는 영향분석 | 고득영 |
2015-02 | S/O/W 용매 추출 증발법을 이용한 마보플록사신 서방형 PLGA 마이크로입자 | 이주현 |
2017-02 | Scaffold-free tissue engineeing with surface-functionalized thermally expandable hydrogels | 이유빈 |
2017-02 | Screening of DUSP1 allosteric inhibitors by using chemical library and analysis of cellular effect. | 이광환 |
2019-02 | Self-assembled polymeric micelles for combined delivery of anti-inflammatory gene and hydrophobic drug for acute lung injury therapy | Gyeung Yun, Kim |
2010-08 | Self-assembled recombinant human gelatin nanoparticles for anti-cancer drug delivery | 윤선미 |
2020-02 | Sensitive detection of dengue virus NS1 antigen using affibody-conjugated gold nanoparticle | 방진호 |
2016-02 | shTACE/rPOA를 이용한 LPS로 유도된 급성 호흡기질환의 유전자 치료 | 남은혜 |
2011-08 | siRNA 전달을 위한 올리고 아르기닌-키토산 나노입자 제조 및 특성 분석 | 박소연 |
2008-02 | siRNA 전달을 위한 키토산/알긴산 나노입자의 물리화학적 특성 | 이동욱 |
2024 | Structural and Biochemical Studies of the Bovine Mitochondrial Respirasome and its Ubiquinone Channeling Mechanism | 유석현 |
2021 | Structural studies on cell signaling modulators, PTPIP51, BRD4, and MerTK | 박태현 |
2021 | Structure Studies of ERK Inhibitor-Resistant ERK2 Mutants | 박윤성 |
2022 | Structure-based Solubility Engineering of PTP sigma as Protein Therapeutics | 박성호 |
2020-02 | Studies on ferritin based dual functional nanoparticle for tumor associated macrophage targeted for cancer immunotherapy | 최형석 |
2020-02 | Studies on Peptide-Based Dual Gene Delivery System Targeting Tumor Associated Macrophage for Cancer Immunotherapy | 김성수 |
2018-02 | Studies on systemic delivery of insoluble cancer drugs with low-molecular weight methylcellulose | Ye Ji LEE |