2012-08 | HDAC inhibitor가 탑재된 PLGA 나노입자를 이용한 표적 암 치료 | 신정아 |
2009-02 | HER2에 의한 Cytokeratin19의 발현 유도와 세포내 이동 조절 | 주지현 |
2019 | Hexanoyl- and acetyl-glycol chitosan derivatives for functional pancreatic islet cell spheroid | Young-woo Park |
2021 | High quality purification and preliminary Cryo-EM characterization of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex from Bovine Mitochondria | 김유라 |
2019-02 | High-sensitive and Colorimetric Detection of Glucose with Glucose Oxidase-mimicking Gold Nanoparticles and Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles | Dawon Jang |
2013-02 | HMGB 1 A box domain과 R3V6 peptide 기반의 유전자 전달체 개발 | 류재환 |
2022 | HMGB1 control-based brain tumor treatment study using lactoferrin-glycyrrhizin conjugate | 박석찬 |
2014-08 | HMGB1 매개성 염증반응 억제형 췌장소도 피막화 연구 | 조은희 |
2014-02 | HMGB1-R3V6 carrier와 Ym1/ Ym2 siRNA를 이용한 천식에서의 염증 조절 | 구자현 |
2024 | Hyaluronic acid-based self-healing hydrogel with enhanced stability for 3D printing | 공민형 |
2020-02 | Identification of Allosteric Inhibitor Binding site of RPTPσ | 김미래 |
2017-02 | Identification of allosteric inhibitors which have selectivity for specific PTPs and verification | 오민수 |
2016-08 | Identification of potent DUSP1 phosphatase allosteric inhibitors with structure-based virtual screening and verification with in vitro cell assay | 남경태 |
2019-02 | Identification of potent selective inhibitors and crystal structures of PTPs | Hyun Yeol RYU |
2014-02 | Improved antitumor efficacy and transduction efficiency through oncolytic adenovirus/PEI-bile acid complex against low CAR-expressing cancer cells | 이초희 |
2017-08 | Inhibition of biomarkers in asthma using RNA interference | 최문환 |
2013-02 | Injectable cell/microsphere aggregates for cartilage regeneration | 우은경 |
2014-08 | Interleukin-12와 decorin 동시 발현 종양 선택적 살상 아데노바이러스와 방사선 병합치료에 의한 항종양 효과 | 서종현 |
2022 | Intra-articular treatment of Fas-Binding Peptide reduces inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis | 김채연 |
2016-02 | Lactoferrin conjugated gold nanoparticle for targeted oral delivery system to glioblastoma | 이승재 |