2018-02 | Beta-2 agonist receptor targeting delivery of ARG1 siRNA for chronic asthma | 안지원 |
2019-02 | Bio-inspired immobilization of Lactoferrin on nanofiber guided membranes for engineering bone regeneration | Jinki LEE |
2012-02 | Bio-inspired surface modification of biodegradable polymer substrates for endothelization | 이유빈 |
2022 | Biofabrication of bone assembloids by self-assembly of spheroids engineered with functionalized synthetic fibers | 변하연 |
2021 | Biofabrication of osteochondral tissue by stem cell spheroids engineered with biomimetic fibers and 3D printed micro-chambers | 이진규 |
2009-02 | Biological control of winter harmful algal blooms, Stephanodiscus hantzschii by using algicidal bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens HYK0210-SK09 | 정승원 |
2018-08 | Biologically Inspired Biomaterials for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering | Sajeesh Kumar Madhurakkat Perikamana |
2018-02 | Blocking Fas signaling prevents obesity associated inflammation, insulin resistance, and hepatosteatosis | 배수민 |
2014-02 | BMP-2를 도입한 골 유도 재생용 나노섬유막의 개발 | 조형진 |
2008-02 | Bone morphogenetic protein-2 delivery using poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid)/hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering | 강진묵 |
2010-02 | Cancer therapy with novel siRNA delivery bioreducible polymer | 박민선 |
2008-02 | CD7 특이적인 단일 체인 항체를 이용한 T 세포 표적 지향적 siRNA 전달 | 반홍석 |
2020-08 | Cell-Specific Delivery of Fusion Protein for Enhanced Therapeutic Effect | 김나현 |
2009-02 | Characterization of Antifreeze Protein from Antarctic Marine diatom, Chaetoceros neogracile | 곽인규 |
2020-08 | Colorimetric Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for Monitoring Glucose Levels in Tears | 박시진 |
2016-02 | Combination therapy of HO-1 gene and Lipopolysaccharide binding peptide from HMGB1A in animal model of LPS-induced acute lung injury. | 김지연 |
2016-02 | Combination therapy of injectable gelatin gel system encapsulating dendritic cell and oncolytic adenoviruses co-expressing IL-12 and GM-CSF | 오정은 |
2010-02 | Comparison of L, D-isomers of Rvg-9R peptides for efficient siRNA delivery | 최창선 |
2022 | Composite Gelatin methacryloyl hydrogels incorporating reactive oxygen species scavenging nanofibers for cell encapsulation in tissue engineering | 이경민 |
2019-02 | Conjugation of prostate cancer-specific aptamer to polyethylene glycol-grafted polyethylenimine for enhanced gene delivery to prostate cancer cells | Jaewon Lee |