2023 | Practical Privacy Preserving Authentication for Video and Image | 고한경 |
2023 | Proposing an AI-based approach to imbalanced medical datasets | 전민종 |
2022 | Design and Empirical Study of an Online Education Model Based on B2B2C, Focusing on the Perspective of Art Education | SHAOPENG HOU |
2022 | Study of Factors Influencing Personal Internet Wealth Management | 맹가가 |
2022 | Forward Secure Signature Schemes Supporting Multi-user Aggregation | 이정혁 |
2021 | An Efficient Encryption Framework for Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems | 이지원 |
2021 | Accurate high throughput alignment: Algorithmic solutions for seeding and seed processing | 슈미트마커스레이너 |
2020-08 | 정보연계 시스템의 성숙도 모델에 대한 데이터 과학적 접근 : 공항의 EAI를 중심으로 | 하효동 |
2014-02 | A Study on Organizational Members’ Psychological Reactance Factors on IT Governance Control | 조성필 |
2017-02 | 하이브리드 메모리의 수명을 고려한 버퍼 할당 기법 | 이대영 |
2017-02 | Investigate the Success Factors for Social Networking Site (SNS)-based Commerce | 수아이니 |
2019 | Modular SSD Firmware with ISP Framework and Security-Aware SPM Management | Thomas Haywood Dadzie Ekow |
2019 | SNS에 기반을 둔 전자상거래의 서비스 품질에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구 | 최정운 |
2018-02 | 인공 신경망 기반 IoT 정보 보안 시스템 연구 | 이승원 |
2018-02 | Integrated Supporting Platform for the Visually Impaired : Using Smart devices and Web-based Server | 문창배 |
2017-08 | Factors that affect Chinese customers' choices between B2C or C2C transaction methods | Gu Beiqi |
2017-08 | C2M—B2C의 의존하여 새로운 전자상거래모델 | 첸징 |
2017-08 | Investigating the relationship between customers’ online shopping behavior and personal information disclosure | 왕인 |