Theses (Ph.D.)83 Collection home page


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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-022000년대 한국영화의 환상성 연구이지현
2016-02연극에 내재하는 치유적 원리에 관한 연구김진영
2016-02시네마에서 포스트시네마로의 전환에 관한 연구정찬철
2017-02슈퍼히어로 영화의 스토리텔링 전략 연구이현중
2017-02Bong Joon-ho and the Korean Film Industry:제이슨
2020-02Studies on the Metal-Catalyzed Heterocyclic Synthesis장수산
2020-02Physical and Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application to Photovoltaic Device이준영
2020-02Studies on Ionic Polymer Membranes for Improvement of Electromechanical Performance in Ionic Polymer Actuators권태훈
2020-02Studies on One-Pot Synthesis of Heterocycles유현지
2020-02Intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions of 2-pyrones for the total synthesis of natural products이준호
2020-02High-Resolution Patterning and Large-Area Thin Film Fabrication of Various Materials and Their Application to Electronic Devices박윤경
2020-02제주 여성상에 대한 영화적 재현으로서의 장편영화 <어멍> 연구고훈
2019M13 bacteriophage-based color sensor as a simple screening tool for identification of phthalate species and discrimination of geographical origins of agriculture samplesDaun Seol
2019루돌프 슈타이너의 인지학을 수용한 미하일 체홉의 연기방법론 연구김영래
2019-02Study on fabrication methods of organic-inorganic hybrid thin films and applications of electric devicesLee, Lynn
2019-02Investigation of Chemical Stimuli Responsive Colorimetric Sensors and Enhancing Raman Detection Limit Using SERSNam, Jihye
2019-02Fabrication of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thin Films Using Atomic Layer Infiltration and Molecular Layer Deposition and Their Application to Electronic DevicesJung Jin Won
2019-02Fabrications and Characterizations of Crystalline and Complex-index Materials Doped Hyperuniform Disordered Photonic MaterialsChun hee Seo
2019-02Fabrication of Metal and 2D materials Using Atomic Layer Deposition And Their Application to Electronic DeviceKim, Hong Bum
2019-02Development of Metal-Catalyzed or -Mediated Cyclization ReactionsTaeYun Ko