후-측방충돌 회피를 위한 확률적 위험도 기반 점유영역 생성 알고리즘
- Title
- 후-측방충돌 회피를 위한 확률적 위험도 기반 점유영역 생성 알고리즘
- Other Titles
- Probabilistic Risk-Based Occupancy Region Generation Algorithm for Rear-Side Collision Avoidance
- Author
- 백승혁
- Alternative Author(s)
- Baek Seung Hyuk
- Advisor(s)
- 박장현
- Issue Date
- 2024. 2
- Publisher
- 한양대학교 대학원
- Degree
- Master
- Abstract
- As Level 3 and higher autonomous vehicles become commercially availa
ble, there is a growing interest in active safety systems that respond to u
npredictable and dangerous situations. Therefore, based on this technologic
al trend, this paper proposes a driving algorithm for responding to uncom
mon but difficult-to-avoid side and rear collision situations.
The proposed algorithm consists of three steps. First, the object is track
ed through the Decoupled Tracking & Fusion method using mutual inform
ation with the Ego vehicle. Second, to recognize the driving situation cons
idering the path characteristics, the probabilistic coefficient of the direction
al Time to Collision is applied. Third, generate an occupied region ahead
based on the estimated collision risk to create a cubic path function based
on the Risk Density.
In the case of an abnormal rear-end merging of a neighboring vehicle, t
he proposed algorithm generated risk-based occupancy zones and performe
d evasive maneuvers. Therefore, we expect that the proposed algorithm pe
rforms a reasonable risk assessment than previous one.
- http://hanyang.dcollection.net/common/orgView/200000725074https://repository.hanyang.ac.kr/handle/20.500.11754/189101
- Appears in Collections:
- GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING(미래자동차공학과) > Theses (Master)
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