A Psychological Model of Shopping APP Design Based on Consumer Motivations
- Title
- A Psychological Model of Shopping APP Design Based on Consumer Motivations
- Other Titles
- 소비자 동기에 따른 쇼핑앱 디자인 심리모델 제안
- Author
- 형해빈
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- Issue Date
- 2024. 2
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- 한양대학교 대학원
- Degree
- Doctor
- Abstract
- A Psychological Model of Shopping APP Design Based on Consumer Motivations KAIBIN XING Dept. of School of Design The Graduate School Hanyang University With the rapid development of modern networks, online shopping has become a very important part of people's lives. Almost all our needs in real life can be realized on the Internet. With the rapid development of economy and technology, online shopping has become more and more popular. Since 1996, the consumption form of online shopping through computer PC has begun to appear in South Korea, and it has become more and more popular since then. However, computer online shopping is highly restricted, so with the popularity of mobile phones, mobile shopping has gradually appeared and completely changed people's lives. People can use software programs on their mobile phones to make quick and convenient purchases in their daily lives, such as group purchases of food, advance reservations, online ticket purchases, shopping, online bank payments, etc. At the same time, many different online shopping brands have also been born. Some brands already have many offline stores, but they still open mobile shopping apps. In this context, experience is one of the spiritual and cultural pursuits, and businesses will naturally seize the selling point of experience and use it as the added value of their products to attract more customers to buy. One of the most important competitiveness. However, with the continuous changes in modern technology and social forms, the consumption patterns of modern consumers are also constantly changing. Especially under the influence of the new coronavirus that occurred at the end of 2019, the world began to implement policy isolation and maintain social distance, which greatly changed the entire consumption environment, and online shopping became more important to consumers. Researchers realize that such changes are not only related to the continuous changes in online shopping brand design, but also to the mutation of consumers' consumption concepts. The purpose of this study is to study the transformation of consumer psychology under the sudden change of social environment and online consumption environment on the basis of theoretical research and practical investigation, and to create a psychological model based on this law. Study consumer motivations and behaviors, clarify the basic motivations and dominant motivations of consumers, as well as the dominant motivations of the six main research objects, and then grade consumer motivations hierarchically. Conduct main research based on consumer motivation in consumer psychology to explore the relationship between consumer motivation, brand experience and visual elements of brand GUI design. Understand the changes in consumers' shopping psychology, and improve the consumer shopping psychology model by combining consumer motivations, brand experience and GUI elements. Based on the above theoretical research and combined with the analysis of the research object, the most basic hypothesis is put forward, and then a questionnaire is made and the results are analyzed to verify your hypothesis. Based on theoretical analysis and actual investigation, establish a consumer psychological model that combines scientific consumer psychology with brand visual design. The main research methods are literature research, case analysis and questionnaire survey. In the literature research stage, psychological literature is mainly studied. Brand design literature. Domestic and foreign academic papers. Then conduct research object analysis based on prior research. Finally, based on previous research, hypotheses were put forward, and questionnaire surveys and analysis were conducted. In order to conduct research effectively, this research is divided into three stages: The first stage of research is mainly theoretical basic research. First, a basic research and analysis on consumer motivations in consumer psychology content was conducted. Consumer motivations are divided into basic motivations and dominant motivations. Then the brand experience content was researched and analyzed, as well as the related theoretical research on the visual design elements of the brand shopping mobile app GUI design, and the brand experience content was redefined based on the current status of the studied online shopping platform. The second stage is the model evaluation stage. In this stage, firstly based on the previous research on consumer motivations, the consumer dominant motivations affected by the six research object brands were analyzed. Combined with the previous research on app GUI design, the visual design elements of the research objects were analyzed. Analyze which brand experiences and consumer-led motivations are affected by different visual elements. Then based on the analysis content, research questions and hypotheses are proposed, a questionnaire is set up based on the hypotheses, and the results are analyzed using questionnaires, SPSS and cross-analysis methods. The questionnaire was set up twice, divided into preliminary survey and formal survey. In the last stage, based on previous research and analysis, the model content is scientifically improved and revised to obtain the most scientific results. Before conducting the study, the researcher first set up the model based on the consumer purchasing behavior model and the visual elements of UI design. The psychological model of online shopping brand design is based on consumer psychology and brand design psychology. The model shows the process of consumers completing the entire consumption behavior. According to consumer psychology, consumers complete consumption behavior in three stages. Researchers believe that internal influencing factors in the first stage mainly come from consumers' own consumption motivations. The external influencing factors in the second stage come from online brand design. The second stage and the first stage can influence each other. When both stages have a positive and correct impact on consumer psychology, consumers can complete their consumption behavior. Figure 1. Initial research model In the second chapter, the theoretical content is mainly studied and analyzed. The first is consumer psychology. Based on the research on consumer psychology by several scholars in China, the United States, and South Korea, they came up with a definition of consumer psychology. Consumer psychology can be defined as the scientific study of purchasing decisions, that is, the behavioral and mental processes displayed when purchasing, using and processing products and services that consumers expect to meet their needs. Consumer psychology is an integral part of consumer economics. Studying consumer psychology can improve consumption efficiency and business efficiency. The most basic purposes of studying consumer psychology and behavior are twofold: First, to provide decision-making information for the production, operation and management of industrial and commercial enterprises, and to guide the production, operation and management of industrial and commercial enterprises. The second is to understand consumers' needs, motivations and consumption experiences, etc., to encourage companies to improve product quality and service levels, and ultimately serve consumers better. In consumer psychology, consumption motivation is the most direct reason and motivation for consumers to purchase and consume goods. Consumer motivations are divided into basic motivations and dominant motivations. Basic motivations are the most basic and universal reasons and motivations for people to purchase consumer goods. The dominant motive is the main and most direct reason and motivation that causes people to buy or consume a certain product. When consumption motives are realized as consumption behaviors, some consumption motives directly promote one consumption behavior, while some motives may also promote the realization of multiple consumptions at the same time, and it may also promote one consumption behavior under the control of multiple motives. Therefore, Motivation and consumption behavior were not completely one-to-one correspondence before. In consumer psychology, consumption motivation is the most direct reason and motivation for consumers to purchase and consume goods. Consumer motivations are divided into basic motivations and dominant motivations. Basic motivations are the most basic and universal reasons and motivations for people to purchase consumer goods. The dominant motive is the main and most direct reason and motivation that causes people to buy or consume a certain product. When consumption motives are realized as consumption behaviors, some consumption motives directly promote one consumption behavior, while some motives may also promote the realization of multiple consumptions at the same time, and it may also promote one consumption behavior under the control of multiple motives. Therefore, Motivation and consumption behavior were not completely one-to-one correspondence before. And consumer psychology also has a positive impact on design. Consumer psychology is a discipline that studies consumer psychology activities. Its purpose is to study people's psychological activity patterns and personality psychological characteristics in the daily consumption process and daily purchasing behavior. Consumer psychology understands the consumption needs of different consumer groups. Consumer needs are often affected by factors such as the times and the environment. With the development of society and scientific progress, the needs of consumers are also constantly changing. Therefore, design needs the guidance of consumer psychology to achieve greater success in the consumer market. Any successful design must start from the study of consumer psychology, so as to grasp consumer needs, attitudes, motivations and future development trends of consumer psychology, so as to gain the largest consumer market. Secondly, when consumers use shopping APPs to shop, the experience the APP brings to consumers is also very important. Bernd H. Schmitt, a professor at Columbia University in the United States, is evaluated as the pioneer of brand experience theory. Burnt Schmidt proposed five experience types (sense, feel, think, act, relate) that constitute the experiential marketing framework, which are called "strategic experience modules (SEMs). Strategic Experiential Modules)" Each experience type has inherent structure and implementation principles. It is not only considered to be one experience, but can also be a mixture of two or more. This study intends to use the term brand experience design to describe the brand of platform brands Experience, from the design level. The existing brand experience concept also includes the design concept, but this is to focus on various brand activities (brand identity, products, packaging, environment, space, website, SNS, etc.) Focus on visual communication. The development of online shopping in South Korea has gone from online shopping to TV shopping (1990s), which can be regarded as the stage before PC. Starting from Interpark in 1996, G-market opened the open market era in 2005 and experienced PC-based online shopping. Explosive increase in shopping. In the past, services that could only be experienced on computer networks are now being integrated into networks and applications with the popularization of smart machines. Mobile application services are divided into four types: local application, mobile network, mobile network application, and hybrid application. In order to observe the visual communication elements of platform brands, we studied the prior research on platform characteristics related to the visual elements of GUI (Graphic User Interface). This paper mainly studies the prior research related to GUI visual research, and based on the GUI visual components that various researchers pay attention to, the brand experience design factors that are mainly observed in this study are proposed. Basic visual design elements are basic and simple elements that are often included in visual design such as icon, layout, color, graphics, and text. This study mainly conducts research through five visual design elements: icon, layout, color, image, and text. In the third chapter, mainly based on the previous theoretical research on consumer motivation, brand experience and GUI, six Korean shopping brand APPs are analyzed. The term icon (button) refers to a clickable picture on the screen and describes a special type of button symbolically. Icons should have an immediacy that can be recognized once and for all. Icons are small drawings prepared to display buttons and objects, and are a symbol of today's interface design. Layout is the most complex visual element. There are the following six types of layout designs in UI design. They are Full, List, Gallery, and Tab layouts are divided into List, Grid, and Card. Full layout is suitable for software startup pages.Use a brand logo or promotional message on the launch page. List layout is suitable for the menu bar page of shopping software. It is generally composed of text and simple graphics. Gallery layout is used for pages that mainly display pictures. Tab layout is mainly a complex layout composed of menu text and pictures. List layout refers to displaying multiple menus and their contents on one screen. Grid layout means that multiple menus can be displayed on one page at the same time, and the products corresponding to different menus can be seen and switched at will. Card layout is applicable to the product details page.The color elements in GUI can be divided into five different colors according to functions, namely brand color, default color, action color, text color and background color. When using mobile platforms, one of the elements that has a huge impact on users' emotions is images. Compared with words, visual images are intuitive and symbolic in giving meaning, which attracts attention. In this study, mainly based on the use of pictures in the APP, it is summarized as three ratios of pictures: 1:1, 4:3 and 16:9. The feelings and effects of pictures of different ratios on xviii consumers are brought to consumers. The impacts are all different. In mobile UI design, when reading titles, menus, and content, they must be interpreted with an appropriate amount of text. In order to read quickly and easily, readability is also an essential element. The font and color of the text will have an impact on consumers.Through the analysis of the UI visual elements in six brand shopping APPs, it can be initially seen that among the current shopping software UI design visual elements, the most consistent consumer motivations are low price motivation, practical motivation, convenience motivation, and habitual motivation. Therefore, it can be seen from these that the low-price motive, practicality motive, convenience motive, and habit motive are the most considered in design, indicating that these four motives are the most important in the minds of consumers. Safety motivation and health motivation are mainly consumers' feelings, which are difficult to reflect through design. However, they can be strengthened through the interactive functions of software and consumers to form a trusting relationship with consumers and form a brand relationship experience. Other motivations such as gift giving and aesthetic motivation are mainly experienced through the products sold in the APP or the actual experience of consumers when using the APP. At present, when designing the visual elements of the platform, the most common considerations are consumers’ practical motivations, habitual motivations, convenience motivations, and low-price motivations. Layout is the visual element that contains the most information, so it can influence the most consumer motivations and experiences. Secondly, there are pictures. Pictures combine pictures, colors and text into one, so they can also convey a lot of information to consumers at the same time, thereby affecting consumer motivation and experience. It can also be seen that the five visual elements jointly affect consumers’ cognitive experience. Cognitive experience is to allow consumers to recognize brand characteristics, and the APP needs to enhance the brand's identity through the performance of GUI visual elements. From the analysis, it can be seen that these six brands are successful in terms of consumer recognition. In Chapter 4, based on the previous research on the theoretical part and the analysis of the research objects, two research questions are proposed. Research question 1: How does consumer motivation affect the UI design of brand shopping APP? Research Question 2: Which consumer motivations do the visual elements of brand shopping APPs correspond to? Then, based on the research questions, the researcher formulated hypotheses. Based on the research hypotheses, a total of two questionnaires were administered. The first is a preliminary investigation. Taking into account the different usage habits of mobile phone software among different age groups, a total of 50 people were surveyed in the preliminary survey, mainly in the age group of 20-40. Mainly Koreans, international students and professionals who can use Korean software. According to the results of the preliminary questionnaire, the results show that consumers believe that lower prices and discounts are the factors that consumers pay most attention to when shopping, so Coupang, which sells cheaper prices, is the most commonly used shopping software by consumers. This is different from the initial division of consumer market levels, indicating that consumer psychology has indeed changed under changes in the social environment. The initial consumer psychology should be based on the basic practicality of the item as the most basic need, followed by a certain need for safety. But according to the survey results, safety motivation ranks fifth, not because safety is not important. But most consumers believe that the safety and health of products need to be truly felt, and it is difficult to feel it only through the visual design elements of APP software. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of purchased goods and the health of consumers, a new online shopping method of Live commerce has been born, that is, a live broadcast is set up to directly introduce goods to consumers. This shopping method satisfies consumers' safety motives and health motives that cannot be satisfied in ordinary shopping software. Based on the results of the preliminary questionnaire, the questions of the questionnaire were modified and a second formal questionnaire was conducted. A total of 495 people of all ages were randomly surveyed, including 273 males (55.15%) and 222 females. The occupations of the survey subjects cover all occupations, including students, teachers, working people, professionals (such as accountants, lawyers, medical staff, etc.), housewives, etc. Based on the previous research analysis and preparatory survey results analysis, corresponding evaluation standards and APP performance descriptions were formulated with GUI visual elements as the main inspection elements.This study used SPSS26.0 and Amos23.0 statistical programs for analysis. First, in order to ensure internal consistency and rationality, this study conducted reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis on the reliability and feasibility of the research variables. Secondly, one-way ANOVA was used for verification to examine the difference in scores of different software. Finally, multiple linear regression analysis was implemented to verify the research hypotheses and verify the differences in study path coefficients. The specific process is research hypothesis, sample analysis, reliability analysis, research variable description analysis, variable correlation analysis, research hypothesis verification analysis, and difference analysis. After hiring professionals to conduct data analysis, this questionnaire is credible, the relationship between the dependent variables is reasonable, and the assumptions are also reasonable, proving that the results of the questionnaire are persuasive and can be used as professional data. Through the second questionnaire survey and analysis of questionnaire results, the rationality and feasibility of the model were verified. In the first stage of the model, consumers must first have consumption motivation. When the consumer's consumption motivation is satisfied, the purchase behavior will be completed in conjunction with the second stage. The factors in these two stages will affect each other, so the influencing factors in both stages are equally important. When consumers purchase items, the first considerations are practical motives, convenience motives and low price motives. Therefore, Coupangs that meet these three motivations are most popular among consumers. Practitioners are advised to prioritize these three motivations when designing brands. Finally, based on the above research and analysis, the researcher modified and improved the model and obtained the following model. The model is divided into three important links, namely consumer motivation, brand experience and GUI elements. This model is designed for brand designers. It refines three important factors that influence consumer behavior into important keywords and simplifies the design thinking process. In the model, consumer motivation is the first factor to be considered in the design process, because it is the most direct reason and motivation for consumers to purchase, especially the dominant motivation of consumers. In previous research and analysis, changes in consumers’ dominant consumption motivations have been analyzed. At present, the most important dominant motivation affecting consumers has been transformed from the original practical motivation to the low-price motivation. Therefore, it is recommended that when designing the APP The low price motive can be considered as an important motive. For example: Coupang attracts consumers to use the Coupang APP for consumption by satisfying consumers' motivation for low prices. Coupang will always provide consumers with the lowest price for the same product and guarantee delivery within 24 hours. Brand experience, in this model, mainly reflects that when consumers use the brand's shopping APP, it affects consumers' intuitive feelings through GUI visual elements and brings five types of experiences to consumers, thereby affecting consumers' consumption motivations. Promote consumption behavior. But in turn, consumers' consumption motivations will also affect consumers' experience with the brand. GUI, in this model, the GUI is mainly composed of five visual design elements. Brands xxiii communicate with consumers through GUI visual design elements, influencing consumers' experience of the brand and consumer motivations. For example, color affects consumers' sensory and cognitive experience. Using different colors can add layers to the page design, and different colors also have different functions in the eyes of consumers, making it easier for consumers to quickly navigate complex pages. Recognize the information you want. In this model, the three important elements do not have a strict sequential relationship. They have a mutual influence relationship. As long as the mutual relationship between them is clear, it can be used well. Figure 2. Research Model Figure 3. Thesis Composition Chart
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