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dc.contributor.advisorALBERT YOUNG CHOI-
dc.date.issued2024. 2-
dc.description.abstractA Study on the App Gaming Character Illustration Style Applying Chinese Mythology Ancient Book "Classic of Mountains and Seas" YIXUAN LIU Dept, School of Design The Graduate School Hanyang University Under the leadership of the current economic and social development, traditional Chinese culture continues to evolve and diversify in its visual expression. With the constant improvement of people's quality of life and aesthetic level, coupled with the deepening of globalization, the field of art and design has become more diversified. People have more choices and their consumption concept has become more unique, with a shift towards pursuing individuality and beauty. The vast and profound traditional Chinese culture provides designers with more creative possibilities. This thesis combines new elements with traditional culture to present new design images, showcasing the diverse world of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" to a wider audience for better promotion and dissemination. The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is famous for its extraordinary literary and aesthetic value, although it has a long history, its popularity is not high. In the electronic network age, with the gradual decline of reading books, animation, games, and film and television works have become one of the main ways for young people to understand and recognize traditional culture. Under the background of globalization, foreign deities such as Athena, Odin, vampires, elves, and goblins often appear in games, film and television, and animation works, significantly influencing the cultural cognition of young people in China. How to reflect the inheritance of traditional culture in animation, games, and film and television works has become a new topic in cultural protection. China's monster culture has a long history, unique characteristics, and cross-border influence, which is an important part of Chinese traditional culture and has a significant influence on the development of monster culture in East Asia. "Classic of Mountains and Seas", widely recognized as the sole document to allow for an understanding of the prehistoric civilization that has since been severed, contains a multitude of myths and legends that have evolved into significant symbols of traditional Chinese culture, reflecting the religious beliefs, cultural heritage, and social and political conditions of ancient Chinese society. In-depth analysis of these narratives can elucidate the true nature of prehistoric civilization, providing a vital context for understanding the evolution of human civilization. The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" myths possess both romantic, fantastical, and literary qualities and reflect the historical trajectory of Chinese society from its primitive tribal phase to its agricultural phase. This rich cultural heritage, which is not merely an invaluable component of Chinese culture but also a fundamental facet of human civilization, can be substantially improved through further research and preservation. Through an exploration of the concept of reincarnation and other "Classic of Mountains and Seas" contents, scientific and technological researchers can be motivated to probe into fields like cloning, thereby fostering the advancement of science and technology and exerting a positive influence on societal development. The respect for nature and attention to environmental conservation reflected in "Classic of Mountains and Seas" provide insights into the ancient people's understanding and approach towards the natural environment, providing essential guidance for contemporary societies. A thorough understanding of these concepts can facilitate a more effective preservation of natural resources and ecological balance. The study of "Classic of Mountains and Seas" not only holds immense academic value but also promotes cultural preservation, scientific and technological progression, and environmental awareness, thus presenting a significant imperative. The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" has undergone multiple versions of adaptation, most of which are presented in a combination of text and images, so the understanding of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" culture is not profound. This thesis focuses on the analysis of game characters with the theme of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", highlighting the combination of modern design aesthetics and traditional culture, strengthening people's attention to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", promoting its commercial and aesthetic extension, and creating more commercially aesthetic design works. Game art is the most intuitive part of the entire game, with a direct impact on the overall sensory and quality of the game. Due to its unique visual communication characteristics, it often becomes the standard for players to judge a game. This thesis explores and summarizes the monster images in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", analyzes and showcases modern game design cases based on the monster culture, and summarizes applicable design principles and methods. This thesis is divided into six chapters to study the visual cultural design of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", with the first chapter introducing the research background, facing problems, the purpose, and significance of the thesis. Chapter 2 mainly introduces the ancient book "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and the monster culture contained within it. It provides a detailed explanation of the origin, development, significance and external influence of this culture. Chapter 3 analyzes and synthesizes the characteristics of the monster images in "Classic of Mountains and Seas", and applies design psychology and aesthetic theory to explore their expression techniques, aesthetic features and overall characteristics. It also compares and studies the differences in the depictions of monster images in picture books based on "Classic of Mountains and Seas" from various periods, particularly regarding the use of brushwork, and gives in-depth case studies and analyses. Based on the current usage status, it summarizes and identifies deficiencies and problems in the cultural inheritance of monster images in game art, and contrasts and analyzes the differences and connections between the depictions of monster images in ancient and modern picture books, and in modern game characters. It concludes by highlighting the reference and value of picture books for character creation. Chapter 4 analyzes the modern illustration style, including its stylistic features and color effects, using examples from specific games that use "Classic of Mountains and Seas" themes. This analysis is based on the previous research and discussion, and includes a detailed examination of the background and plot design of the game. Chapter 5 conducts an aesthetic evaluation and extraction of the cultural values of "Classic of Mountains and Seas", and outlines a research study on the derivative product market. This chapter also examines the current understanding and accessibility of "Classic of Mountains and Seas" among the general public, and provides a prospect for future commercial value. Finally, Chapter 6 is a summary of the whole study. Research conducted on "Classic of Mountains and Seas" modernization yielded some promising outcomes. It facilitated the modernization of "Classic of Mountains and Seas" culture and the integration with contemporary art, catalyzing its innovative evolution, fostering a unique artistic style and creative approach, and offering individuals new perspectives and avenues for imagination. The myths and legends from "Classic of Mountains and Seas" have been widely employed in various entertainment sectors such as film and gaming, invigorating creative inspiration and generating a plethora of literary, film and television materials. The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" culture underscores the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature. As the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" culture modernizes, people have advanced their comprehension and appreciation for the natural environment by studying and disseminating the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" environmental conservation principles. Numerous writers, artists, and philosophers have drawn inspiration from "Classic of Mountains and Seas", fostering an array of literary, artistic, and philosophical works. Simultaneously, it has created new tourist attractions and tourism routes, fostering the growth and prosperity of the tourism industry. For instance, the scenic landscapes of Qingcheng Mountain, Emei Mountain, Jiuding Mountain, and other locations in China have brought about numerous positive influences and alterations to modern society.-
dc.publisher한양대학교 대학원-
dc.titleA Study on the App Gaming Character Illustration Style Applying Chinese Mythology Ancient Book-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorLIU YIXUAN-
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