Rare Isotope Production and Identification with Korea Broad Acceptance Recoil Spectrometer and Apparatus
- Title
- Rare Isotope Production and Identification with Korea Broad Acceptance Recoil Spectrometer and Apparatus
- Other Titles
- 핵반응되튐분광장치 KoBRA를 이용한 희귀동위원소 생성 및 식별
- Author
- 김동건
- Alternative Author(s)
- Dong Geon Kim
- Advisor(s)
- 김용균
- Issue Date
- 2024. 2
- Publisher
- 한양대학교 대학원
- Degree
- Doctor
- Abstract
- Rare Isotope Production and Identification with Korea Broad Acceptance Recoil Spectrometer and Apparatus Dong Geon KIM Department of Nuclear Engineering The Graduate School Hanyang University Korea Broad acceptance Recoil spectrometer and Apparatus (KoBRA) is a multi- purpose experimental instrument for lowenergynuclear experiments, constructed as a part of the Rare isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments (RAON) facility at the Institute for Rare Isotope Science (IRIS) in Republic of Korea. KoBRA will be utilized not only to produce rare isotopes (RI) beams using stable isotope (SI) beams at an energy region of 1−40MeV/nucleon, but also to study nuclear reactions with an RI beam from the Isotope Separation On-Line method (ISOL) system. This thesis introduces details of KoBRA, and shows the results of first beam commission- ing alongwith experimental methodologies for KoBRA in terms of the rare isotopes production. The rare isotope production mechanism near the Fermi energy of nuclei has an advantage to get high intensity of the neutron-rich nuclei due to enhanced pro- duction cross section. Large angular andmomentum acceptances, however, are re- quired because the neutron-rich nuclei beams spreads out in the angle-momentum phase space, whereKoBRA is characterizedwith awidemagnetic rigidity range and broad acceptance over the conventional in-flight RI-beam separators. The RI beam production at the Fermi energy was confirmed using light mass production target, and the produced isotopes were identified clearly, showing that KoBRA can provide the RI beams for low energy nuclear physics experiments. This result is indicative of that the Fermi energy can be also useful to production RI beams, thereby opening the new avenue for the rare isotope science.
- http://hanyang.dcollection.net/common/orgView/200000726585https://repository.hanyang.ac.kr/handle/20.500.11754/188690
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- GRADUATE SCHOOL[S](대학원) > NUCLEAR ENGINEERING(원자력공학과) > Theses (Ph.D.)
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