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The Impact of Changing China-U.S. Relations on the Development of the North Korean Nuclear Problem

The Impact of Changing China-U.S. Relations on the Development of the North Korean Nuclear Problem
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변화하는 미-중 관계가 북핵 문제의 전개에 미친 영향
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Issue Date
2023. 8
The North Korean nuclear problem is one of the most complex and delicate issues confronting the global community, with immense possible consequences for worldwide security and the upholding of the nuclear non-proliferation framework. Additionally, the relationship between China and the United States assumes paramount importance as a vital bilateral alliance on the global stage, wielding profound ramifications for global harmony and stability. The ascension of China as a formidable force in both economic and military realms, coupled with the United States' strategic reorientation towards the Indo-Pacific, has not only reconfigured the regional power dynamics but also presented novel trials and prospects for both nations. This study seeks to comprehensively analyze the implications resulting from the evolving dynamics between China and the United States, specifically in relation to the North Korean nuclear program. By investigating the historical trajectory of China-U.S. relations since the end of the Cold War, as well as the transformative ascent of China and the consequent changes in the nature of the China-U.S. relationship, this study aims to shed light on the responses exhibited by both nations towards the development of the North Korean nuclear program. Furthermore, it delves into the intricate influence that China-U.S. relations wield on the advancement of the North Korean nuclear program. To facilitate this, the study adopts the theoretical framework of realism in international relations theory. This approach provides a solid foundation for evaluating China-U.S. relations and assessing the calculation of their respective comprehensive national interests. In terms of research design, a qualitative methodology is employed, drawing upon a range of primary and secondary sources. These sources encompass official government statements, reports, and speeches by elected officials, as well as data and information sourced from government websites, books, articles, journals, news reports, and pertinent content from social media platforms. By exploring the evolution of China-U.S. relations in the post-Cold War era, this research offers insights into how shifting power dynamics and strategic interests have influenced approaches to the North Korean nuclear issue. The China-U.S. relationship is analyzed through the lens of three distinct phases: "Comprehensive Engagement" (1991-2001), "Strategic Competition" (2001-2017), and "Strategic Rivalry" (2017-2022). Furthermore, the "Strategic Competition" phase is further delineated into two sub-phases: "Relatively Friendly Bilateral Relations" (2001-2008) and "Bilateral Relations Decline" (2008-2017). Moreover, the research identifies two additional phases spanning from 2017: the "Accelerated Deterioration of China-U.S. Relations" (2017-2021) and the "Strategic Standoff" (2021-2022). Through a realist perspective that emphasizes the dynamics of power, national self-interest, and state competition, this study uncovers the influence of China-U.S. relations on the development of the North Korean nuclear program. Notably, during periods characterized by relative cooperation, exemplified by the "Comprehensive Engagement" phase, China and the U.S. joined forces to address the nuclear issue, capitalizing on China's influential leverage over North Korea. Conversely, during phases marked by strategic competition and rivalry, such as the "Strategic Competition" phase, their approaches diverged significantly. The U.S. adopted a confrontational stance, while China prioritized stability and sought avenues for dialogue. The subsequent emergence of the "Strategic Standoff" phase further exacerbated the already detrimental impact on the situation. Viewed through a realist lens, this research illustrates how the evolving landscape of China-U.S. relations holds the key to determining the future trajectory of the North Korean nuclear issue. A constructive and cooperative relationship between these nations paves the way for a potentially satisfactory resolution, while a deteriorating relationship raises the specter of heightened tensions and potential escalation. Consequently, gaining a profound understanding of the intricate dynamics between China and the U.S. becomes a prerequisite for effectively and adeptly addressing the complexities surrounding the North Korean nuclear issue.
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