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세계선수권대회 남자 체조 국가대표선수 세계우수선수들의 철봉종목 기술동향 비교 연구

세계선수권대회 남자 체조 국가대표선수 세계우수선수들의 철봉종목 기술동향 비교 연구
Other Titles
A Comparative Analysis on Horizontal Bar Skill Trend of Male National Gymnasts/World Top Athletes in 2011 World
Difficulty level; horizontal bar
Issue Date
한국체육과학회지, v. 21, NO. 5, Page. 1201-1212
The purpose of this study was to complement the weaknesses of the existing research results that were presented in a fragmented manner and analyze the changes in the techniques and acting of the world class players for the horizontal bar category that was manifested after the modification of the scoring rules. This study seeks to present resourceful information that could help the elite gymnasts to develop unique acting and to improve their performance that will help them to produce superb results in the international tournaments. Towards this end, five national team members who participated in the 2011 World Championships and the five outstanding players who made it to the finals of the horizontal bar category in the 2011 World Championships were analyzed based on the new ruling system applied since 2009. SPSS 19.0 program was used to process the collected data. Frequency distribution was calculated according to the purpose of the data analysis, and average (M), standard deviation (SD) and percentage(%) were subjected to the statistical processing. Results on the two groups' averages were verified with the significant level of p<.05 through the t verification of the independent sample. As for the Difficulty Level C, average of the group of the national team members was 2.00 while the average of the world class gymnasts was manifested significantly with 0.80(t=2.449, p<.05). As for the Difficulty Level D, average of the group of the national team members was 4.60 while the average of the world class gymnasts was manifested as not significant with 5.40( (t=-.943, p<.05), which was a regretable result. As for the Difficulty Level E, average of the group of the national team members was 1.00 while the average of the world class gymnasts was manifested significantly with 2.80(t=-3.674, class gymnasts was manifested significantly with 0.80(t=2.449, p<.05). As for the Difficulty Level D, average of the group of the national team members was 4.60 while the average of the world class gymnasts was manifested as not significant with 5.40( (t=-.943, v<.05), which was a regretable result. As for the Difficulty Level E, average of the group of the national team members was 1.00 while the average of the world class gymnasts was manifested significantly with 2.80(t=-3.674, p<.01). As for the linked difficulty level, average of the group of the national team members was 0.80 while the average of the world class gymnasts was manifested significantly with 2.80(t=-3.244, p<.05).
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