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독립영화 관람행동 특성 연구

독립영화 관람행동 특성 연구
Other Titles
A Study on Determinant Factors of Behavior in Watching Independent Film
독립 영화; 관람행동; 영화 소비 동기; independent films; audience’s behavior in watching films; motivations
Issue Date
한국방송학보, v. 24, NO. 5, Page. 503-543
본 연구는 독립영화의 소비 방식이 점차 대중화되는 시점에 수용자의독립영화 관람동기와 특성을 파악하고 독립영화 관람행동 결정 요인을 살펴보고자 하였다. 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 독립영화 관람동기는 ‘자아성찰과 경험’, ‘작품성’, ‘휴식’, ‘사회적 상호작용’, ‘감독 및 배우관심’ 등 5가지 요인으로 나타났다. 둘째, 독립영화를 함께 관람하는 관람동반자를 살펴본 결과, 조사대상자들은 독립영화를 소비할 때 혼자 관람하는경우가 가장 많았으며, 다음으로 친구, 연인, 가족, 배우자·자녀 등과 함께관람하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 수용자들이 독립영화를 선택할 때 고려하는 영화 선택 기준은 ‘영화 줄거리나 소재, 예술성·작품성, 주변 사람들의영화평, 배우의 연기력, 감독, 해외 영화제 출품 및 수상, 영화 관련 기사나 광고, 전문가 평가, 출연배우, 국내 영화제 출품 및 수상, 편집·촬영기술,흥행성적 순으로 고려하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 독립영화에 대한 정보를습득하는 독립영화 정보원에 대해 살펴본 결과, 수용자들은 인터넷으로 영화정보를 가장 많이 접하는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 독립 영화 관람정도, 재관람의도, 추천의도를 각각 종속변인으로 투입하여 회귀분석을 실시한 결과,먼저 독립영화 관람 정도는 텔레비전을 통해 영화정보를 얻고 영화를 혼자관람할수록 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 독립영화 재관람의도 결정 요인은‘혼자 관람’, ‘텔레비전 정보’, ‘작품성 동기’, ‘배우자·자녀와 관람’, ‘사회적상호작용 동기’ 등 5가지로 나타났다. 독립영화 추천의도에 영향을 미치는요인은 ‘텔레비전 정보’, ‘혼자 관람’, ‘작품성 동기’, ‘영화홍보물 정보’, ‘가족과 관람’ 등 5가지로 나타났다.;This study set out to provide a basic understanding of acceptance of independent films as their production and consumption had become more popular. After investigating the motivation, selection criteria,information source, and companion when watching independent films through Research Questions 1, the study went on to identify the variables to determine the audience’s behavior to watch independent films through Research Question 2. The research findings reveal that there were five motivations behind watching independent films, and they are “self-reflection and experience,”“quality,” “resting,” “social interactions” and “interest in the director and actor.” The quality factor was comprised of the items added after a preliminary study and the motivation for those who were tired of the themes or materials in major films and wanted to watch more artistic higher quality films. As for companions, most of the respondents watched independent films by themselves. When they had companions, friends were the most frequent companions, being followed by boyfriends or girlfriends,family members, spouses, and children in the order. The criteria the audience applied when watching independent films include “film reviews/advertisements,” “actor/director,” and “entries or awards at film festivals.” The audience obtained information about independent films from such sources as “promotional materials,”“television” and “radio, newspapers, and magazines.”Regression analysis was conducted to identify the determinant factors of behavior to watch independent films. As a result, behavior of watching independent films was significantly affected by “information about films and promotional materials,” “information from television,” “motivation for quality,” “watching alone,” and “watching with family.” To be specific, the watching behavior level went up when they had a motivation for quality, obtained information about films from programs or promotional materials, and watched them alone. When they watched with the family, their watching behavior level went down.
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