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기분조절제로 인한 인지기능 부작용이 동반된 양극성 기분장애 환자의 임상적인 특징: 아시아의 정신작용약물 처방 경향 연구(REAP-BD Survey) 중 국내 자료 활용

기분조절제로 인한 인지기능 부작용이 동반된 양극성 기분장애 환자의 임상적인 특징: 아시아의 정신작용약물 처방 경향 연구(REAP-BD Survey) 중 국내 자료 활용
Other Titles
Clinical Characteristics of Bipolar Disorder Patients with Mood Stabilizer-Induced Cognitive Side Effects findings from the REAP-BD Survey in Korea
양극성 장애; 기분조절제; 인지기능 부작용; Bipolar disorder; Mood stabilizer; Cognitive side effect
Issue Date
신경정신의학, v. 59, no. 3, page. 277-284
Objectives This study aimed to identify differences between bipolar disorder patients who experienced cognitive side effects and those who did not experience cognitive side effects due to prescription of mood stabilizers. Methods This study analyzed 350 Korean adults who were diagnosed with bipolar disorder and prescribed mood-stabilizing drugs. The patients were divided into two groups—patients who experienced cognitive side effects and those who did not experience cognitive side effects. We also compared the demographic and clinical characteristics between both groups. Results The number of patients with an untreated illness longer than 1 year was higher in the group of patients who experienced cognitive side effects compared to the group of patients who did not experience cognitive side effects. Further, the number of patients with manic symptoms at onset was higher in the group of patients who experienced cognitive side effects compared to the group of patients who did not experience cognitive side effects. In addition, the proportion of patients in remission was higher in the group of patients who experienced cognitive side effects compared to the group of patients who experienced no cognitive side effects. However, there was no significant difference regarding the type of mood stabilizer used between the groups. On the other hand, more people experienced cognitive side effects as the valproic acid dosage increased. Conclusion Our findings suggest that there are clinical and demographic differences between people who experienced cognitive side effects and those who did not experience cognitive side effects due to prescription of mood stabilizers.
1015-4817; 2289-0963
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기분조절제로 인한 인지기능 부작용이 동반된 양극성 기분장애 환자의 임상적인 특징 아시아의 정신작용약물 처방 경향 연구(REAP-BD Survey) 중 국내 자료 활용.pdfDownload
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