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코레오그래피(Choreography) 전공의 개념 정립을 통한 뉴 패러다임

코레오그래피(Choreography) 전공의 개념 정립을 통한 뉴 패러다임
Other Titles
A New Paradigm through Establishing the Concept of Choreography Major
Alternative Author(s)
Lee Yeon Hwa
Issue Date
2021. 8
본 연구는 코레오그래피 전공의 개념 정립을 통한 뉴 패러다임을 탐색하는 데에 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 델파이 기법을 활용하였으며, 전공 전문가와 타 전공 전문가 총 14명을 대상으로 3차례에 걸쳐 델파이 조사를 실시 하였다. 구체적인 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 코레오그래피 전공의 개념은“안무가가 형식적인 틀 없이 특정 장르에 국한되지 않고 자유롭게 개인이 가지고 있는 스타일과 장르를 음악에 맞춰 안무를 창작하고 그것을 연구하는 전공이다.”로 정의가 합의되었다. 둘째, 코레오그래피 전공의 내용은 특징적 내용과 교육적 내용으로 나누어 분석되었다. 특징적 내용으로는‘장르에 억압받지 않는다’와‘개인의 스타일’이 제시되었으며 교육적 내용으로는‘다양한 장르의 이해’,‘안무창작법’,‘전공의 역사’,‘표현력’,‘안무를 가르치는 방법’이 제시되었다. 셋째, 용어의 혼재로 인한 문제점은 8가지의 내용이 제시되었다. 구체적으로, 역사에 대한 인식의 어려움, 안무 개념의 혼재로 인한 장르적 구분의 어려움, 안무 개념의 광범위함, 댄서들 간의 갈등, 전공으로서의 불명확함, 코레오그래피에 대한 왜곡된 이해, 유행에 따른 무분별한 용어의 혼용, 용어의 무분별한 오용의 문제점이 제기되었다. 넷째, 개념 정립을 통한 개선 가능성은 8가지의 내용이 제시되었다. 구체적으로, 전공에 대한 명확한 인지, 전공 설명의 정확성 확립, 대중들의 전공에 대한 접근의 용이함, 교육 커리큘럼 확립 가능, 용어의 개념에 상응하는 춤 안무, 전공자의 긍정적 심리 형성, 전공자 간의 네트워크 및 소통 활성화, 댄서들의 정체성 확립 등의 개선이 가능한 것으로 분석되었다. 다섯째, 개념 정립을 통한 발전 가능성은 5가지의 내용이 제시되었다. 구체적으로, 춤에 대한 접근성 확보, 전공생의 전문성 향상, 전공의 교육 전문성 확립, 장기적인 춤 가능, 전공 인재육성 등의 발전이 가능한 것으로 분석되었다.|This study aims to establish the concepts of choreography majors and explore new paradigms based on the established concepts. To achieve thi s research purpose, we conducted a Delphi survey three times with 14 ex perts within the major and 14 experts in other majors by using the Delp hi technique to collect the opinions of the expert group and determine a consensus. We intend to present more rational, fundamental data of th e choreography major by predicting a new paradigm based on the concepts and concept establishment obtained through this study. The results of t his study are summarized as follows. First, this study defines the concept of choreography as a major in w hich a choreographer freely studies and creates choreography work accor ding to the style and genre of the individual without a formal framewor k and without being limited to a specific genre. Second, this study analyzed and revealed that the contents of the cho reography major were divided into characteristic contents and education al contents. Third, this study identified that choreography majors do not adequate ly recognize the history of terms they use due to inconsistent usage of terminology. According to the results of this study, the problems cause d by indiscriminate misuse of terminology include the inability to dist inguish between genres due to the wide range of choreography, conflicts between dancers due to differences in understanding the concepts in the vast scope of choreography, misunderstanding of the choreography major by non-majors, viewing choreography as a genre as a whole, and phenomen a in which many terms (Heels Choreo, Girlish Choreo, Hip-hop Choreo, et c.) appear and disappear within the major based on trends. Fourth, this study also recognized the possibility of improvements by establishing the concept for choreography majors, such as securing a cl ear understanding of choreography as a major, being able to elaborate u pon their major to others, providing smoother accessibility to choreogr aphy for the public (non-majors), crystallizing the history of the chor eography major, more effectively organizing the curriculum, utilizing t he concept of terms fitting to dancing performances, re-establishing wh ether the choreography major is a major or genre, recognizing the impor tance of fundamental skills, securing confidence in their majors, provi ding a sense of belonging, facilitating communication between majors, r estructuring the relations within dancer groups, appreciating each styl e, establishing the identity of the dancers, diversifying the education al curriculum, and unifying the major under one term in educational pub lications (thesis, textbook, etc.). Fifth, this study also presented the possibilities of advancement by establishing the concept, such as that choreography majors can solidify their understanding in the choreography and reflect the confidence in t heir performances, that those in the major can perform a broader range of dances by studying and researching more professionally, that the edu cational curriculum can be diversified with solid academic definition, that the number of people studying the choreography major may increase due to easier access, that people starting to dance can have easier acc ess to and a better understanding of the major to learn more efficientl y, that those in the major can learn and develop by recognizing what th ey need to learn, that those in the major can have a sense of pride in t heir field and grow faster, that those in the major can develop increas ed self-esteem, have positive thoughts, and can dance for a long time b y establishing their identity, that additional talented people can be p roduced and develop the major further, and finally that choreography ed ucators can be empowered with educational goals and higher-quality educ ation.
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