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한국 산업공예의 활성화 방법 연구

한국 산업공예의 활성화 방법 연구
Issue Date
한국공예논총, v. 3, no. 1, page. 197-234
본 연구는 문화적 정체성을 기반으로한 한국의 산업공예가 새로운 형태로 그 영역을 확산하고 있는 지식산업의 분야에서 핵심이 되어 21세기의 국제적 경쟁시장에서 주된 역할을하고 문화상품의 제작과 생산 활성화에 있어서 구체적으로 실행되어야 하는 방안을 연구하였다.The parad igm shift in indu stria l cra ft at the end of 20th Century is so fast that produ cers. managers. and cra ftmen need to adapt themsel ves to the cha nge. Due to the government' s emphas is on ex port. se rious att enti on and in vestment have been made in indu strial design departm ents . Yet the role and Iuction of industri al craft department has been dimini shed. Thi s study takes a historical approach to explain the formati ve peri od of indu stri al craft and to find an alte rnative pl an for the indu stri al craft ac tivatio n meth od in the 2 1s t Century in Korea. It also seeks to provide a new vision in the area of industrial craft. It explains the degree of general publ ic' s recog nition of Korean industrial craft, the sys tem of craf t education in the uni ver siti es, the gove rnmental polic ies, the sys tems of produ ction, marketin g, adve rtisement, and the composition of design in comparison with those of foreig n countries. This study suggests that the following steps must be taken to activate industrial craft. First, it is necessar y to es ta blis h a special guidi ng craft fac il ity . We hav e not o nly an organized gove rnmental supporting sys tem, but also have a clear concept for industri al craft in Korea. It needs to develop and increase togeth er busin ess and creating product so that it can improve the effect. Seco nd, it is necessary to protect design property right in industrial craft. It has long and such harmful coping design history, and that is why some of investors hesitate to invest their capital. The produ ct s with pir ated design must never be so ld anymore in any mark et with mor ally matured soc iety. Third, it is necessary to deve lop a corporation sys tem between industrial craft companies and un iversit ies . The soc iety and government have responsibiliti es to ree duca te designer s and mac hanics , and techni cians for impr oved qualit y of the design. Also craf t companies co uld have bett er chance to have goo d designer s if they take co llege stude nts as intern employees before their graduation. The intern students can famil iari ze themselves company sys tems and develop practical knowledge. Forth, it is necessary to cultiva te cultural and socia l poli cies. It is bett er to have simple rmarketing and distr ibuti on struc tures to activate industri al craft business. It will be helpful to open all-year-round ga llery and museum for craft products , to develop databases, long term plan s, and information centers. Creative design from cultura l identity can only survive in the internat ional market. Fifth, an effort needs to be made to guide our dayli fe co nsumer patt ern s with usin g good quality crafts pr odu ced within the se nse of our traditi on al valu es and th e tim es . Mod ern cra ftmen and busin essmen in Korea must coo perate to produ ce new images of cultural crafts for the buildup of international marketin g potent ials. The importance of cultural identiy must be emphasized as a point of connection between the industrial products and creative cra ft arts. This pape r concludes that it is urgent to find a way in which diverse craft areas can coopera te to deve lo p a lon g-t erm plan . A devel opment of new desi gn produ ct s , an improvement of dist ributi ve struc ture, a rev ision of gove rnmental supporting sys tem, and the achievement of international competitiveness will contribute to developing the industrial craft art in Korea.
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COLLEGE OF DESIGN[E](디자인대학) > JEWELRY & FASHION DESIGN(주얼리·패션디자인학과) > Articles
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