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「南炎浮洲志」의 두 세계, 信念과 疑惑

「南炎浮洲志」의 두 세계, 信念과 疑惑
Other Titles
Two Worlds in ‘Student Bak Visits the Underworld’(「南炎浮洲志」), Conviction and Doubt; 남염부주지의 두 세계, 신념과 의혹
金時習; 朴生; 南炎浮洲; 燄摩王; 信念; 疑惑; 思惟하는 人物; Kim Siseup; Park Saeng; Namyeombuju(Underworld); King of the Underworld; conviction; doubt; person of thoughts
Issue Date
어문연구, v. 48, no. 1, page. 85-112
이 글은 「남염부주지(南炎浮洲志)」의 서사가 스스로 말하는 형식을 분석한 하여 그 의미를 밝힌 것이다. 가급 외부 조건으로부터 작품을 분리시켜 분석했고, 부분 부분을 확대하여 그 기능과 의미를 적극해석했다. 그 결과 「남염부주지」의 두 서사 공간인 현세와 남염부주를 주인공 朴生 내면에 있는 ‘신념’과 ‘의혹’의 외적 구현으로 해석했다. 현세와 남염부주를 오가는 朴生의 여행은 신념과 의혹 사이를 오간 심리적 동요 또는 내면의 파동이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 동요의 원인은 성리학적 세계관 내부의 우주론과 도덕론 사이에 잠재하는 자기모순이다. 남염부주는 성리학 내부에서 도덕론과 우주론의 불일치로 인한 朴生의 고민에서 태어난 세계인 것이다. 朴生은 신념을 견지하려고 노력하면서도 그 안에서 싹트는 의문을 억압 ․ 통제하지 않으며, 귀신과 천당지옥을 부정하면서도 그 가능성을 완전히 닫아두지 않는다. 그는 확신하면서 의심하고, 부인하면서도 인정하는, 의심과 배반을 그치지 않는 사유하는 인물이다. This paper analyzes the type of narration and its meaning in the fiction ‘Student Bak Visits the Underworld’. To this end, the fiction was separated from all kinds of conditions as possible for analysis and progressively interpreted the functions and meanings each part. Consequently, this paper found out that two narrative spaces in the fiction ‘Student Bak Visits the Underworld’, this world and the underworld, were the external expression of ‘conviction’ and ‘doubt’ hidden inside the hero Bak Saeng. The travel of Bak Saeng between this world and the underworld corresponds to the psychological disturbance between conviction and doubt. The cause of such disturbance was the self-contradiction imbedded in the cosmology and the theory of morality in the Confucian view of the world. While Bak Saeng wrote the ‘monism’ on the basis of the scriptures of Confucianism to overcome the psychological disturbance, the doubt was deepened. The doubt led Baek Saeng to the underworld called ‘Namyeombuju’. The geographical space named ‘Namyeombuju’, the attitudes of Bak Saeng in this underworld, existence of king of the underworld and the conversation between the king of the underworld and Baek Saeng indicates that the ethic of Neo-Confucianism can’t accord with the cosmology. The main doubt of Bak Saeng as well as the theme awareness consistently described in the fiction ‘Student Bak Visits the Underworld’ is that the cosmology of Neo-Confucianism admitting only this world and the retribution depending on moral behaviors as insisted in the Neo-Confucianism can’t explain the legitimacy of the result. Bak Saeng endeavors to keep the con viction, doesn’t suppress or control the doubt generated from conviction and denies the ghost, the heaven and the hell but admits the possible existence of such elements. Bak Saeng is the person of thoughts ceaselessly thinking about doubt and betrayal as being confident but doubting and denying but admitting. The underworld named ‘Nambyeombuju’ and the king of that underworld are the external expression of the dynamic and complicated inner world.
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