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한국인에게 나타나는 공황장애의 신체적 증상 및 유발 요인의 특징

한국인에게 나타나는 공황장애의 신체적 증상 및 유발 요인의 특징
Other Titles
The Bodily Panic Symptoms and Predisposing Stressors in Korean Patients with Panic Disorder
공황장애; 한국인; 신체적 증상; 공황장애 유발요인; Panic disorder; Korean patients; Bodily panic symptom; Stressful life event
Issue Date
J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc, v. 58, no. 4, page. 339-345
Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the distinctive features of bodily panic symptoms and the predisposing conditions in Korean patients with panic disorder. Methods This was a retrospective chart review study and the data were collected from twelve university-affiliated hospitals in Korea. The patients selected met the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder, were older than 20 years of age, and had initially visited a psychiatry department. The assessments included the chief complaints related to bodily panic symptoms, recent stressors, recent history of alcohol and sleep problems, and time to visit an outpatient clinic. Results A total of 814 participants were included in the study. The most commonly experienced symptoms were cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms, which were observed in 63.9% and 55.4% of participants, respectively. Just before the onset of a panic attack, 25.6% of participants experienced sleep-related problems. Episodic binge drinking was also frequently observed (13.2%) and was more prevalent in men than in women (22.6% vs. 4.9%, p<0.001). About 75% of participants experienced stressful life events just before panic onset. Work-related issues were more prevalent in men than in women (22.0% vs. 13.4%, p=0.001). Family-related issues (4.8% vs. 14.1%, p<0.001) and conflict with a spouse or partner (4.0% vs.11.7%, p<0.001) were more prominent in women than in men. Conclusion Our results suggest that cardiovascular symptoms are the most common bodily panic symptoms in Korean patients. Our results suggest that a substantial portion of the Korean patients experienced stressful life events, sleep problems, and/or episodic binge drinking just before the onset of panic disorder.
1015-4817; 2289-0963
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