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포스트모더니즘 구성요소를 활용한 텍스타일디자인 연구

포스트모더니즘 구성요소를 활용한 텍스타일디자인 연구
Other Titles
A Study of Post - Modernism elements Take Textile design
Issue Date
디자인학연구집, v. 7, no. 1, page. 159-170
Textile Design is used in our living not as a simple surface decoration of design process but as a process but as a product. Since it is closely related with living than any other design, it has been developed considerably in foreign countries by realizing its importance, on the other hand it`s very poor in our country. Currently in case of our country, it is the actual situation that we can`t largely expect the excellent, unique and creative design`s growth due to our admiring, imitating and copying foreign products and business owners` commercial goal, etc. Therefore, the introduction of cultural factors to design is considered to be the desirable start in order to create high added value of Textile Design. This study considered that how Textile Design is currently being expressed through the background, development and feature of post-modernism, and it also considered the difference between the design that uses design`s structural elements and the design that utilizes the structural elements of post-modernism. This study considered the design`s effect that utilized cultural factors, and it could see the design that had been developed through various expressions. Our Textile Industry to come forward on 21st century should strive further than the advanced countries. It is considered that we should implement and support the future-oriented Textile Administration Policy, and improve the quality of designers` creative investment and activity, and strengthen more the specialty of college education, thereby develop it as the practical industrial learning.
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COLLEGE OF DESIGN[E](디자인대학) > JEWELRY & FASHION DESIGN(주얼리·패션디자인학과) > Articles
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