The present paper aims to investigate the extent to which Korean EFL learners utilize the various uses of high-frequency verbs such as make in their English writing. This study analyzes the uses and collocates of the verb make in a Korean learner corpus and compares the results with the findings of Altenberg and Granger (2001), who compared a native speaker corpus with two learner corpus samples by European language speakers. This study has employed a combination of careful manual investigation and computer-aided analysis using a software called WordSmith Tools. The results show that the Korean learners overuse high-frequency verbs, and that they often overgeneralize the basic uses, i.e., the produce and causative uses of the verb make whereas they underuse or misuse the delexical or other idiomatic uses. This paper suggests that the lower proficiency level of the Korean learners and L1 transfer are responsible for some of the results. Implications for English education and future research are also discussed.