Thematic Organization in the Narratives of Korean EFL Learners
- Title
- Thematic Organization in the Narratives of Korean EFL Learners
- Author
- 김명희
- Issue Date
- 2003-06
- Publisher
- 담화인지언어학회
- Citation
- 담화·인지언어학회 학술대회 발표논문집, page. 22-33
- Abstract
- This experimental study examines oral narratives by Korean EFL learners and compares
them with those by English and Korean native speakers in terms of the thematic
organization of their narratives. In the experiment, two groups of speakers were
individually asked to tell a story while looking at a series of 12 pictures in
accordance with a given title. The results showed that local and global themes were
significant in explaining subject assignment in Korean EFL learners` narratives just
as in English or Korean native speakers` narratives. However, previous theme was not
shown significant at all in the learners` narratives. These results rejected the
hypothesis advanced that only local theme, but not global and previous themes, will
significantly affect subject assignment in Korean EFL learner narratives. The results
seem to suggest that these adult learners have already acquired the cognitive ability
to tell a story from their first language, taking into account both the global and
local themes of the story. However, their lack of linguistic ability prevents them
from planning ahead with so many tasks at hand and giving continuity to their story.
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