Dong-Hak(東學); foundation of Dong-Hak(동학의 창도); the post-cosmic creation(後天開闢); post-modern era(포스트모던시대); the late Yi-Danasty(조선조 후기)
Issue Date
한국언어문화, v.26, No.0, Page.1-13
Yoon Suk-san. 2004. Dong Hak Foundation Viewed from the Standpoint of Civilization History. This paper concerns
the foundation of Dong-Hak, a religion that originated in Korea. A number of researchers have sought to explain
the background and origin of Dong-Hak in terms of the political, economical, and social situations of the late Yi
Danasty. Unlike these studies, this paper aims to explore the matter from a broader perspective, and claim that, in
addition to the social situation of the late Yi Dinasty, the endeavor to find an alternative to the inconsistency and
crisis of the current times, and, ultimately, to find a new order in the chaotic universe on the cosmic level all
contributed to the foundation of Dong-Hak. This paper will expand the discussion into the philosophical domain,
and consider the significance of Dong-Hak in the present society.