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1619년 深河戰役의 미결 지리 고증

1619년 深河戰役의 미결 지리 고증
Other Titles
A Historical Research on Unresolved Geography of Shimha Battle in 1619
牛毛嶺; 深河; 釜山; 富車 들판; 家哈嶺; 李民寏; 柵中日錄; Niumaoling Pass; Shimha; Pushan Mountain; Bucha Field; Gahapryeong Pass; Yi Min-hwan; Chaekjungillok(Prisoner’s Dairy by Yi Min-hwan)
Issue Date
어문연구(語文硏究), v. 47, no. 3, Page. 171-201
이승수 · 김일환 · 신춘호 · 임문성, 2019, 1619년 심하전역의 미결 지리 고증, 183 : 171~201 이 논문은 1619년 3월에 있었던 심하전역(深河戰役)의 현장 중 일부 구간에 대한 정밀 지리 고증의 결과를 정리한 것이다. 이 구간은 조선군이 우모령(牛毛嶺) 행군을 시작한 ‘平頂山’부터 조선군 포로가 끌려가 머문 ‘奴城(赫圖阿拉城) 밖 10리 지점’까지이다. 2월 28일에서 3월 6일에 이르는 8일 동안 이 지리공간에서는, 오늘날 돌아보아도 가슴 아픈, 그리고 두고두고 교훈으로 삼아도 지나치지 않을 비극적인 사건이 일어났다. 이 비극의 장소를 정확하게 비정함으로써, 희미해진 역사를 환기하고 반추하는 계기를 마련하자는 것이 본고의 취지이다. 문헌 검토와 현지 조사에 현장 탐문을 더하여 몇 가지 새로운 사실을 알아냈다. 深河가 강이 아닌 마을의 이름일 가능성을 확인했다. 8,9천 명의 조선군이 전사하고, 나머지 4,5천 군사들이 피신했던 장소는 釜山과 그 아래 벌판으로 비정했다. 조선군이 포로가 되어 끌려간 길을 처음으로 구체적인 논거와 함께 의견을 제시했다. 이 전투로 발생한 고통과 비애는 400년이 지난 오늘까지 여전히 우리에게 말을 걸어오고, 이 전투를 외면·망각했던 권력의 무능과 위선은 여전하다. 고통과 비애의 말을 들어주고, 무능과 위선을 직시하는 것, 이것이 본고를 작성한 이유이다. This paper summarized the detailed historical research results on the geographic data of a certain section in the battlefield of Sarhu broke out in March 1619. The relevant section is from ‘Pingdingshan Mountain’ from which 13,000 Joseon soldiers started marching in Niumaoling pass to about 40 km out of Hetualacheng fortress where about 4,000 to 5,000 Joseon soldiers who survived in the battle stayed as prisoners. In this geographic space did the tragic event occur for 8 days from Feb. 28 to Mar. 6, which was not too much to take a lesson for a long time and was very piercing when it was reviewed even today, 400 years from that time. However, the event was nearly forgotten by incompetent power and even moral meaning as well as tremendous pains were lost. This paper aims to remind the tarnishing history and furthermore provide the opportunity to ruminate the history by accurately criticizing and correcting the place of such tragedy. Through the literature review and field investigation as well as field survey, several new information was acquired. In spite of field trips twice, the old Niumaoling pass couldn’t be perfectly reconfigured. However, this paper made definite progress for thorough reconfiguration through the further study. The theory of Wangcongan(王 從安) was applied to several spots including Niumaoling Pass. It was identified that ‘Shimha’ would be the village name not the river through the records in documents. It was newly identified that 8,000 to 9,000 Joseon soldiers died and remaining 4,000 to 5,000 Joseon soldiers escaped to Pushan Mountain and the field near Pushan Mountain. Such result is the most important achievement of this paper. Moreover, the detailed ground for argument and opinions on prisoners’ path of movement which was not discussed in detail up to now were presented for the first time. Pain and grief generated by this battle are still talking to us up to now, even 400 years since then. Furthermore, the incompetence and hypocrisy of the power who forgot and ignored this battle are still tormenting people as they were. This paper was prepared to listen to what pain and grief wanted to say and to face up to incompetency and hypocrisy.
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