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Deletion at 2q14.3 is associated with worse response to TNF-alpha blockers in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Deletion at 2q14.3 is associated with worse response to TNF-alpha blockers in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis; Copy number variations; TNF-alpha blockers; Drug efficacy
Issue Date
ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY, v. 21, no. 1, article no. 195
Background Structural variations such as copy number variations (CNVs) have a functional impact on various human traits. This study profiled genome-wide CNVs in Korean patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to investigate the efficacy of treatment with TNF-alpha blockers. Methods A total of 357 Korean patients with RA were examined for the efficacy of TNF-alpha blocker treatment. Disease activity indexes were measured at baseline and 6 months after the treatment. The patients were classified as responders and non-responders based on the change in disease activity indexes according to the EULAR response criteria. CNVs in the same patients were profiled using fluorescence signal intensity data generated by a genome-wide SNP array. The association of CNVs with response to TNF-alpha blockers was analyzed by multivariate logistic regression accounting for genetic background and clinical factors including body mass index, gender, baseline disease activity, TNF-alpha blocker used, and methotrexate treatment. Results The study subjects varied in their responses to TNF-alpha blockers and had 286 common CNVs in autosomes. We identified that the 3.8-kb deletion at 2q14.3 in 5% of the subjects was associated with response to TNF-alpha blockers (1.37 x 10(- 5) ˂= P ˂= 4.07 x 10(- 4)) at a false discovery rate threshold of 5%. The deletion in the identified CNV was significantly more frequent in the non-responders than in the responders, indicating worse response to TNF-alpha blockers in the deletion carriers. The 3.8-kb deletion at 2q14.3 is located in an intergenic region with the binding sites of two transcription factors, MAFF and MAFK. Conclusions This study obtained the CNV landscape of Korean patients with RA and identified the common regional deletion associated with poor response to treatment with TNF-alpha blockers.
1478-6354; 1478-6362
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