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해방기 우익소설의 미학과 정치 체제

해방기 우익소설의 미학과 정치 체제
Other Titles
The Aesthetics and Political System of Rightist Novels in the Era of Liberation
the era of liberation; rightist nove; aesthetic characteristic; political system; the tradition-oriented; ethical dichotomy; the ideologie of vice and virtue; pure literature; human warmth; traditionalism the space of archetype; 해방기; 우익소설; 미적 특성; 정치체제; 정통지향성; 원형공간; 순수문학; 인정주의; 윤리적 이분법; 선악의 이념상
Issue Date
현대문학이론연구, v. 22, No. 0, Page. 5-33
Rightist novels written in the era of liberation contain their own spiritual orientation and aesthetic characteristics. We must pay attention to the fact that these characteristics were closely related to the political system of democracy. Fierce literary and political struggles of the rightists are well shown in the aesthetic characteristics of rightist novels in this era. Selection and establishment of regime played the core role in the literary and political game, regardless of rightist and leftist. One of the remarkable aesthetic characteristics represented in the rightist novels was the tradition-oriented value system, which had been formed to establish the national identity. At the same time, their spiritual orientation for the stable space, where the traditional and ethical value was functioned as the principle of life, was expressed in the novel. The stability from the traditional world could be accepted as the stability from the political system of democracy that is, the rightist — political ideology by assuming the opposition to the leftist based on the — class-revolution. In addition, the pure literature of the rightist was represented as the exploration to and the advocacy of humanity. The advocacy of humanity is directly related to the democratic idea granting the best value to the human dignity. However, the rightist advocated the autonomy of literature, while they actually showed the strong political characteristic required to build up the system and ideology. The political characteristic of rightist novels was evidently revealed in that it divided the characters 강경화 - 33 - in the work with the ethical dichotomy and distinguished them into vice and virtue depending on the leftist or rightist ideologies. The two conflicting ideologies and their ideological vice and virtue were obviously a sort of the means of political propagation. The contradiction of denying but maximizing the political characteristic was resulted from the special historical situation in which it was pressingly required to secure the validity of rightist ideology and to implement the literary idea. The era of liberation was the period when the politics and the literature had a close relationship to the extent that the twos were considered identical. Besides, the existence of literature was threatened according to the direction of the current system and ideology. The political participation by the rightist literary men made a contribution to the establishment of democratic system. The rightist novels in the era of liberation had a valuable significance in the light that they constructed the national literature for the recovery of national identity, denied the political characteristic in terms of literary ideology, struggled against the leftist for the restoration of literariness and tried to establish the democratic political system. However, it was functioned as another repressive discourse by exceeding its historical duty, establishing a system, and colluding with the anticommunist group.
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