김소진 소설 속에 나타난 화자의 자아정체성 인식 양상에 관한 연구

김소진 소설 속에 나타난 화자의 자아정체성 인식 양상에 관한 연구
Other Titles
The study on Main Character's Ego-identity on the Novels of Kim So-Jin
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Ji-Woo
Issue Date
김소진은 1991년부터 1997년까지 짧은 기간 동안 활동한 작가이다. 1990년대는 민족주의나 민중주의의 거대담론보다 사소설적 경향을 띈다. 김소진은 가족을 소설에 등장시킴으로써 가족 안에서의 자아정체성 형성에 관한 이야기를 전개하고 있다. 본고는 김소진 소설에서 나타나는 화자의 부모에 대한 인식이 주변 인물들로 확대되는 양상을 살펴보고, 화자 자신의 내적 성찰을 통해 자신의 자아정체성을 형성하는 과정을 가족로망스의 관점과 정신분석학적 관점으로 살펴본다.; Kim So-Jin worked as a writer for a short period of time from 1991 to 1997. In the 1990s, he had tendency to write autobiographical novels rather than dealing with bigger topics such as nationalism or populism. Kim presents families in his novels to express ego-identity formation within the family. This thesis will take a closer look at how the main characters understand their parents and influence other characters around them. Through self-reflection, main characters form ego-identity and the process will be viewed in family romance and psychoanalysistic method. In Kim's novel, father is financially incapable and has no authority. According to freud, a child sees parents as the perfect beings. As the child grows she begins to doubt parents' authority. The main characters in Kim's novels do not see their parents as perfect beings, rather their attitude is criticism. Fundamental reason the father looses authority is his lack of financial ability. He is also incompetent mentally and morally. Father is not only criticized by his family but also by others around him, and the son feels ashamed by his father. The shameful father is neither these nor anti-these. Therefore, the main character tries to find strong father figure from other male characters around him. Denying the father leads to the boy becoming the owner of the new generation. However, no father exists to raise him to become a social being. To overcome the lack of father figure, Kim brings in the original father, who is expressed as a man with great authority. Although these male characters have manly authority as fathers do, they have defects in their body. Therefore, even when the male character is strong and manly, he is not a perfect man just as the father is financially incapable and has no moral values. The main character later understands the life of his father and forms the ego-identity as a man. He understands the man he criticised and rejected, as the father and son reconciliate to form the ego-identity. Mother in Kim's novel takes over the father's seat with powerful authority. Denying the father brings equality of woman's position in the family. Woman having the equality can be seen as no-gender or de-gender. However, mothers are also the victims of the period. In the family romance, mother shows two different sides between the reality and the ideal. The main character fears and pities his mother at the same time. He needs to over come the absence of father figure and the confusion created by male like mother. Calling her "Chulwon dak" instead of mom, shows the distance between mother and son. Mother of the main character influences how he view females. He appraise woman's thigh which shows his sees woman as a powerful figures. Also, the moment main character looks beneath mother's skirt, taboo breaks, reflecting the fear of castration he carries. Taboo is holy dread. Considering that the taboo exists for protection, main character feels mother's strong power and tries to protect himself from her. Double view on mother is reflected on other female characters. Females are described as superior to the main character, but have defects like the males. These characters show the main character's confusion on the identity of woman. Main character builds identity of women through changes in viewing the mother. the facts that the title changes from "chulwon dak" to mother symbolizes the change. He understands that mother followed flow of the time to the best of her ability. He sees the strong and tough mother in his wife and accepts that life cannot be objected. Main character finally understands mother and the identity of a woman is formed.
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