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MOW(meaning of work)측정지표에 따른 일과 여가의 관계

MOW(meaning of work)측정지표에 따른 일과 여가의 관계
Other Titles
The Relationship between Work and Leisure According to MOW(meaning of work) Indicators : Focused on Work-oriented People and Leisure-oriented People
Alternative Author(s)
KIm, Ji-Sun
Issue Date
자유에 대한 인류의 열망과 여가가치에 대한 꾸준한 증가는 인류역사의 발전과 함께 시대적인 흐름이다. 현재 우리나라는 주5일 근무제 실시이후로 여가시간의 양적인 증가뿐만 아니라 여가에 대한 의식과 가치가 점점 높아지고 있다. 일과 여가의 관계는 산업혁명이후로 본격적으로 논쟁의 대상이 되어왔으나 미래사회의 일과 여가의 관계는 점점 통합될 것이라는 관점과 분리될 것이라는 관점이 서로 충돌해 왔다. 본 연구는 현대의 직장인들에게 있어 일과 여가에 대한 가치관이 과거에 비해 어떻게 변화해 왔으며 일과 여가의 관계에서 주목되고 있는 통합주의(Holism)과 분리주의(Segmentation)에서 지금 현 사회는 어떤 방향으로 가고 있는가라는 문제제기에서 시작되었다. 본 연구에서는 세가지 연구 목적을 제시하였다. 첫째, 현대 직장인들의 주된 삶의 관심영역은 무엇인지, 둘째, 지향형에 따라 일과 여가 영역에서의 차이와 통합과 분리의 현상을 분석하고, 셋째, 지향형에 따라 인구통계학적 요인에서 나타나는 특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 전체 직장인들은 삶의 영역에서 일과 가족, 여가가 비교적 균형을 이루고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 일지향형과 여가지향형간에는 삶의 영역과 일, 여가의 영역에서 차이를 보였다. 또한 인구통계학적인 특성에서도 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 일과 여가의 관계에서 통합인가 분리인가 하는 문제는 여가의 중요성이 증가함에 따라 일의 증요성이 함께 증가하여 일과 여가의 영역에서 인식의 분리가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 과거에 비해 여가의 중요성과 일의 중요성간의 격차가 지속적으로 줄어들어 여가의 가치가 높아지고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 일과 여가의 관계를 분석한다는 것은 개인적 측면과 사회적 측면에서 현상을 파악하는데 매우 의미있으며 이러한 추세가 변화될지 지속될지는 좀더 장기적인 시계열자료를 통해 종단조사가 이루어져야 할 것이다.; It is of paramount necessity with development of mankind that Human wishes to constantly seek freedom and value of leisure. At present after five-day work enforcement, leisure recognition, quantitative augmentation of free time and value is gradually arisen. Since industrial revolution, matters between work and leisure have been argument. Namely, 1) works that are human's principal business and leisure that is minor ones, 2) leisure that is purpose of life and work that is subject to leisure, these two different opinions mutually have collided each other. The study were begun in questioning to see how the value of work and leisure have changed in terms of modern employees and how the people and their society are going what direction they get into in perspective of Holism and Segmentation. In this study, three points are presented. Firstly, what is modern workers's central life interest ? Secondly, according to orientation of life, difference of work and leisure is recognized and whether Holism and segmentation as to work and leisure is analyzed. Thirdly, what special significance appear for demography factor according to orientation style. Result of these studies are first, statistic figures show that family, is top priority following is work, leisure, religion, community. In case of including religion, community life that is assumed as leisure life, family is comprised of one-third, work is one-third, rleisure is one-third which is regarded as balance in area of whole life. Comparing with work-oriented people and leisure-oriented people, leisure-oriented people prefer to family, having a look at an equal importance of work and leisure. Whereas, work-oriented people pay more attention on job task rather than family and leisure life only consists of one-tenth. Second, in seeing work-leisure relations according to orientation of life, among six dimension(work centrality, economic orientation, interpersonal contacts, intrinsic orientation, entitlement norm, obligation norm) work- centrality turned out to be significant. As for company selection preference, leisure-oriented people is more interested in a company allowing more free time than pay. Work-oriented people, however, prefer to working for a company, enabling to make more than money spend free time. In terms of job satisfaction, Work-oriented people is satisfied with what to do with job and leisure-oriented people is less satisfied with 'job specifications' and 'working hours' but happy with 'colleague relationship'. It is found out that range and scope between work and leisure is almost separate and leisure activities are not assumed as job's ones. And in leisure life barriers, work-oriented people is concerned about 'economic problem' and 'little mildest toward leisure'. Both two groups think that 'time constraint' is the most obstacle to enjoy leisure life. Third, based upon work and leisure oriented, demography study shows that it is significant according to sex and age, marital status, earning, working experience. Work-oriented people, male and married whose income level exceeding of 2 million won as per month, more than five-year working experience pay more attention on work than leisure. Whereas, leisure-oriented people, female and single whose income level below 2 million won as per month, working experience between one year through five year, pay more attention on leisure than work . The study try to make it clear the relationship between leisure and work and try to find out where modern people's central life interests are, analyzing the relationship between work and leisure, noting demographic characteristics. In particular, a look of current modern society with Holism and Segmentation is to provide basic tool to see the status of where current society lies in.
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