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기혼 여성들이 지각하는 가정교과 교육 내용의 유용성과 활용성

기혼 여성들이 지각하는 가정교과 교육 내용의 유용성과 활용성
Other Titles
House wives' recognition of usefulness and application of home economics course
Alternative Author(s)
Yoon, Jung-Hwa
Issue Date
가정교과는 건전한 가정생활 이념과 가치관을 확립하고 과학적인 원리를 바탕으로 현재 생활은 물론 미래 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위한 과목이다. 주부들은 일상생활에서 가정교과 교육 내용을 지속적이고 반복적으로 실천하고 있다. 이러한 가정주부들이 지각하고 있는 가정교과에 대한 인식, 유용성, 활용성 등을 연구하는 것은 가정교과 고유의 목표 달성을 판단하고 미래에 가정교과가 나아갈 방향을 제시해 줄 것이다. 본 연구 결과 가정교과는 실생활에서 꼭 필요한 중요한 과목임이 입증되었고 또한 연령이 높을수록 가정교과에 대한 유용성 및 활용성이 높았다. 이로 미루어 가정생활에서 가정교과의 중요성은 더욱 커지고 있으며 앞으로의 가정교과는 변화하는 사회 상황에 맞추어 보다 폭 넓고 깊이 있는 내용으로 구성되어야 할 것이다.; Home economics courses aim to improve the quality of life by applying knowledge and skills based on sound home living principles and values. Therefore the goal is the education of the interaction between home, family and environment in light of the changes in the social environment for a more harmonious life at home. Therefore the extent to which home economics courses taught in school is effectively applied to real life is very important. Hence verifying the courses' effectiveness from housewives who apply the course work in real life seems to be quite meaningful. This is because housewives continuously practice all the contents taught in home economics courses in their daily life. In this research, in order to find out the usefulness and applicability of home economics courses that housewives recognize, housewives who autonomously lead homes have been targeted to find out the following: first, housewives' thoughts on clothing and textiles, food and nutrition, housing, family life, and spending, subjects all currently taught in high school home economics courses; second, find out the usefulness and applicability of home economics courses depending on housewives' understanding of home economics courses and its contents; third, find out the relationship between recognized usefulness of different home economic courses and their respective applicability; fourth, find out the usefulness and applicability of home economics course contents depending on the population's statistical characteristics. Questionnaires were used to quantify the research and the questionnaire consisted of questions to gather personal information, contents to measure the understanding of home economics courses, and contents that measured the usefulness and applicability of home economics courses. Subjects were 427 housewives between the age of 23 and 58 living in Seoul, Gyeonggi and other provinces. The data was analyzed using SPSS 12.0 and the methods used were mean, standard deviation, reliability verification, frequency analysis, t-test, ANOVA and the Duncan Test was used to verify the results afterwards. Results from the research's data analysis is as follows. First, over 80% of the housewives surveyed answered that home economics courses are necessary. They especially valued the education's effect on developing character and forming sound values regarding home life. Such results can be said to show the importance of character in the modern society which is becoming increasingly pluralistic. Also, it seems that the results show that in addition to knowledge and skill education, home economics courses are expected to instill character as well. Second, analysing the usefulness and applicability of home economics courses in relation to the housewives' understanding of the curriculum, for housewives, the home life area was most useful, followed by eating, spending, housing, and clothing life areas. As for individual questions, questions on home life, such as 'meaning of being a parent and recognizing the role of parents,' 'marriage and understanding the importance of communication between family members,' and 'understanding human relationships' were considered useful. Regarding the applicability of home economics courses, the home life area, just like in usefulness, was the highest, followed by eating, housing, spending and clothing life areas. Again, in applicability, the question on 'knowing what it means to be a parent and trying to become a good mother to children' was ranked highest, showing that housewives consider happiness and peace in the family most important, and wish to achieve it through human association between family members and by developing adaptive skills that can be applied both at home and in the society. Third, looking at the difference in applicability in respect to each area's perceived usefulness, applicability rose depending on how useful housewives judged an area to be. In other words, housewives who thought contents to be useful made the most out of them in day to day life. Thus the recognition of usefulness plays a great role in the application of the curriculum. Therefore it can be argued that making students understand the usefulness of home economics courses is the most efficient way of increasing the application of the contents, effectively raising the quality of life today and in the future. Fourth, analyzing the usefulness of housewives according to population statistical factors, older housewives found home life area more useful and housewives with greater income found clothing and eating life areas more useful. In applicability, older housewives and those with children found eating life area courses to be most applicable, while housewives living in Seoul and Gyeonggi provinces found clothing and living life area courses more applicable than those living in other provinces. Also, housewives with more education and/or income found clothing and eating life areas more applicable. Elder full-time housewives found home life, clothing life and eating life more useful and clothing, eating life more applicable than working housewives, but working housewives applied more of their knowledge in home life areas. Looking at the result of this research, home economics courses proved to be very important and necessary in everyday life, and its usefulness and applicability rose if students understood the importance of home economics courses. Also, older students found the courses more useful and applicable, showing that home economics courses became more important over time. Therefore, home economics courses in the future must be composed of useful knowledge and contents that is needed in home life amidst the rapidly changing social environment, enabling it to be applied in everyday life and ultimately becoming a curriculum of great importance.
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