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dc.contributor.advisor정문희 교수님-
dc.description.abstract의료 환경의 변화에 따라 첨단 의료시설, 최고의 의료진, 선진 경영기법 등으로 의료기관은 환자 중심의 의료를 표방하며 경쟁력 강화에 주력하고 있으며, 의료기관의 평가를 통해 단순히 의료의 질만이 아닌 의사, 간호사, 의료기사 및 행정직원등의 불친절, 병원 시설 낙후, 진료 대기시간, 주차시설 등 병원 전반에 걸쳐 의료소비자의 만족 요구는 증가되고 있다. 이러한 흐름에 맞춰 민간병원들은 소비자의 만족을 충족시키기 위해 시설 및 장비투자, 직원교육 등을 통해 발빠른 대처를 하고 있으며 정기적으로 환자들 대상으로 의료서비스 만족도 조사를 통하여 평가 및 피드백 하고 있다. 반면 공공 의료기관은 민간 의료기관과의 경쟁력에 뒤쳐질 뿐만 아니라 저 소득층만을 위한 병원으로 인식되고, 환자들로부터 의료서비스에 대한 만족이 충족되지 않은 공공의료기관은 그 이용률이 낮아지고, 이용자의 급격한 감소는 경영의 악화와 함께 지역주민들로부터는 소외받게 되었다. 이로 인해 정부는 2000년 의약분업으로 인한 의료대란 이후 공공의료기관 의 중요성을 인식하고 공공의료기관의 비율을 확대하기위해 지속적으로 투 자 의욕을 세우고 있으며, 서울시는 이러한 일환으로 건물의 신·증축 및 특수질환으로의 전문성 강화, 병상 수 확대 등 고객만족 실현을 위한 꾸준한 노력과 개선을 시도하였다. 또한 민간의료기관과의 협력체계 유지 등 환자들의 욕구충족 및 시대적 변화에 대응하고 있다. 이에 따라 저자는 변화된 서울시의 시립병원을 이용하고 있는 입원환자들을 대상으로 의료서비스 만족도에 대한 조사를 통하여 시립병원 의료서비스의 만족 수준을 알아보고 시립병원의 발전가능성 및 경쟁력 강화에 기초 자료를 마련하고자 시도되었다.; According to the change of the medical environment, medical institutions are focusing on enhancing their competitiveness through high technology medical facilities, best medical staffs and advanced management method following patient oriented medical treatment. In addition, the demand of medical consumers are increasing through evaluations on medical institutions on all aspects of the hospital rather than just the medical quality for example from doctors, nurses, medical technicians, unfriendliness of administration staff to poor hospital facility, treatment waiting time and parking lot facilities. Following such trend, private hospitals are quickly corresponding through investments on facility and equipment and staff training in order to increase consumer satisfaction and are carrying out evaluations and feedbacks through implementing medical service satisfaction surveys on patients periodically. On the other hand, public medical institutions are falling behind in the competition with private institutions and are being recognized as a hospital for the low income class. The rate of use of public institutions which do not provide satisfaction on medical services to patients is lowering and the rapid decrease of users are leading to aggravation of the business and alienation from the local residents. Accordingly, the government is continuously showing passion on investment since the 2000 great medical disturbance due to the separation of dispensary from medical practice recognizing the importance of the public medical institution rate in order to extend the rate of public medical institutions. As part of such initiation, Seoul city has consistently tried and attempted improvement in order to realize customer satisfaction by newly constructing and expanding hospital buildings, enhancing professionality on special diseases and increasing hospital beds. In addition, it is corresponding to customer satisfaction and periodical change through maintaining a cooperation system with private medical institutions. Therefore the author has carried out a survey on medical service satisfaction rate based on inpatients using the changed Seoul City Hospital. Through such survey, the author finds out about the satisfaction level on the City Hospital medical service and attempts to arrange basic data on the develop potential and enhancing competitiveness. This research has collected data using surveys between the period of 2. 04. 2007 ~ 20. 04. 2007 on inpatients in S City hospital located in Seoul. 180 data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 12.0. The result of this research can be summarized as follows. First, as general characteristics of research subjects, more female inpatients than male inpatients being 53.3%(96 people) in sex were shown. The average age was 57.14 and by age group people in their 60s turned out to be the most being 42.3%(76 people). On residential area most inpatients lived in Seoul being 85.2%(153 people) and on monthly income there were most people who had a monthly income below 1 million won. The average days of staying in the hospital was 39.1 day and the fact that 35.7% (64 people) stayed in the hospital between a week-a month and 30.2%(54 people) stayed between one month~two months shows that there are many long term inpatients. Secondly, the satisfaction rate on medical service of inpatients turned out to be 115.42 out of 150 showing a higher level than the normal level. On sub area variants composing the satisfaction rate, the highest point was shown in interest on patients which was followed by friendliness, convenience of use, technology and facility, facility being the lowest. Thirdly, on the total satisfaction rate on the city hospital, higher satisfaction was shown by Seoul residents compared to residents of non-Seoul areas, internal department users than the nerves or rehabilitation department users, people having medical grants as their medical guarantee type than health insurance. In addition, a positive interrelationship was shown between age and Pearson interrelation coefficient .231 indicating that people show a higher satisfaction if they are older. Age can explain satisfaction on city hospital 5.3%. Combing the above results, inpatients using city hospitals turned out to show a high level of satisfaction in overall on the medical service of city hospitals indicating a positive evaluation on satisfaction on medical service. This also suggests the potential of becoming competent as private institutions and potential of city hospital's development.-
dc.title서울시 시립병원의 의료서비스 만족도에 관한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the medical service satisfaction of the Seoul Municipal hospital-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorKang, Hye-Young-


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