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災難安全을 위한 安全文化 定着에 관한 硏究

災難安全을 위한 安全文化 定着에 관한 硏究
Other Titles
A Study on Establishment of a Safty Culture against Disasters
Alternative Author(s)
Ahn, Kyu-Ho
박응격 교수
Issue Date
우리나라는 해방이후 세계적으로도 찾아보기 힘든 급속한 경제성장을 이룩한 국가이며 이로 인해 우리국민의 삶의 질 향상과 더불어 의식수준 또한 좋아졌다. 이러한 눈부신 고도경제성장의 이면에는 산업재해를 비롯한 복잡·다양한 안전 위험요소도 동반하여 나타나게 되었다.이에 따라 1990년대 이후에는 대형 재난이 빈번하게 발생하였으며 특히,성수대교 붕괴,삼풍백화점 붕괴,대구지하철 공사장 붕괴 등의 재난은 우리국민의 안전의식부재에 따른 큰 충격으로,사건이 발생할 때마다 ‘인재’라는 국민여론의 따가운 비난에 직면했다.또한 2000년대 이후에는 태풍 루사,매미 피해와 대구지하철 화재사고,양양·고성 산불피해 등 연속적인 대형 재난으로 국민은 불안 속에 수많은 날들을 지새워야 했다.우리는 대형 사고를 접할 때마다 그 원인을 생각하면서 여론과 언론 에서는 국민의 안전문화의식 부재를 지적하여 왔으나 그때마다 근본적인 종합계획을 세워 대처하기보다는 그처참했던 그 때의 상황을 모두 잊어버리곤 한다.그러나 재난으로 인해 발생한 피해현장을 긴급복구 후 근본적인 대책을 강구 하지 않음으로 인해 임시방편 식으로 위기를 모면 할 수 있으나,이와 비슷한 유형의 재난이 다시 발생하는 반복하는 우를 범해오곤 했다.그러나 미국과 일본과 같은 선진국의 경우에는 재난이 발생하여 피해를 입었을 경우 국민이 다소 불편을 감수하더라도 근본적인 장기대책을 세우는 경우를 볼 수 있다.이제는 우리도 재난이 발생하면 전문가의 도움과 조언을 바탕으로 근본적인 대책을 강구해야 한다.국민들이 다소 불편을 느끼더라도 사고의 재발방지를 위해 국민을 이해시킬 수 있어야 한다.; Since her emancipation from the Japanese colonial rule, Korea has recorded an almost unprecedentedly rapid economic growth. As people's living standards have improved, their level of consciousness has upgraded. However, complicated and diversified safety risks including industrial disasters have underlain such a remarkable economic growth. Since 1990's, we have frequently witnessed horrible disasters, represented by collapses of Sampung Department Store, Sungsoo Bridge and Daegu Subway Station. These and other disasters shocked us who had been less aware of safety, while being criticized for 'human disasters'. Moreover, since 2000's, our people have had to fear the possibility of being victims whenever we heard the news about typhoon Lusa and Maemi, fires at Daegu subway train and in Yangyang and Gosung and others. Whenever we suffer from such terrible disasters, we thought about their causes, while criticizing ourselves for lack of safety consciousness, but we would soon forget about them rather than design a fundamental comprehensive measure. Although we urgently recovered the damages from disasters, avoiding another crisis temporarily, we could not prepare a fundamental measure only to have such disasters repeated. In such advanced nations as the United States and Japan, whenever they suffered from a disaster, they would soon act to design a fundamental long-term measure despite people's inconveniences. So, if we suffer from some disaster, we should be fundamentally prepared to check another similar disasters with experts' counselling and advices. Namely, the government is obliged to persuade the citizens to arrange an irksome preventive measure to prevent its recurrence. Should we repeatedly suffer from the disasters claiming life, properties, cultural assets and others? Are we so unconscious of the safety? Namely, we need to think about what are the fundamental problems for ourselves. Some people attribute the frequent disasters to our culture 'fast and fast' nurtured in the process of our modernization. Now, we should focus on prevention of recurrence of disasters even if it would take more time to have their damages recovered. Namely, we should give the disasters a lick and a promise. It is essential to construct an escape route, train people in simulated disasters and arrange preventive measures at the national level. For the last 5 decades, numerous lifes have been claimed and enormous properties have been lost by disasters. In other words, we have been exposed to disasters defenselessly. Now, we have a code which obligate the government to assess the impact of disasters, and thus, what remains now is how our citizens should be prepared well for the disasters being more conscious of them. Since we should be armed with a safety culture, we need to be educated on safety. There may be diverse types or forms of such an education. What is most important is that younger children should be educated on safety and thereby, internalize a sense of safety when young. The safety culture should be formed to protect individuals as well as our neighbors, society and nation. The purpose of this study was to analyze various data from the government and thereby, assess the human and material losses by disasters and diagnose the level of our people's safety awareness and thereby, suggest the ways to help establish a correct safety culture. The first chapter introduces purpose, needs, methods and scope of the study, and the second chapter reviews the safety culture theoretically, and the third chapter examines the conditions of our domestic disasters and the safety culture. The fourth chapter analyzed the results of a survey about safety of home, school, traffic, public facilities and industry, and the fifth chapter explores the ways to establish our safety culture and the sixth chapter concludes the study. In the 21st century, it is expected that the whole world would face such serious problems as global warming, terrorism, natural disasters and people's unconsciousness of safety. Our society is more concerned about a safety culture. Safety NGOs are active, while companies staging a safety culture campaign increase.
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