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우리나라의 자치경찰제 도입 및 제도 정착에 관한 고찰

우리나라의 자치경찰제 도입 및 제도 정착에 관한 고찰
Other Titles
A Study on the Introduction and Settlement of the Autonomous Police System in Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Min Hun
Issue Date
우리 나라의 자치경찰제 도입 및 제도정착이라는 주제를 가지고 참여정부 방안을 중심으로 유기준의원의 대안을 비교 검토하는 한편 제주자치경찰의 운영실태의 문제점과 개선점을 고찰하는 방법 등을 통해 우리나라 실정에 맞는 자치경찰방안을 도출한다.; Since the establishment of Korea, the introduction of the Autonomous Police System had been tried several times in various ways, and it places more weight on political interests of reorganization of police system by the Government party and the Opposition party than approaching to police administration in democratic and decentralized ways. An agreement was not contracted due to different political interests of the parties, and plans had been proposed and repealed simultaneously which led to a continuous vicious cycle. However, the Participatory Government was able to enforce the autonomous police system under the ruling principle of decentralization of power, and even only Jeju Island was confined to a special autonomous province under the Participatory Government the creation of the national police system in 1945 bore a meaning that provided an opportunity for breaking from the unified national police system. July 1st, 2006, a full implementation of [a special law for installation of Jeju Island into a special autonomous province and the creation of an international free city] created a chance to enjoy various public securities for citizens who were only satisfied with getting supplies exclusively by law enforcement authorities till now and brought a significant change to our police history. This study primarily focuses on the submitted bill on autonomous police system of the Participatory Government. The autonomous police system has been already applied to Jeju Island in a very similar form, and the National Assembly has a heated discussion on this subject which led to a consideration for national level of enforcement. Chapter 1 roughly introduces about a method and a scope of the study. This study confines the extent to organization, personal bureau, finance, distribution of affairs, and performance of duty among the national police system. The method of collecting data was reading books, theses, research papers, and reports, analyzing these documents through empirical data and accumulated studies, and considering examples from foreign and Jeju Island police systems. Chapter 2 observes the meaning of the autonomous police system through theoretical consideration in all aspects. It inspects the history of fundamental notions of police and classifies national and autonomous police systems into three types depend on characteristics. It also defines relationship between local self-government and autonomous police system. Chapter 3 examines examples from the foreign autonomous police systems including France, Spain and other European countries, countries of a channel of Britain and the United States with traditional systems and a country that has been invoked as a role model of South Korea, Japan. First of all the study inspects a general organization of police system and mainly focuses on the relationship between national and autonomous police systems including structure, distribution of affairs, extent of power use and cooperation. Chapter 4 inspects the actual state of management and reform measures of the autonomous police system in Jeju Island which has a strong tendency to set as an example. This allows the Participatory Government to acknowledge insufficient parts which need to be improved and developed through observing expecting effect, limitation of Jeju Island's autonomous police system, distribution of affairs, finance, and personal management among national police system. Chapter 5 presents problems and reforms measures of bills on autonomous police system. First, it surveys the process of the introduction of the autonomous police system after the establishment of a new government. The research also classifies into several categories and presents problems and reform measures on the bill of the Participatory Government. First, it puts a great deal of weight on a degree of introduction which is a core matter of autonomous police system. The study also concentrates on a public hearing of substantial parties concerned including the ruling party, the opposition party, the National Police Agency, gubernatorial and mayors' conferences. An alternative plan of the representative Ki Jun Yoo which proposes introduction of a great sphere and basic autonomous government association allows to make comparison with the government bill on enforcing at a basic government level. The study also examines problems and remedies of the bill on the autonomous police system especially on the example of Jeju Island. It presents developmental plans and problems in order of local government heads' exercising power, settlement and regulation in a great sphere, finance and personal management and administration of the state. Chapter 6 makes settlement of the issues. It especially arranges realistic and practical plans that fit to our state's conditions and also presents limitation and future subjects of the paper. The autonomous police system has been introduced to Jeju Island and develops heated discussions in the National Assembly. Each political party presents a clear explanation about the autonomous police system for the upcoming presidential election in December which means national level of enforcement is imminent. Past researches and debates could not reach at execution level and terminated at only discussion level, but the autonomous police system now has a realistic possibility of coming into effects. The paper is very significant in a way that considers political conditions and various matters and presents feasible plans.
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