군과 경찰과의 테러대응 공조작전 증진방안

군과 경찰과의 테러대응 공조작전 증진방안
Other Titles
Schemes to Increase Police-Military Cooperation against Terrorism
Alternative Author(s)
Eom, Dae Yong
Issue Date
우리는 크고 작은 테러의 위협 속에서 살고 있다. 특히 분단된 국가에서 살고 있는 우리나라는 위협이 더 크고 테러에 대한 전 역량을 집중해서 대응해야 함을 잘 알고 있다. 그리고 현재 미래의 테러의 양상은 비정규의 전쟁 양상을 띠며 테러조직간에 국제적인 네트워크를 형성하고 있고 얼굴을 드러내지 않으며, 테러를 자행한다는 것이다. 이러한 테러상황 발생시 어느 한 기관에서만 대응해서는 안 되며 국가 전방위요소가 통합하여 최단 시간내에 해결을 해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 테러, 테러리즘, 공조작전에 대한 개념정립, 북한에 의한 테러위협 고찰에서 시작하여 우리나라와 주요국가의 테러대응방안에 대해서 분석, 실태확인을 통하여 우리나라의 테러대응 정책의 문제점을 살펴보고 이를 바탕으로 군과 경찰의 테러대응 공조작전체계 발전방향을 제시하였다. 우리나라도 더 이상 이제는 테러로부터 안전한 국가가 아니다. 군‧ 경찰‧ 관서‧ 학계 등 통합적인 테러에 대한 연구가 이루어 져야하며, 테러발생시에는 통합적이고 유기적인 전 방위 안보체체를 구축해야 최단 시간내 테러상황을 종결시킬 수 있는 것이다; We live in a world full of small and large threats of terrorist attack. Being a divided nation, our country faces serious threats of terrorism, and thus there is a need to put in much effort to counter those threats. Also, acts of terrorism are carried out in new ways : more unconventional, more organized through global network, and anonymous. In case of terrorist attack, it does not suffice to counter it by a single organization, and defense-related organizations of the entire nation need to cooperate and resolve the problem in the shortest time as possible. Especially, past cases demonstrate much deficiency in the police-military cooperation, which is definitely needed in case of terrorism. In order to address this deficiency, this thesis has analyzed the following issues. First, the law concerning terrorism. Second, command and communication system. Third, problems of information sharing and ways to address these problems. This thesis would first define terror, terrorism, cooperation, and then analyze anti-terror strategies and policies of other important nations, then evaluate the current problems of our nation's anti-terror policies, and then provide some concrete ways to redress these problems. Cases of terrorism are on the rise since the 1990's, and there have been a significant rise in the number of casualties. It shows that acts of terrorism are becoming more indiscriminate in the choice of targets, and there are reasons to believe that the trend will aggravate. As seen in the case of 911, terrorism can take place at an unexpected hour, at an unexpected place, and through an unexpected method. The lesson to glean from the analysis of anti-terrorism policies of other important nations are as follow: They all have a strong and clearly-defined policies and law concerning terrorism, and there is a pan-national cooperation protocols among anti-terror organizations, with clearly instructions for cooperation and command structure. Also, there are risk-control and post-terrorism measures all planned out in advance. Based on this analysis, I have explored the ways to increase cooperation between the Police and the Military. First, although anti-terrorist protocols are laid out in the Presidential Directive 47(Anti-Terror Guideline), they are inadequate in terms of making a coherent and unified effort, and there are different guidelines for times of armistice and times of war. Thus, it would be necessary to first review the policies concerning anti-terrorism in other nations. Based on this analysis, there needs to be some revamp of law concerning various aspects of anti-terrorism protocols. Also, as in the case of terrorist attack against a military facility, the nearest troops will be needed to be dispatched, and after that, clear instructions, in accordance of well-defined protocols, will be needed for other troops such as anti-terror units and anti-terror special attack corps to be committed. Also, carefully analyzing various forms of terrorism abroad and recent cases of terrorism would help us find ways to counter terrorism. Secondly, there is a need for a unified command and communications structure. Currently, there is much ambiguity in this area when it comes to police-military cooperation. Thus, there is a need for the Joint Chief of Staff to take the charge to give commands, unifying the command structure. Thirdly, there is a need for a better information-sharing system. This system will be utilized to study terrorism in times of war, and in case of terrorism, act as a medium that facilitate command-relaying processes. Our nation is no longer shielded from terrorist threats. Police, military, government organization, and academic institutions will need to conduct study on terrorism, and, in case of terrorist attack, we need to keep it under control through unified and organic anti-terrorist strategies.
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