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dc.description.abstract도시에서의 건축은 건축과 건축, 건축과 주변과의 상호관계에 의해 단순한 물체가 아닌 그 이상의 의미를 가지게 된다. 이는 수잔 K.랭거의 ‘건축은 장소의 특성을 시각화한다.’는 말처럼 건축은 장소의 성격을 구체화시키고 장소의 잠재성을 드러내는 역할을 한다. 그러나, 근대화 과정을 거치면서 기능주의, 합리주의, 물질주의가 팽배해지고, 건축의 규격화, 장소성의 결핍 등의 문제가 나타나기 시작하였다. 한국 건축 또한 근대화 과정에서 장소에 대한 정체성을 갖지 못하고 주로 서구에서 도입된 건축자체의 개별성만 표현, 복제하는 양상을 보이며 변화하였다. 이러한 문제점을 지적하며 20세기 중반이후 한국 건축계는 다양한 성향들을 모색하게 되었는데, 그 중 대표적인 것이 지역성의 탐구 즉, 도시 속 건축의 장소성 개념이다. 장소성 개념과 더불어, 모더니즘에 의해 잃어버렸던 땅의 의미와 지역적 가치를 복원하는 방법으로 1990년대 이후 나타나고 있는 건축의 경향이 ‘랜드스케이프 건축’이다. 랜드스케이프 건축은 현대 사회의 생태학적 패러다임과 더불어 다양한 요구에 대한 프로그램을 충족시키기 위한 시도로 현대 건축에서는 대규모 프로젝트를 통해 도시와 자연과의 경계를 허무는 방식으로 나타나기 시작하였다. 이러한 일련의 프로젝트들은 오브제로서의 건축물과 배경으로서의 자연이라는 이분법적 요소가 아닌 둘의 관계를 적극적으로 맺는 방식으로 표현되고 있다. 본 연구는 근대화 이후 건축의 획일화와 장소성 상실을 극복하려는 과정에서 도출된 여러 가지 개념 중 특히, 장소성과 랜드스케이프 건축에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 장소성과 장소성 접근방법 및 랜드스케이프 건축의 특성을 고찰하고, 이를 토대로 하여 동대문월드디자인파크 & 콤플렉스(이하 WDPC)건설을 위한 현상설계 계획안들을 분석하였다. 분석을 통하여 랜드스케이프 건축과 장소성은 개별적인 특성으로 존재하는 것이 아니라 서로 공통점을 가지며 복잡하고 다양하게 연결되어 있다는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 이를 통하여 랜드스케이프 건축적 측면의 장소성 표현 양상을 유추해 볼 수 있다. 첫째, 물리적으로 대지와의 일체화를 통하여 장소성을 극대화하고 있다. 대지와의 일체화는 랜드스케이프 건축의 특징인 판의 조작을 통하여 주로 이루어진다. 둘째, 지역성, 혹은 장소 정체성의 표현이라 말할 수 있는 역사적 접근양상 을 띠며 장소성을 표현하고 있다. 이는 구체적으로 형태적 모방보다는 과거 요소의 재해석을 통하여 주변과의 관계통합의 측면에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 결국, 위의 두 가지 장소성 표현양상 모두 궁극적으로는 주변과의 관계 통합을 시도하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 최근 한국 건축은 랜드스케이프 건축뿐만 아니라, 다양한 건축 양식을 선보이며 다원화 양상을 띠고 있는데, 이러한 시점에서 랜드스케이프 건축적인 측면에서의 장소성 표현양상을 살펴본다는 것은 건축의 본연적 가치가 장소임을 상기하고, 동시에 다원화되고 있는 한국건축에서 지역성, 장소성을 염두에 둔 한국적인 건축언어를 찾기 위한 하나의 방법론을 제시하고자 하는데 그 의의가 있다. 또한 장소성에 접근하는 방법과 표현양상은 장소에 따라, 건축가 개개인의 땅에 대한 해석과 철학에 따라 다양하게 나타나겠지만, 도시의 역사와 문화는 한 두 개의 오브제로서의 건물에 의해 만들어지는 것이 아니라 도시 조직과 그 속에서의 인간의 행태, 그리고 장소성으로 종합되어 이루어진다는 사실을 염두에 둔 접근이 필요하다 하겠다.; An architecture in the city has more than the meaning as a simple object due to the relationship between buildings and between buildings and their surroundings. Susanne K. Langer says, "Architecture visualizes the characteristics of the place." Thus, architecture plays a role of specifying the characteristics of the place, revealing its potential. However, in the process of the technological development since the Industrial Revolution, the society began to be dominated by functionalism, rationalism and materialism, and thus, the architectural situation in the modern times had been characterized by the specified buildings and lack of placeness rather than regional unique buildings. On the other hand, the Korean modern architecture began to change, while copying the Western architecture introduced together with the Western civilization, not being autonomous. After all, the Korean architecture in the earlier modern times could not have its own identity but copied and expressed individuality of the buildings themselves, highlighting the egos of the buildings too extremely. Later, the Korean architecture community would pursue diverse tendencies, and the model tendency among them may be exploration of an architectural identity and placeness, namely, the concept of placeness in the urban architecture. The concept of placeness in the urban architecture emerged in the mid-20th century, establishing a new relationship between environment and men lost in the modern architecture. In a similar context, the works demolishing the border between city and nature through large-scale projects began to be attempted to meet the diversified needs of programs in the ecological paradigm of our contemporary society. Such series of projects have been implemented to positively establish a relationship between buildings and nature, not pursuing the buildings as objects or the nature as background. Such works can be explained as 'landscape architecture.' Now, the architecture is understood no longer dichotomically as the work consisting of object and nature but as establishment of a relationship between the two. The role of architecture recovering the meanings of the terra and the regional values lost by modernism is required, and the 'landscape architecture' has emerged as method and role for such recovery. This study focused on the concept of placeness and the landscape architecture among those various concepts drawn in the process of surmounting the uniform modern architecture and the lost placeness. Specifically, this study reviewed the characteristics of such architectural essences as placeness and landscape architecture and examined the approaches of the contemporary architecture to the concept of placeness, and thereupon, analyzed the draft plans submitted to the international competition for Dongdeamun World Design Park & Complex, and then, examined how the concept of placeness was expressed in them from the perspective of the landscape architecture. In order to examine how the concept of placeness was expressed in the draft plans from the perspective of the landscape architecture, this study analyzed their characteristics of the landscape architecture and their expression of placeness. The characteristics of the draft plans analyzed from the perspective of the landscape architecture can be summed up as follows; (1) continuum through manipulation of the plates, (2) structuralization through voids and (3) diversified and complex expressions in terms of forms, programs and space. Although the concept of placeness is expressed in diverse and complex ways, its major expression can be found in expansion/manipulation of the terra, approaches to the planes and search for traces. Through the above analysis, some common types related to the characteristics of the landscape architecture and the expressions of placeness could be found. 'Type A' set as the basic concept of the design the manipulation of the plates or the bottom plates characterizing the landscape architecture and thereby, manipulated the plates continuously and flexibly to contain the indeterminate programs and diversified needs and thus, attempted to establish a continuum between building and landscape and even between the site and its surrounding parts of the city. On the other hand, the concept of placeness was expressed to blur the border between inside and outside, introducing the landscape of the site into the indoor to maximize integration of outdoor and indoor by expanding and manipulating the site. After all, 'Type A' manipulated the plates for their continuity and integration with the site. 'Type B' focused on the integrated relationship with the surroundings through implementation of placeness among the characteristics of the landscape architecture. Namely, 'Type B' attempted to implement the concept of placeness by expressing the time accumulated on the site and the materialism of the site. It focused primarily on expression of the historic place as Dongdeamun Stadium, harmonizing the new buildings with their surrounding urban environment in a contemporary way. Expression of placeness in 'Type B' seemed to reflect the characteristics of the landscape architecture. In short, it adopted a historical approach. In other words, in order to express the temporality of the place, 'Type B' seemed to attempt to visualize the temporal gap directly to establish a historical identity of the place. The expressions of placeness discussed so far from the perspective of the landscape architecture can be summed up as follows; First, the concept of placeness was maximized by integrating it with the site or the physical form of the place. Such integration may well be equated with 'integration with the ground surface' through expansion/manipulation of the site by means of manipulation of the plates characterizing the landscape architecture. Second, the historical approach or an expression of the regional identity or placeness in a broader terms may well be defined as 'introduction/reinterpretation of the past traditional elements,' which may be extended from the discussions about identity of place in 60's, but it is a more evolved method of reinterpretation than in the past. It is not a morphological imitation but a relational integration of spaces characterizing the landscape architecture. Upon examining such characteristic expressions, we can know that landscape architecture and placeness do not exist separately but are related closely with each other to be linked with each other in complex and diverse ways. In addition, the uniqueness of Korea's long history was reinterpreted and expressed in multi-faceted ways. Lately, the Korean architecture has shown too pluralistic tendencies. This study focusing on expressions of placeness from the perspective of the landscape architecture may well be significant at this moment when the Korean architecture is being pluralized, because it reminds us of the essential value of architecture or 'place' and thereby, suggests some alternatives to find our own architectural language. On the other hand, although the approaches to and expressions of placeness must differ among architects depending on their personal interpretation of the terra and their philosophies, we need to be aware that history, culture and environment of a city are created not by one or two buildings or historical remains as objects but by urban dwellers' life contained therein, forms as urban structures and concept of placeness therein.-
dc.title랜드스케이프 건축적 측면에서 본 장소성 표현 양상에 관한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the Tendency of the Expression of Placeness from a Landscape Architectural Perspective : Focused on the International Competition for Dongdeamun World Design Park & Complex-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorLee, Ok Jung-
dc.contributor.affiliation건축학 전공-
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