형광식별제로서 7-Aminocoumarin 유도체의 합성 및 물성

형광식별제로서 7-Aminocoumarin 유도체의 합성 및 물성
Other Titles
The Synthesis and Properties of 7-Aminocoumarin Derivatives as the Fluorescent Marker
Alternative Author(s)
Jung, Jong Keun
Issue Date
석유회사들은 시장에서 경쟁력 있는 석유제품을 가지기 위하여 고품질의 제품을 개발하는데 많은 돈을 투자하고 있다. 자사의 개발된 석유제품이 다른 석유제품 또는 불법적인 유사 석유제품과 혼합되는 것을 막기 위하여 고유의 석유식별제, 즉 마커(marker)를 사용한다. 마커의 한 종류인 형광식별제는 등록된 석유제품과 불법적으로 제조된 석유제품을 휴대용 UV/VIS 측정기를 사용하여 쉽게 판별하는데 이용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 형광식별제로서 coumarin계 유도체를 형광증백제 (Fluorescent Whitening Agent)로부터 개발하고자 하였다. 유기용제에 높은 용해도를 가진 7-(dialkylamino)coumarin 유도체는 7-amino group에 alkyl기를 도입하여 합성되었다. Ethyl phenylformylacetate (1)는 Claisen condensation 반응으로 methyl phenylacetate와 ethyl formate 로부터 합성되었다. 3-Aminophenol (2a)은 2당량의 alkyl bromide 유도체와 S_(N)2 반응에 의해 3-(dialkylamino)phenol (2b~h)로 합성되었다. Methyl phenylformylacetate (1)와 3-aminophenol (2a) 및 3-(dialkylamino)phenol (2b~h)은 AlCl3 존재 하에서 Pechmann reaction으로 coumarin계 유도체인 7-amino-3-phenylcoumarin (3a) 및 7-(dialkylamino)-3-phenylcoumarin (3b~h) 유도체가 합성되었다. Ethyl acetoacetate 와 3-Aminophenol (2a) 및 3-(dialkylamino)phenol (2b~h)과의 반응으로 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (4a) 및 7-(dialkylamino)-4-methylcoumarin (4b~h)가 합성되었다. 합성한 화합물의 구조는 ^(1)H NMR spectrum으로 분석하였고 UV-Vis, PL (Photoluminescence spectrometer)을 통하여 물리적 성질을 확인하였다.; Petroleum companies have invested a colossal sum to develop the high- quality petroleum products so that they hope to have competitive products in oil market. A maker is usually used to protect the company owned high-quality petroleum products from mixed products or illegal imitations. Fluorescent markers which are a sort of the markers are used to distinguish readily the authorized petroleum products from the unauthorized by using potable UV/VIS detector. In this study, coumarin derivatives as the fluorescent marker for the petroleum products were developed from fluorescent whitening agent. 7-(Dialkylamino)coumarin derivatives with the high solubility in the nonpolar solvents have been prepared by the alkylation for 7-amino group. Ethyl phenylformylacetate (1) has been prepared by the Claisen reaction of methyl phenylacetate with ethyl formate. 3-(Dialkylamino)phenol (2b~h) have been prepared by the S_(N)2 reaction of 3-aminophenol with alkyl bromide. 7-Amino-3-phenylcoumarin (3a) and 7-(dialkylamino)-3-phenylcoumarin (3b~h) were synthesized by Pechmann reaction, which involves the condensation of ethyl phenylacetate (1) with 3-aminophenol (2a) or 3-(dialkylamino)phenol (2b~h) in presence of aluminum chloride. 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin (4a) and 7-(dialkylamino)-4-methylcoumarin (4b~h) were synthesized by Pechmann reaction, which involves the condensation of ethyl acetoacetate with 3-aminophenol (2a) or 3-(dialkylamino)phenol (2b~h) in presence of aluminum chloride. The structures of synthesized compounds were characterized by the analysis of ^(1)H NMR spectrum. The physical properties of compounds were performed by the measurements of UV/VIS and PL(photoluminescence spectrometer).
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