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통일후 남북한 토지소유 및 이용에 관한연구

통일후 남북한 토지소유 및 이용에 관한연구
Other Titles
A Study on The Estate Ownership and the Application Policy after the Unification of South and North Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, jin woo
Issue Date
이 논문은 통일 후 남북한 토지소유 및 토지이용제도에 관한 연구이다. 역사는 힘의 균형에 의해 지배되어 졌다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 이러한 힘의 강력함을 보이기 위해 과거부터 현제 까지 무수히 많은 전쟁과 갈등이 있었고 그 힘의 세기를 측정하는 도구의 하나가 영토의 확장, 식민통치, 자본주의·사회주의체제의 대립등을 들 수 있다. 통일 후 남북한 토지 소유 및 이용제도에 관한 연구는 반세기가 넘게 분단되어진 한반도의 통일이 힘의 균형의 와해를 통해 그시기가 멀지 않았음을 인지하고 통일 후 토지소유제도 및 토지이용제도에 대한 고찰을 목적으로 한다. 토지소유제도 및 토지이용제도에 관한 정의에 있어 토지소유제도는 새롭게 창출되는 제도가 아닌 인류의 역사와 함께 발전해온 제도로서 고전적인 의미를 가지는 반면 토지이용제도는 인간의 노력에 의해 부증성의 토지를 최유효이용에 적합하도록 토지를 개량하는 행위라 할 수 있다. 통일에 가능성에 대한 외국의 사례를 분석해 본다면 독일, 베트남, 예멘의 사례를 들 수 있고 자본주의로서의 통일, 사회주의로서의 통일, 평화 통일 후 자본주의 체제의 무력 통일등에 대한 사례 분석이 가능하며 통일의 가능성에서 있어 힘의 균형이 현격하게 차이를 이룰때 통일을 이룰 확률이 높음을 알 수 있다. 또한 통일후 힘의 우위를 점한 국가체제의 토지소유제도와 토지이용제도가 유용됨을 인지 할 수 있다. 남북한은 자본주의체제와 사회주의체제의 힘의 균형에 의해 분단되어진 국가이며 반세기라는 시간의 흐름을 통해 이 균형이 변형 되어졌다. 이 변화를 세계적인 시각에서 본다면 사회주의 체제의 모순이 나타났으며 자본주의체제의 효율성이 더욱 높음을 유추 할 수 있다. 결과적으로 남북한이 통일이 된다면 사회주의 체제로서의 회귀현상보다 자본주의 체제의 통일의 가능성이 높다고 가정할 수 있다. 이러한 측면에 입각하여 논문을 구성함에 있어 외국의 사례 분석으로 통일의 가능성과 통일후의 시사점을 고찰하고 남북한의 토지소유제도 및 이용제도를 비교 분석하여 유사성과 차별성에 입각하여 문제점을 인식하고 자본주의체제로서의 통일을 가정하여 토지소유제도 및 토지이용제도의 방향을 모색하고 나아가 정책적 방향과 법률적 문제점 및 해결 방안에 대하여 고찰하였다.; In this thesis, I considered the side of overhead charge, using unified Germany case which a political system was destroyed methodologically and studied collegial unification of Yemen in order to achieve peaceful unification even an armed liberation had taken placed after the peaceful liberation. And in the unified Vietnam joined a socialist system, I studied process of liberation estate ownership and the application policy. Conceptualizing metaphysically past example grounded similarity, situation of the present and future grounded distinction can get quick of understanding. The moment of liberation brought a collapse in social system due to a remarkable balance contrast power. There is a similarity which distinguish between a public and private autonomy by a constitution and the civil law in the estate ownership system of a democratic state or communist country. In the estate application policy, each country made basic regulation rules and reved up special laws as specific as possible so that control the application of land based change of the times. A decisive economical edge of West Germany, as the liberation of Germany, enabled absorption liberation and then it made West Germany choose their estate ownership and the application policy in democracy system. In case of Vietnam, overwhelming troops accomplished liberation and organized communist system in the estate ownership and application. In another case of Yemen, forming of democratic estate ownership and application based on Arabic cultural area was by military power of North Yemen. In other words, the estate policy of more powerful superior system ought to be chosen under the rule of balance of power and the estate ownership and application system also follow this rule of balance. In the present relation of South and North Korea, there is a distinguish gap of power such as GNP. According to above cases, a balance collapse of power can push up the date of the liberation. Also a rumor is current about Kim Jung Il's ill health. The imbalance of power and rumor of leader's reign make to expect that liberation can be realized at the earliest possible opportunity, furthermore, there is a good chance of being chosen South Korea's estate ownership and application system which is economically and socially superior to North Korea. Therefore, it is reasonable to study about a free and democratic estate system based on situation of South Korea rather than communist system based on situation of North Korea. The earlier studies were restrictively based on estate ownership and application system within North Korea area and in the cases of other countries for the needs of estate system and application system in unification of South and North Korea, we can exercise expense problems and returning to its owner from case of Germany, system of ownership to overcome a communist abuse from case of Vietnam and the estate system of conference side about peaceful unification from the case of Yemen in which is formed Arabic cultural area. However, no case can be superior to others and then even the estate system by method of unification can change, that is, policy of no return and no compensation may be useful in the unification into communist system and policy of return to its owner and compensation may be useful in the capitalism system. And, in the case of the unification by the combinated North and South, it is proper to establish estate ownership and application system based on balance of South and North through policy such as progressive privatization after re-nationalization. On the track that communist system would be absorbed into capitalism system by its abuses, I concluded that the land system of South Korea should be much more developed for liberation. As a consequence, the unification into capitalism system can be more possible, as assuming that the land system of South Korea is more useful, approaching based past case studies toward point at issue and in order to complement this, if the method against change of the times for clear direction of current land system of South Korea is applied, it would diminish disorder of land ownership and the application policy after the unification of South and North Korea.
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