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경영혁신활동의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

경영혁신활동의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Activation Plans of Management Innovation Activities : Focused on the Company K
Alternative Author(s)
Jung, Jun Ho
Issue Date
경영혁신활동은 이제 선택이 아닌 필수이며, 기업의 생존과 직결된 가장 중요한 요소 중의 하나인 것이다. 그러나 경영혁신활동의 목적이나 방법, 적용하는 개념이나 기법들의 다양성만큼이나, 경영혁신활동의 성과 역시 매우 다양하게 나타나고 있으며, 경영혁신활동에 투입된 경영자원들과 노력들이 오히려 헛되게 소모되어 버리는 경우도 적지 않다. 그러므로 경영혁신활동의 성공사례와 요인을 검토해 볼 필요가 있다. 경영혁신활동이 처음 등장하게 된 배경은 18세기 산업혁명 시기에 공장의 생산을 조직화해 프로세스혁신을 시도하려는 움직임에서였다. 이후 미국의 테일러는 철강공장에 과학적인 경영관리기법을 적용하게 되는데 이것이 경영혁신의 진정한 출발점으로 알려져 있다. 이후 경영혁신활동은 미국을 중심으로 급속도로 발전하게 되었으며 20세기 초 포드자동차의 컨베이어 시스템은 이 시기의 가장 유명한 경영혁신 사례로 손꼽힌다. 또한, 경영혁신활동의 발전에 있어서 빼놓을 수 없는 게 바로 일본 기업들의 노력이었다. 경영혁신은 여러 가지 광범위한 의미를 내포하고 있지만 제품혁신, 품질혁신, 공정혁신, 그리고 마인드 혁신을 포함하는 기업문화 재구축 등 기업 전체에서 발생하는 의도적이고 계획적인 변화이다. 이는 기업의 문화적 특성을 변화시켜 기업의 경쟁력을 강화하고자 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 경영혁신활동은 20세기 초 기본 개념이 출현한 이후 네 단계를 거쳐 발전해 왔다. 제1기(20세기 전반)에는 테일러의 과학적 관리법, 제2기(1950년대~1970년대)에는 일본 기업들이 경영혁신을 ‘운동’으로 발전시켰으며, 제3기(1980년대~1990년대 초반)에는 일본의 부상에 자극을 받은 미국 기업들이 BPR, 6시그마 등 다양한 혁신기법들을 시도했으며, 마지막으로 제4기(1990년대 중반~현재)에는 이전에 출현했던 여러 혁신기법들이 6시그마로 통합되고 있다. 경영혁신활동의 대표적 사례를 열거하면 다음과 같다. 국내기업 중 LG전자는 TDR과 CA가 있었으며, 삼성전자는 신경영, 현대자동차는 품질경영으로 커다란 경영성과를 보았으며, 해외기업으로써는 애플은 혁신적 사고와 아이디어로, 구글은 펀 경영, 도요타자동차는 JIT와 Lean생산방식 등이 있다. 이러한 경영혁신 이론 및 사례연구를 바탕으로 K사 경영혁신활동의 문제점을 열거하면 다음과 같다. 첫째 전략적 측면에서 사업목표 및 사업계획과 연계성 부족, 경영층의 실제적인 관심 부족, 명확한 좌표설정 및 성과산출 미흡, 혁신활동이 중요 전략으로 미정착되었으며, 둘째 제도적 측면에서 체계적인 지원제도 부족, 경영혁신활동 전담 부서 축소, 부문 간 장벽으로 정보 공유 미흡, 형식적 실적주의 잔존 등 이며, 셋째 종업원 측면에서 우수 인력의 회피, 혁신활동 추진자 양성제도 미흡, 전체 구성원에 대한 지속적인 교육 부족, 노동조합의 비협조 등의 문제점을 진단하였다. 이러한 문제점에 대한 활성화 방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전략적 측면에서 경영혁신전략과 사업계획과 같은 지표의 연계성을 강화하고, 경영진의 확고한 열의와 확인 점검을 해야 하며, 실질을 중시하고 구체적 성과를 추구하여 내실 있는 운영을 해야 하며, 전사 전략과 혁신활동 간 정합성을 유지하여야 한다. 둘째, 제도적 측면에서 혁신활동 추진자 및 참여자에 대한 조직, 교육, 처우, 보상, 인식 등에 관하여 체계적인 지원제도 구축이 필요하고, 경영혁신활동 전담 조직 운영은 필수적이며, 각 부문 간 정보 공유 방안을 구축해야 하며, 혁신활동에 대한 결과 및 성과에 대한 측정 도구를 병행하여 개발해서 구체적인 성과로 이어질 수 있도록 해야 한다. 셋째, 종업원 측면에서 우수 인력의 배치, 혁신활동 추진자 양성 및 사후관리 시스템 구축이 필요하며, 전 사원들이 혁신에 대해 공통된 가치관을 공유하도록 유도하고 교육하여야 하고, 노사 신뢰를 바탕으로 노동조합의 협력을 이끌어 내고자 하는 노력이 필요하다.; Jung, Jun Ho Dept. of Business Administration The Graduate School of Industrial Engineering, Management & Design Hanyang University Directed by Professor Chung, Yosup Now management innovation activities are not an option but a must, and is one of the most integral factors to determine the survival of business. As there are a wide variety of objects, methods, concepts and techniques of management innovation activities, however, that produce very different results, and all the efforts to push ahead with management innovation activities with a huge quantity of resources available are often in vain. So it's needed to take a look at the successful management innovation activities cases and the factors of success. In the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, there was a move to attempt process innovation by systemizing the production lines of factories, and that served to engender the emergence of management innovation activities. Afterwards, Taylor made an attempt in the United States to apply a scientific business management technique to a steel factory, and that was known as the beginning of management innovation activities in a true sense. From then on, there was a rapid progress in management innovation activities, which was mainly led by the United States, and the conveyor system of Ford Motor Company in the early 20th century was viewed as the most high- profile management innovation activities case. Another thing that should be mentioned in relation to the development of management innovation activities are Japanese companies that put enormous efforts into that. Basically, management innovation activities have a comprehensive, multiple meaning, but that could be defined as intentional and well-planned changes that take place in the overall parts of business such as product innovation, quality innovation, process innovation, mind innovation and recreated corporate culture. That aims at changing the cultural characteristics of a company to bolster its competitiveness. Since the basic concept of management innovation activities appeared in the early 20th century, it has developed in four different stages. The first phrase(the first half of the 20th century) was characterized by Taylor's scientific business management, and Japanese companies conducted management innovation activities campaigns in the second phase(between the 1950s and 1970s). In the third phase(between the 1980s and early 1990s), American companies stimulated by the emergence of Japan attempted various kinds of innovation techniques like BPR and 6 Sigma. Finally, diverse sorts of innovation techniques that were introduced in the past were integrated into 6 Sigma in the fourth phase(from the mid-1990s up to now). There are typical management innovation activities cases. The domestic cases are LG Electronics' TDR and CA, Samsung Electronics' new management initiative and Hyundai Motor Company's quality management. The latter two achieved a great success. The foreign cases are Apple's innovative thinking and ideas, Google's fun management and Toyota Motor Corporation's JIT and Lean production method. According to the management innovation activities theory and the results of a case study, there are several problems with K company's management innovation activities efforts. First, in terms of strategy, the business plan wasn't successful enough to attain the objectives of management innovation activities, and the management didn't have much interest in that. There were neither clear guidelines nor efforts to rate the performance of the management innovation activities strategy. And management innovation activities were not yet regarded as one of major business strategies. Second, in terms of system, the company was devoid of solid infrastructure that could back up its pursuit of management innovation activities, and the department that was exclusively in charge of management innovation activities was scaled back. There wasn't dynamic information sharing between the divisions of the company due to their mutual barriers, and the kind of business practice that just focused on outward, visible performance was still prevailing. Third, in terms of employees, there weren't full-fledged efforts to nurture those who could push ahead with management innovation activities, nor to provide sustainable education to every employee, and the labor union didn't cooperate with the company in that regard, either. The ways to iron out the problems and boost management innovation activities efforts could be recommended as follows: First, in terms of strategy, management innovation activities strategies should be laid out in line with major business plans, and the management should have a strong will to achieve management innovation activities and keep track of its process. They should put substance above outward form and strive to produce concrete results, and the utilization of a corporate strategy and congruous innovation activities are required. Second, in terms of system, a well-structured backing system should be built to give support to those who are involved in management innovation activities in terms of education, treatment and compensation. The installation of a department exclusively responsible for management innovation activities is mandatory, and every department concerned should be encouraged to share information. An inventory to assess the performance of management innovation activities plans should be developed to ensure the successful performance of the plans. Third, in terms of employees, competent human resources should be deployed, and those who could step up management innovation activities should be nurtured. A post-management system should be constructed, and every employee should be urged and educated to share common values. Finally, it's required to seek cooperation from the labor union by fortifying labor-management trust.
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