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한국의 녹색성장 정책의 활성화에 관한 연구

한국의 녹색성장 정책의 활성화에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Activation of a Green Growth Policy in Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Yeon Sik
Issue Date
국문 요약 최근 기후변화 문제를 둘러싼 지구환경 및 인류 생존의 위기감이 팽배해짐에 따라 이에 대한 무수한 논의와 세계 각국의 대응 노력을 엿볼 수 있다. 우리나라 또한 지난 2008년 8․ 15 대통령 경축사를 통해 ‘저탄소 녹색성장’을 새로운 국가비전으로 선포하면서, 경제 시스템의 패러다임 전환과 기후변화 및 환경보전에 대한 사회적 관심이 높아졌다. 1992년 리우 유엔환경개발 회의(UNCED)에서 채택된 ‘지속가능한 발전’은 선진국과 저개발국간의 인식차이를 비롯하여 선진국 중심의 개념이라는 비판을 받기도 했지만, 여전히 우리나라 녹색담론의 한 배경을 구성하고 있다. 한편, 정부영역의 논의에서 ‘성장’이라는 부분에 보다 초점이 맞추어져 있는 것에 반해, 민간영역에서는 녹색생활, 녹색사회 등을 중심으로 주로 대안적 삶의 방식에 대해 초점이 맞추어져 있다. 이는 녹색성장의 개념이 사회발전시스템의 생태적 지속가능성을 추구해야 함을 강조하는 생태근대화론과 동일한 의미를 함축하고 있음을 말해준다. 외국의 녹색성장 정책에서는 ‘기후환경변화’와 ‘지속가능한 발전’에 대한 지속적인 관심과 생활환경 변화를 접목시키려는 다양한 시도들이 나타나고 있다. 기후변화 정책결정은 국가적, 지역적, 정치적, 제도적 차이로 인하여 여러 형태를 가질 수 있는 것으로 평가되며, 대응체제 또한 국가별로 상이할 수 있을 것이다. 우리나라의 녹색성장 정책은 2009년에 발표한 녹색성장 5개년 계획을 통해 녹색기술 및 산업, 기후변화 적응역량, 에너지 자립도․ 에너지 복지 등 녹색 경쟁력 전반에 걸쳐 2020년까지 세계7대, 2050년까지 세계5대 녹색강국 진입을 목표로 한 녹색성장 국가전략에 압축되어 있다. 그러나 기후변화에 대한 전략, 지방정부와의 연계 대책 마련, 에너지 및 환경기술 개발, 사회적 공감대 형성 노력을 위한 구체적인 정책 수립과 적극적인 대응은 미비한 것으로 평가된다. 우리나라 녹색성장 정책의 경쟁력 제고를 위해서는 기후변화 완화를 위한 실천계획 수립과 미래를 위한 신 성장 동력 창출, 각종 제도 및 정책의 연구․ 개발 등이 필요하다. 또한 개인의 의식 수준 향상과 지역사회 단위의 역량 강화가 요구되는데, 정부의 정책결정자, 기업경영자, 시민환경단체 그리고 시민 모두가 참여하는 거버넌스 체제 구축을 통해 적극적인 상호협력을 이끌어 내야겠다. 녹색성장 정책은 ‘성장의 한계’에 맞서 21세기 녹색사회 구현이라는 청사진을 그리게 한다. 급변하는 경제·사회환경과 더불어 새롭게 이슈화되어 가는 분야들에 대한 끊임없는 연구가 뒷받침 될 때, 비로소 우리나라의 녹색성장 정책 활성화를 위한 참다운 지표 정립이 가능할 것이다. |ABSTRACT Recently, as the sense of crisis for the environment of the earth and the survival of the people surrounding the recent issue of climate change is overflowing, many discussions and efforts to take measures by the various countries of the world can be seen. Korea also proclaimed ‘the Low Carbon Green Growth’ as a new national vision through congratulatory speech by the President in August 15, 2008. Thus, social interests about the paradigm shift of the economic system, climate change, and environment preservation have increased. Although the ‘sustainable growth’ selected in the Rio Summit (Rio de Janeiro United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) in 1992 has received criticism which claims the concept to be focused on the advanced countries along with the differences of awareness between the advanced countries and the underdeveloped countries, it still forms a background of the green discourse in Korea. While the government field of discourse is more concentrated on the ‘growth’, the private field is mainly on the alternative ways of living focused on green life and green society. It signifies that the concept of green growth implies the same meaning as the ecological modernization theory which emphasizes the need to pursue ecologic sustainability of the social development system. There are diverse attempts to connect the consistent interest on the ‘change of climate environment’ and ‘sustainable growth’ and change of living environment in the green growth policies of foreign countries. It has been assessed that decision-making on policies for climate change can have many forms due to differences in terms of nation, region, politics, and regulations. Also, the response systems may vary depending on the country. The green growth policy of Korea is compressed in the national strategy for green growth in the 5-year green growth plan announced in 2009 which aims to advance into the top 7 green country until 2020 and top 5 until 2050 in the overall fields of green competitive power such as green technology and industry, competency to adjust to climate changes, degree of autonomy in energy, and energy welfare. However, it has also been assessed that specific policy establishment and active measures are week in terms of strategies for climate changes, establishing measures in connection with local governments, development of energy and environmental technologies, and efforts to create a bond of social sympathy. In order to improve the competitive power of Korea in the green growth policies, there needs to be establishment of plans to practice to alleviate the climate changes, creation of new growth drive for the future, and research and development of various regulations and policies. Also, the improvement of level of awareness in the individual level as well as the reinforcement of competencies in the local community level is required. Through foundation of a governance system in which the policy makers of the government, managers of corporations, civil environmental groups and people all participate, a proactive mutual cooperation must be induced. The green growth policy allows us to draw a blueprint of realization of the 21st century green society against 'the limit of growth’. When the ceaseless researches about fields which newly become issues along with the economic and social environments which change dramatically, it would be possible to establish true index for the vitalization of green growth policies in Korea.; ABSTRACT Recently, as the sense of crisis for the environment of the earth and the survival of the people surrounding the recent issue of climate change is overflowing, many discussions and efforts to take measures by the various countries of the world can be seen. Korea also proclaimed ‘the Low Carbon Green Growth’ as a new national vision through congratulatory speech by the President in August 15, 2008. Thus, social interests about the paradigm shift of the economic system, climate change, and environment preservation have increased. Although the ‘sustainable growth’ selected in the Rio Summit (Rio de Janeiro United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) in 1992 has received criticism which claims the concept to be focused on the advanced countries along with the differences of awareness between the advanced countries and the underdeveloped countries, it still forms a background of the green discourse in Korea. While the government field of discourse is more concentrated on the ‘growth’, the private field is mainly on the alternative ways of living focused on green life and green society. It signifies that the concept of green growth implies the same meaning as the ecological modernization theory which emphasizes the need to pursue ecologic sustainability of the social development system. There are diverse attempts to connect the consistent interest on the ‘change of climate environment’ and ‘sustainable growth’ and change of living environment in the green growth policies of foreign countries. It has been assessed that decision-making on policies for climate change can have many forms due to differences in terms of nation, region, politics, and regulations. Also, the response systems may vary depending on the country. The green growth policy of Korea is compressed in the national strategy for green growth in the 5-year green growth plan announced in 2009 which aims to advance into the top 7 green country until 2020 and top 5 until 2050 in the overall fields of green competitive power such as green technology and industry, competency to adjust to climate changes, degree of autonomy in energy, and energy welfare. However, it has also been assessed that specific policy establishment and active measures are week in terms of strategies for climate changes, establishing measures in connection with local governments, development of energy and environmental technologies, and efforts to create a bond of social sympathy. In order to improve the competitive power of Korea in the green growth policies, there needs to be establishment of plans to practice to alleviate the climate changes, creation of new growth drive for the future, and research and development of various regulations and policies. Also, the improvement of level of awareness in the individual level as well as the reinforcement of competencies in the local community level is required. Through foundation of a governance system in which the policy makers of the government, managers of corporations, civil environmental groups and people all participate, a proactive mutual cooperation must be induced. The green growth policy allows us to draw a blueprint of realization of the 21st century green society against 'the limit of growth’. When the ceaseless researches about fields which newly become issues along with the economic and social environments which change dramatically, it would be possible to establish true index for the vitalization of green growth policies in Korea.
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