가치지향 기업교육을 위한 SNS(Social Network Service) 기반 지식생태계에 관한 연구

가치지향 기업교육을 위한 SNS(Social Network Service) 기반 지식생태계에 관한 연구
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기업교육의 지향점을 '가치'로 재설정하고 논한다는 것은 기업경영에 있어서의 목적의 변화를 전제로 한다. 산업시대 이후 기업은 '이윤 창출'을 경영의 궁극적인 목적으로 삼아왔다. 하지만, SNS(social network services)의 확산으로 인해 시작된 소셜 웹(social web)시대에는 사회적 가치를 추구하는 '미덕의 경영'으로의 경영 방식에 있어서의 질적 변화가 요구된다. 기존 기업교육은 '훈련', '학습', '성과'를 지향함으로써 외재적 목적(이윤 창출에 기여)을 달성하기 위해 이론적․ 실천적 노력을 해왔다. 하지만 '미덕의 경영'에 적합한 기업교육은 직원들이 일을 잘하기 위한 '하는 지식' 뿐만 아니라, 다양하고 복잡한 사회적 현상을 업의 본질과 관련해 바라볼 수 있는 '보는 지식', 일을 통해 사회적 가치를 추구할 수 있는 '실천적 능력'을 함양하기 위한 이론적․ 실천적 노력이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구는, 가치지향 기업교육이란 '사회적 현상과 그 이면에 숨겨진 실재를 업의 본질과 관련하여 바라볼 수 있는 안목을 기르고, 공공의 선(common good)을 추구할 수 있는 실천력을 함양하는 교육'이라는 강령적 정의를 제시하였다. 가치지향 기업교육을 추구하기 위해서는 기업과 기업이 터하고 있는 사회에 대한 전통적 인식의 변화가 요구된다. 기업과 사회가 분리되어 기업의 경영활동이 이루어지고, 지식이 생성, 활용, 소멸되는 것이 아니라, 기업과 사회의 경계가 존재하지 않는 생태학적 관점에서 하나의 지식생태계로 이해하는 것이 필요하다. 기업이 공공의 선을 추구하게 만들고, 지식 창출과정에 있어서 사회와 기업의 경계를 허무는 SNS는 지식생태계 조성을 위한 중요한 기제가 된다. 본 연구에서 제기한 연구문제에 대한 결과를 간단히 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가치지향 기업교육의 의미를 모색하였다. SNS의 확산은 경영환경의 변화를 가져오게 되었으며, 궁극적으로 기업 경영의 목표를 바꿔놓았다. 근대 산업시대 이후부터 SNS가 확산되는 소셜 웹 시대 이전까지, 기업 경영과 이를 뒷받침하는 기업교육은 ‘성과 창출’에 모든 초점을 맞추고 이론적․ 실천적 노력을 기울여 왔다. 반면 SNS가 사회 변화의 동인이 되는 소셜 웹 시대에는 ‘공공의 선’을 추구하는 기업 경영으로 경영의 패러다임이 바뀌고 있다. ‘성과 창출’이라는 외재적 목적을 달성하기 위한 기업교육과는 달리, 업의 본질과 관련하여 사회 현상에 숨겨진 실재를 바라볼 수 있는 안목을 기르고, 일을 통해 공공의 선을 추구하며 이를 통해 업의 의미를 찾을 수 있도록 하는 기업교육이 필요하다. 둘째, 가치지향 기업교육의 지식관, 교육관, 학습관에 대해 논의하였다. 가치지향 기업교육이 무엇인지 정의하는 것은 그 기업교육의 지식관, 교육관, 학습관이 무엇인지에 대한 규정을 전제로 하기 때문이다. 가치지향 기업교육이 추구하는 지식관으로 Aristotles의 ‘실천적 지혜’를 제시하였다. 실천적 지혜는 공공의 선을 추구해 나갈 수 있는 실천 능력으로써, 이론과 실천은 구분되어 있는 것으로 보는 Aristoteles의 논의를 따른다. 실천적 지혜는 업의 본질에 관한 이해를 바탕으로 형성되는 안목으로써의 보는 지식과 실제적 업무를 해나가는 데 필요한 하는 지식의 올바른 사용을 가능하게 하는 촉진제 역할을 한다. 교육관으로는 실존적 자아의 자아실현을 위해 성찰의 기회를 주는 Kierkegarrd의 간접전달, 학습관으로는 ‘너’로 인해 ‘나’가 존재할 수 있다는 Buber의 만남의 이론이 주는 시사점을 통해 관계론적 학습관을 제시하였다. 셋째, 가치지향 기업교육을 위해 SNS 기반 지식생태계의 개념적 모형과 실천 원리에 대해 살펴보았다. SNS는 지식생태계에 필요한 인적, 지적, 기술적 네트워크를 동시에 제공해 준다. 기업 내에서 지식이 생성․ 공유․ 확산되는 지식생태계의 실제로써 Nonaka의 ‘Ba'를 제시하였다. ’Ba'에 SNS가 접목되면서 기업 내부로 제한되었던 지식 창출 공간의 경계가 기업이 터하고 있는 사회로 확장되었으며, 이러한 지식생태계 내에서 ‘보는 지식’, ‘하는 지식’, ‘실천적 지혜’가 생성되는 SNS 기반 지식생태계의 개념적 모형을 살펴보았다. 또한 ‘보는 지식’, ‘하는 지식’, ‘실천적 지혜’가 생성될 수 있는 SNS 기반 지식생태계의 6가지 실천원리를 제시하였다.|Resetting and discussing ‘value’ as the goal of corporate education, requires the act of change in the purpose of business operations. Ever since the industrial age, making profit has been the ultimate objective for an organization regarding its business operations. However in today’s SNS driven social web era, qualitative change in means of doing business, such as aiming to achieve greater social value and virtue, is called for. The existing corporate training has strived after external purpose, profit margin by aiming for ‘training’, ‘learning’, and ‘performance’. However, if a company wants to achieve prudence in management, its corporate education should nurture 'seeing Knowledge' to associate diverse and complicated social phenomena with the nature of business and the execution ability to conduct deeds for enhancing social values, as well as 'doing knowledge' required for working right. Therefore this study suggests that "value-oriented corporate training" is what develops the ability to associate certain social phenomena and actual factors behind them with the nature of business, and nurtures the execution ability to conduct deeds for promoting the common good. In order to achieve the value-oriented corporate education, the change in conventional perception of organization and the society that company lies, is required. SNS makes company seek for the common good and blurs the line between the society and business on the process of knowledge production and it is significant mechanism for building up an knowledge ecosystem. The research result of this research is as follows. First, I sought the meaning of the value oriented corporate education. The diffusion of SNS leads to the change of environment of doing business and eventually it changes the business goal of the company. From modern industrial age until SNS-driven social web era, doing business and the corporate education supporting its management had focused on the ‘producing profit’ and had continued theoretical and practical efforts. On the other hand, in the social web era, the SNS can be the motive of social change and the way of doing business is turning into the management which pursues common good. So the company needs to have internal goals to train employees to see the actual factors behind the social phenomena with the nature of business rather than having a external goals to make great profit. Second, I looked the views on knowledge, education and learning. Because the definition of what value oriented corporate education is grounds the definition of view of knowledge, education and learning. Phronesis is an execution ability to promote common good and it goes after the argument of Aristotle which sees theory and practice separately. Phronesis serves as a catalyst and it enables employees have the knowledge of insight based on understanding a nature of business and promotes the right use of knowledge when employees execute works. And perspective of education is based on Kierkegarrd`s indirect communication that gives employees an opportunity to have introspection for self-realization of existential ego. And perspective of learning is based on Buber`s philosophy of encounter. Third, the conceptual model and practical principal of SNS based knowledge ecosystem are investigated form understanding the knowledge ecosystem and the 'Ba'. SNS offers the knowledge ecosystem the human, intellectual and technical network at once. As an existence of knowledge ecosystem generated, shared and spread in organization, this study suggested Naonaka’s ‘Ba’. As SNS is grafted into ‘Ba’, the space of knowledge creation expanded to the society that company lies and in this knowledge ecosystem, we looked into the conceptual model that generates ‘seeing knowledge’, ‘doing knowledge’ and ‘practical wisdom’. And the six principles of knowledge ecosystem based on SNS which creates the ‘seeing knowledge’, ‘doing knowledge’ and ‘practical wisdom as well was suggested.; Resetting and discussing ‘value’ as the goal of corporate education, requires the act of change in the purpose of business operations. Ever since the industrial age, making profit has been the ultimate objective for an organization regarding its business operations. However in today’s SNS driven social web era, qualitative change in means of doing business, such as aiming to achieve greater social value and virtue, is called for. The existing corporate training has strived after external purpose, profit margin by aiming for ‘training’, ‘learning’, and ‘performance’. However, if a company wants to achieve prudence in management, its corporate education should nurture 'seeing Knowledge' to associate diverse and complicated social phenomena with the nature of business and the execution ability to conduct deeds for enhancing social values, as well as 'doing knowledge' required for working right. Therefore this study suggests that "value-oriented corporate training" is what develops the ability to associate certain social phenomena and actual factors behind them with the nature of business, and nurtures the execution ability to conduct deeds for promoting the common good. In order to achieve the value-oriented corporate education, the change in conventional perception of organization and the society that company lies, is required. SNS makes company seek for the common good and blurs the line between the society and business on the process of knowledge production and it is significant mechanism for building up an knowledge ecosystem. The research result of this research is as follows. First, I sought the meaning of the value oriented corporate education. The diffusion of SNS leads to the change of environment of doing business and eventually it changes the business goal of the company. From modern industrial age until SNS-driven social web era, doing business and the corporate education supporting its management had focused on the ‘producing profit’ and had continued theoretical and practical efforts. On the other hand, in the social web era, the SNS can be the motive of social change and the way of doing business is turning into the management which pursues common good. So the company needs to have internal goals to train employees to see the actual factors behind the social phenomena with the nature of business rather than having a external goals to make great profit. Second, I looked the views on knowledge, education and learning. Because the definition of what value oriented corporate education is grounds the definition of view of knowledge, education and learning. Phronesis is an execution ability to promote common good and it goes after the argument of Aristotle which sees theory and practice separately. Phronesis serves as a catalyst and it enables employees have the knowledge of insight based on understanding a nature of business and promotes the right use of knowledge when employees execute works. And perspective of education is based on Kierkegarrd`s indirect communication that gives employees an opportunity to have introspection for self-realization of existential ego. And perspective of learning is based on Buber`s philosophy of encounter. Third, the conceptual model and practical principal of SNS based knowledge ecosystem are investigated form understanding the knowledge ecosystem and the 'Ba'. SNS offers the knowledge ecosystem the human, intellectual and technical network at once. As an existence of knowledge ecosystem generated, shared and spread in organization, this study suggested Naonaka’s ‘Ba’. As SNS is grafted into ‘Ba’, the space of knowledge creation expanded to the society that company lies and in this knowledge ecosystem, we looked into the conceptual model that generates ‘seeing knowledge’, ‘doing knowledge’ and ‘practical wisdom’. And the six principles of knowledge ecosystem based on SNS which creates the ‘seeing knowledge’, ‘doing knowledge’ and ‘practical wisdom as well was suggested.
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