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도시재생을 위한 유휴 산업시설의 컨버전 방법에 관한 연구

도시재생을 위한 유휴 산업시설의 컨버전 방법에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on Method of the Conversion of Idle Industrial Facilities for Urban Regeneration : Focused on Culturally Converted Spaces in Europe
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산업구조의 변화로 탈산업화∙ 정보화시대가 도래하면서 기능을 잃은 산업시설이 도시 내에 그대로 방치되었다. 산업화시대에 경제발전의 중추적인 역할을 하였던 2차 산업 중심의 산업시설이 도시쇠퇴를 유발하는 요소로 전락하게 된 것이다. 산업시설은 물리적 측면뿐만 아니라 비물리적 측면에서도 가치를 지니고 있다. 지역사회 내에서 경제적, 사회문화적으로 중요한 역할을 하면서 형성된 기억들이 축적되어 역사적 가치를 지니게 되는 것이다. 이러한 유(有)∙ 무(無)형의 가치를 바탕으로 유휴 산업시설을 재활용한다면 훌륭한 자원이 될 수 있고, 이를 위한 건축적 방법으로 컨버전(conversion)이 활용될 수 있다. 이와 맥락을 같이하여‘문화’라는 콘텐츠를 활용한 도시재생정책이 전세계적으로 활발하게 일어나고 있다. 서구 선진국에서는 1970~1980년대부터 유휴 산업시설의 문화공간화 정책이 활발하게 진행되었다. 우리나라에서도 문화기반의 유휴 산업시설 재활용 정책이 추진 중이나 아직은 초기단계로 명확한 방법론이 부족하다. 따라서 본 연구는 유휴 산업시설의 문화공간화로 도시재생을 이룬 해외 성공사례에서 나타난 컨버전 방법 분석을 통하여 국내에서 컨버전 시 기초자료로 활용할 수 있는 방법론을 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 문헌조사를 통한 선행연구 고찰과 함께 현장방문을 통한 사례조사로 진행되었다. 조사 대상은 2000년 이후 개관하여 도시재생에 성공한 대표적인 사례로 꼽히는 영국 런던의 테이트모던(Tate Modern), 영국 게이츠헤드의 발틱 현대미술센터(Baltic Center for Contemporary Art), 독일 에센의 루르박물관(Ruhr Museum)이다. 선정된 세 가지 사례에서 공통적인 도시재생전략의 요소로 편리성, 참여성, 장소성, 역사성, 접근성을 추출하고, 이를 실행하기 위한 컨버전 방법 분석의 틀을 설정하였다. 이를 바탕으로 2010년 6월 16일부터 6월 27일까지 현장조사를 실시하였다. 현장조사를 통하여 도면 및 문서를 수집하는 한편, 현장의 사진촬영을 통하여 관련 이미지 자료를 수집하였다. 연구자가 확인할 수 없는 부분에 대해서는 현장 관계자와의 인터뷰를 병행하였다. 본 연구의 조사내용을 분석∙ 간접적으로 보존하거나 상징성을 강조할 수 있는 새로운 요소를 도입하는 것이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 4) 역사성 표현을 위하여 컨버전 시 파사드 및 내∙ 종합한 결론은 다음과 같았다. 1) 편리성 향상을 위하여 컨버전 시 내부공간은 전면적으로 변형하거나 부분변형하였다. 현대미술관의 경우 내부공간 구성에 우선순위를 두고 공간 확보에 영향이 적은 과거의 구조물을 일부 보존하거나 전면 철거하였다. 산업박물관은 과거의 장치가 전시물로 활용되기 때문에 과거의 요소 보존과 동시에 내부공간을 부분변형하여 필요한 공간을 확보하였다. 따라서 유휴 산업시설을 문화공간으로 활용할 시에는 현재의 기능수용에 초점을 맞추어 공간을 구성하고, 과거의 장치 중 보존할 가치가 있는 중요한 요소를 선별하여 부분적으로 보존하는 것이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 편리성 향상을 위한 또 다른 방법으로 기존건축물 외부에 편의시설을 수직증축하거나 수평증축하였다. 관람객의 복합적인 어메니티(amenity) 충족을 위하여 전시공간 이외에 레스토랑, 이벤트 홀과 같은 편의시설을 지붕 위에 증축하였다. 또한 외부경관을 감상할 수 있는 관람공간도 도입하였다. 이러한 요소들은 관람객이 지속적으로 현재의 공간을 찾도록 하는 요소가 될 수 있다. 따라서 유휴 산업시설을 문화공간으로 활용할 시에는 외부경관과 연계성을 갖는 편의시설을 적극적으로 수용하는 것이 좋을 것으로 사료된다. 2) 참여성 향상을 위하여 다양한 참여 프로그램을 개발하여 운영하고 있었으며, 이를 위하여 내부공간을 전면변형하거나 부분변형 또는 증축하였다. 프로그램의 성격에 따라 스튜디오 및 교육공간을 만들거나 다목적 홀을 조성하여 공간을 유동적으로 활용할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 독립된 공간을 증축하여 이벤트 홀로 이용하기도 하였다. 따라서 유휴 산업시설을 문화공간으로 활용할 시에는 이용자들이 참여할 수 있는 프로그램을 적극적으로 개발, 도입하고 이를 고려한 공간구성이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. 3) 장소성 표현을 위하여 컨버전 시 산업시설의 특징을 잘 나타내주는 요소 및 구조체를 보존하거나 새로운 구조물을 증축하였다. 굴뚝, 컨베이어 벨트 및 캐릭터, 내부 공간의 기계 및 설비류 등을 보존하여 산업시설의 장소성 및 정체성을 표현하였다. 내부 설비의 철거가 불가피한 경우에는 중요한 설비의 상징성을 간접적으로 보존하였다. 또한 외부의 경우 새로운 구조물을 증축하여 건축물의 상징성을 강조하기도 하였다. 따라서 유휴 산업시설을 문화공간으로 활용할 시에는 건축물의 정체성을 드러내는 특징적인 요소를 직∙ 외부 재료, 내부요소를 보존하였다. 외벽재료가 노후화 된 경우 파사드를 전면복원하여 역사성을 유지하였다. 시간성의 흔적이 남아있는 건축물의 외부요소와 내부에 보존된 과거의 기물은 스토리텔링(storytelling) 요소로 활용되어 다른 문화공간과 차별성을 갖도록 해준다. 따라서 유휴 산업시설을 문화공간으로 활용할 시에는 과거의 흔적이 남아 있는 내∙ 외부의 건축적 요소를 보존하여 건축물의 이력(履歷)을 강조하는 것이 필요하다고 사료된다. 5) 접근성 개선을 위하여 컨버전 시 기존 건축물을 부분변형하여 출입구를 확장하거나 독립된 구조물을 별동증축(別棟增築) 또는 수직증축하였다. 이때 기존 건축물의 이미지를 크게 변화시키지 않는 범위 내에서 주변 환경과 연계될 수 있는 위치에 출입구를 설치하였다. 따라서 유휴 산업시설을 문화공간으로 활용할 시에는 대중이 불편함 없이 접근할 수 있도록 출입공간을 확장 및 증설하고, 이와 함께 외부 보행환경도 개선하여야 할 것으로 사료된다. 본 연구는 편리성 향상, 참여성 향상, 장소성 표현, 역사성 표현, 접근성 개선을 위한 컨버전 방법을 분석해보았다. 본 연구에서는 유휴 산업시설을 시각예술공간 중심의 문화공간으로 컨버전한 사례에 한정하여 연구를 진행하였다. 컨버전은 건축물 재활용을 위한 효과적인 방법인 동시에 다양한 성격의 건축물에 적용될 수 있는 방법이다. 따라서 앞으로 연구대상의 범위를 확대시켜 보다 일반화된 방법론을 얻기 위한 추가 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. | As post-industrialization and information-oriented society come by change of industrial structure, industrial facilities losing their function are left within cities as they are. The industrial facilities based on the 2nd industry playing an important role of economic development in the times of industrialization fell down as an element to cause urban deteriorating. Industrial facilities have values in the immaterial side as well as in the material side. They have historical value by accumulating memory formed when they played an important role in the side of economy, society and culture within the pertinent regional society. On the basis of such material and immaterial value, if idle industrial facilities are recycled, they can be good resources and conversion can be utilized as an architectural method to be so. Under such a context, urban regeneration policy with contents of ‘culture’ is coming to the spotlight in the world. In the western advanced countries, policy to make idle industrial facilities of cultural space from 1970s~1980s has been progressed positively. Although South Korea is promoting culture-based recycling policy of idle industrial facilities, it still stays at the beginning stage and doesn’t have enough methodology. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to suggest methodology to be utilized as basic data when idle industrial facilities were converted in South Korea by analyzing conversion methods in overseas successful cases which realized urban regeneration by making idle industrial facilities of culture space. The study examined preceding researches through literary survey and made progress of case survey through visit to the field. The study surveyed Tate Modern in London, England, Baltic Center for Contemporary Art in Gateshead, England, and Ruhr Museum in Essen, Germany, as representative cases making success of urban regeneration after 2000. The study extracted convenience, participation, placeness, historicity and accessibility as a common element of urban regeneration strategy from the selected three cases. The study set up a frame of analysis on conversion method to practice the above. On the basis of the frame, the study carried out field survey from June 16, 2010 to June 27, 2010. Through field survey, the study collected drawings and documents and, through photography shooting in the field, collected related image data. With regard to parts that the author could not check, the study interviewed with the persons concerned with the field. When the study analyzed and synthesized its survey contents, the conclusion was as follows. 1) To improve convenience, the internal space was transformed all or partially in conversion. Contemporary art museum put composition of the internal space on the top priority and preserved structure in the past which had a little effect on securing space partially or removed it all. Industrial museums preserved elements in the past and secured required space by transforming the internal space partially since its devices in the past were utilized as an exhibit. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to form space by putting a focus on accepting the present function and to preserve important elements which were worth preserving out of devices in the past partially by selecting them. As another method to improve convenience, they added convenient facilities vertically or horizontally to the external side of the existing building. To satisfy spectators’ complex amenity, they added convenient facilities as restaurant and event hall besides exhibition hall on the roof. A viewing space to see the external landscape was also introduced. Such elements make spectators continue to find space in the present. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to accept convenient facilities which have connectivity with the external landscape positively. 2) To improve participation, they developed and operated diverse participatory programs. For the programs, they transformed and extended the internal space all or partially. They utilized space flexibly by making a studio and an educational space and forming a multipurpose hall according to each feature of programs. They also extended an independent space to use an event hall. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to develop and introduce programs in which users can participate positively and to form space by considering the programs. 3) To express placeness, they preserved elements and structure expressing features of industrial facilities in a proper way or extended new structures when they made progress of conversion. They expressed placeness and identity of industrial facilities by preserving chimney, conveyer belt and character and machines and equipment in the internal space. When it was inevitable to remove the internal facilities, they preserved symbolism of important facilities indirectly. They also emphasized symbolism of the pertinent building by extending new buildings in the external side. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to preserve characteristic elements to disclose identity of the pertinent building directly/indirectly or to introduce new elements to emphasize symbolism. 4) To express historicity, they preserved Faç ade, internal/external material and internal elements in conversion. When the material of an outer wall became obsolete, they kept historicity by restoring the faç ade all. The external elements of the pertinent building with traces of history and the past articles preserved in the internal side had differentiation from other cultural spaces by being utilized as an element of storytelling. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to emphasize the history of the pertinent building by preserving architectural elements in the internal/external side. 5) To improve accessibility, they expanded the entrance, added an annex to independent structure or extended independent structure vertically by transforming the existing building partially in conversion. At that time, they installed the entrance in a place to be connected with the surrounding environment within the scope of not changing the image of the existing building largely. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to expand and extend an entrance to make spectators approach without inconvenience and to improve the external walking environment. The study analyzed a conversion method for improvement of convenience, improvement of participation, expression of placeness, expression of historicity and improvement of accessibility. The study was limited in cases converting idle industrial facilities into a visual arts space out of cultural spaces. Conversion is an effective method to recycle buildings and to be applied to diverse characteristics of buildings. In the future, it is necessary to carry out additional researches to get more generalized methodology by expanding the range of research objects.; As post-industrialization and information-oriented society come by change of industrial structure, industrial facilities losing their function are left within cities as they are. The industrial facilities based on the 2nd industry playing an important role of economic development in the times of industrialization fell down as an element to cause urban deteriorating. Industrial facilities have values in the immaterial side as well as in the material side. They have historical value by accumulating memory formed when they played an important role in the side of economy, society and culture within the pertinent regional society. On the basis of such material and immaterial value, if idle industrial facilities are recycled, they can be good resources and conversion can be utilized as an architectural method to be so. Under such a context, urban regeneration policy with contents of ‘culture’ is coming to the spotlight in the world. In the western advanced countries, policy to make idle industrial facilities of cultural space from 1970s~1980s has been progressed positively. Although South Korea is promoting culture-based recycling policy of idle industrial facilities, it still stays at the beginning stage and doesn’t have enough methodology. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to suggest methodology to be utilized as basic data when idle industrial facilities were converted in South Korea by analyzing conversion methods in overseas successful cases which realized urban regeneration by making idle industrial facilities of culture space. The study examined preceding researches through literary survey and made progress of case survey through visit to the field. The study surveyed Tate Modern in London, England, Baltic Center for Contemporary Art in Gateshead, England, and Ruhr Museum in Essen, Germany, as representative cases making success of urban regeneration after 2000. The study extracted convenience, participation, placeness, historicity and accessibility as a common element of urban regeneration strategy from the selected three cases. The study set up a frame of analysis on conversion method to practice the above. On the basis of the frame, the study carried out field survey from June 16, 2010 to June 27, 2010. Through field survey, the study collected drawings and documents and, through photography shooting in the field, collected related image data. With regard to parts that the author could not check, the study interviewed with the persons concerned with the field. When the study analyzed and synthesized its survey contents, the conclusion was as follows. 1) To improve convenience, the internal space was transformed all or partially in conversion. Contemporary art museum put composition of the internal space on the top priority and preserved structure in the past which had a little effect on securing space partially or removed it all. Industrial museums preserved elements in the past and secured required space by transforming the internal space partially since its devices in the past were utilized as an exhibit. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to form space by putting a focus on accepting the present function and to preserve important elements which were worth preserving out of devices in the past partially by selecting them. As another method to improve convenience, they added convenient facilities vertically or horizontally to the external side of the existing building. To satisfy spectators’ complex amenity, they added convenient facilities as restaurant and event hall besides exhibition hall on the roof. A viewing space to see the external landscape was also introduced. Such elements make spectators continue to find space in the present. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to accept convenient facilities which have connectivity with the external landscape positively. 2) To improve participation, they developed and operated diverse participatory programs. For the programs, they transformed and extended the internal space all or partially. They utilized space flexibly by making a studio and an educational space and forming a multipurpose hall according to each feature of programs. They also extended an independent space to use an event hall. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to develop and introduce programs in which users can participate positively and to form space by considering the programs. 3) To express placeness, they preserved elements and structure expressing features of industrial facilities in a proper way or extended new structures when they made progress of conversion. They expressed placeness and identity of industrial facilities by preserving chimney, conveyer belt and character and machines and equipment in the internal space. When it was inevitable to remove the internal facilities, they preserved symbolism of important facilities indirectly. They also emphasized symbolism of the pertinent building by extending new buildings in the external side. Therefore, when idle industrial facilities are utilized as cultural space, it is necessary to preserve characteristic elements to disclose identity of the pertinent building directly/indirectly or to introduce new elements to emphasize symbolism. 4) To express historicity, they preserved Faç
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