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중소기업의 인력수급 개선방안에 관한 연구

중소기업의 인력수급 개선방안에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on Settlement of Demand and Supply of Manpower in the SMEs in Korea: Focusing on the Recent College Graduates
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Sang Jin
Issue Date
본 연구의 목적은 우리나라 중소기업의 대학졸업 신입사원 인력수급은 매우 취약하며, 신입사원뿐만 아니라, 경력사원 수급조차도 대기업에 비해 상대적으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그 원인은 첫째, 수요자인 중소기업 인력운용의 문제 요인으로서 인재모집 및 선발의 상대적 취약과 보상 및 교육훈련의 미흡한 점으로 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 공급자인 대학의 중소기업 취업프로그램의 미흡한 점으로 대학의 학생들에 대한 진로․ 취업 프로그램이 대기업 위주의 운영으로 인한 문제점을 지적할 수 있다. 셋째, 지원대상자인 대학졸업 신입사원 근로자 자체의 요인으로서 중소기업에 대한 부정적 인식의 문제, 중소기업에 대한 정보부족 및 낮은 이해와 인식이다. 넷째, 정부의 중소기업 청년취업정책의 문제로서 중소기업 청년인턴제도와 맞춤형 인력양성프로그램에 대한 단기적 성과에서 비롯된 중소기업과 대상근로자 사후관리의 문제에서 중소기업 신입사원의 인력수급 및 인력관리의 어려움이 있다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고, 중소기업 대학졸업 신입사원 인력수급 개선방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중소기업의 인력운용을 원활하게 하기위해서는 중소기업들의 과감한 투자와 관심이 요구된다. 인적자원에 대한 투자가 중요함을 중소기업들도 인식하고 인사관리의 선진화를 통해 효율적인 인적자원관리체계를 구축하고 핵심인재를 확보 양성해 나가야 할 것이다. 중소기업을 운영하는 경영자의 사업전략에 인적자원관리에 투자를 확대해야 하며 다양한 인적자원의 부족을 해소할 수 있도록 임금과 복리후생을 개선하고, 공장 자동화, 기업 자체인력의 양성을 위한 사내교육 활성화, 소사장제의 도입 등의 해소방안을 마련하여야 한다. 아울러, 중소기업 근무기피 의식에 대한 인식의 전환이 필요하다. 중소기업의 부정적 이미지를 극복하기 위해서는 1차적으로 중소기업 스스로가 취업희망자들이 선호할 수 있는 매력적인 조직문화와 근로여건을 만들어 나가야 한다. 그리고 중소기업의 비중. 역할 등 그 중요성에 대해 정책적으로 적극 홍보하고 중소기업이 겪고 있는 애로사항에 대해서도 공론화하여 문제해결을 위한 사회적 공감대를 형성할 필요가 있다. 또한 취업대상 인력을 중심으로 중소기업의 장점 등을 적극 홍보해야 할 것이다. 둘째, 대학에서의 중소기업 취업프로그램 제고 방안으로 중소기업 현장에서 학생들이 필요로 하는 취업준비 관련 교과목 개설 및 지역 내의 대학과 중소기업의 맞춤식 산학협동교육을 통해 중소기업에 대한 학생들의 관심과 지역밀착형 산업대학으로 특화해야 한다. 이러한 교육 프로그램이 정착화 되기 위해서는 구조화된 훈련체계를 구축하고 산업별로 유형화된 중소기업 중심의 직업교육을 위한 인프라를 구축하는 방법을 찾아야 한다. 또한, 대학별 또는 연합으로 중소기업 중심의 취업박람회를 개최하여야 한다. 중소기업만을 위한 채용박람회를 주기적으로 실시하여 규모가 작은 소기업까지도 구인과 구직의 기회를 폭넓게 제공 되어질 수 있어야 한다. 셋째, 학생들의 중소기업 취업의식에 대한 제고는 대학과 정부기관에서 실시하고 있는 중소기업 정책적인 프로그램 참여를 통해 기업현장의 직접체험을 통해 자신의 적성분야에 맞는 중소기업을 선택할 수 있도록 하며, 대다수 대기업 및 중견기업에 맞춰진 취업에 대한 눈높이가 자신의 역량과 능력에 중소기업을 지원할 수 있도록 해야 한다. 넷째, 중소기업 신입사원 인력난 완화방안 가운데 중소기업 청년인턴제도와 같이 직접적으로 인력의 공급을 늘림으로써 인력난을 완화할 수 있는 가장 대표적인 방안으로 신입사원의 중소기업에 대한 거부감을 줄임과 동시에 청년층의 비정규직이 늘어나고 있는 상황에서 높은 정규직으로의 전환율은 중소기업 고용의 질적 향상에도 많은 도움이 되고 있다. 아울러, 기술 및 기능 인력에 대해서는 병역특례제도를 확대하는 방법이다. 병역특례제도는 전문연구요원과 산업기능 인력의 두 가지 종류가 있는데 양자 모두 특례요원의 수를 늘리고 제도를 조금 개선하면 중소기업의 신입사원 인력난 완화에 상당히 도움이 될 것이다. | A labor force supply and demand of the bachelor incoming employees in small and medium enterprises is very weak in Korea. Not only for the new comer, but also for the experiences, there are difficulties relatively in supplying and demanding manpower to the small business compare to the big business. The first reason is that small and medium sized enterprises as a demander are lack of the ability of the manpower management such as recruiting talented people, vulnerability of the relative selecting and rewards, and insufficient education and training program. Second, universities, as a supplier, have not enough effective recruiting programs for the small business, but those of the programs for studying and employment are organized and focused to the big business. Third problem is the bachelor applicants itself. Generally, they have negative cognitions, a lack of information, misunderstanding and inaccurate perception of the small businesses. Finally, the Government policy of the adolescent recruitment program such as adolescent apprenticeship for the small business and individual specification manpower supply program causes short-term success only. As a result of that, the small business and following-up control of the bachelor applicants have difficulties in workforce supply, demand and management. The following reformation schemes about the bachelor applicant's workforce supply and demand for the small business are suggested: First, the small businesses should be invested drastically and concerned for administrating manpower smoothly. They have to understand what the importance of the investment to manpower, construct effective manpower management system through the advanced workforce administration, and secure and train capable people. There should be prepared several solutions such as, the small and medium enterpriser expands investment to the manpower management system as a business strategy, improve the salary and welfare system for solving lack of the varied manpower, factory automation, activate internal company education training system and arose the ownership. Additionally, it is necessary to change the recognition of the avoid of the working in small and medium enterprises. Fist of all, the small and medium sized enterprises need to improve their working environment and create attractive company organization overcoming their negative image for being selected by the bachelor applicants. They have to make social agreement for solving out problems and issuing their faced problems using political active advertising to show up their portion, importance and role of the society. And also, they may advertise their advantages aggressively to the job applicants Second, in order to consider the employment program for the small and medium sized enterprises, University should be scheduled their subjects related to real industrial work and also elicit the students' interest through a specialized academic-industrial program. As settled down those academic programs in reality, university should be found out the way of building infrastructure creating curriculum training programs and industrial classified job training programs. And also, each university or united university holds job exhibition regularly for the small and medium sized business to provide the equal opportunity to all. Third, the bachelor students employment for the small and medium sized enterprise could be selected their proper aptitude field by participating the provided program from the university and government institution and by experiencing firsthand in individual industry. However, the applicants need to apply the job within their ability and capability. Finally, for the relive solution to the difficulty of the manpower shortage, the adolescent apprenticeship of the small and medium sized enterprises is the representative solution to increase the manpower supplying directly and reducing repulsing from a new comer. It provides quality improvement of employment enormously increasing the turning rate for the permanent under the circumstances to increase the temporally position for adolescent. Additionally, there should be a way to enhance exceptional military service system someone who has unique technical skill or technique. There are two kinds of the exceptional military service system, specialized researcher and industrial technician. If those positions expand a number of amount and improve the system, it will assist to relieve the manpower shortage in many ways for the small- and medium-sized enterprises.; A labor force supply and demand of the bachelor incoming employees in small and medium enterprises is very weak in Korea. Not only for the new comer, but also for the experiences, there are difficulties relatively in supplying and demanding manpower to the small business compare to the big business. The first reason is that small and medium sized enterprises as a demander are lack of the ability of the manpower management such as recruiting talented people, vulnerability of the relative selecting and rewards, and insufficient education and training program. Second, universities, as a supplier, have not enough effective recruiting programs for the small business, but those of the programs for studying and employment are organized and focused to the big business. Third problem is the bachelor applicants itself. Generally, they have negative cognitions, a lack of information, misunderstanding and inaccurate perception of the small businesses. Finally, the Government policy of the adolescent recruitment program such as adolescent apprenticeship for the small business and individual specification manpower supply program causes short-term success only. As a result of that, the small business and following-up control of the bachelor applicants have difficulties in workforce supply, demand and management. The following reformation schemes about the bachelor applicant's workforce supply and demand for the small business are suggested: First, the small businesses should be invested drastically and concerned for administrating manpower smoothly. They have to understand what the importance of the investment to manpower, construct effective manpower management system through the advanced workforce administration, and secure and train capable people. There should be prepared several solutions such as, the small and medium enterpriser expands investment to the manpower management system as a business strategy, improve the salary and welfare system for solving lack of the varied manpower, factory automation, activate internal company education training system and arose the ownership. Additionally, it is necessary to change the recognition of the avoid of the working in small and medium enterprises. Fist of all, the small and medium sized enterprises need to improve their working environment and create attractive company organization overcoming their negative image for being selected by the bachelor applicants. They have to make social agreement for solving out problems and issuing their faced problems using political active advertising to show up their portion, importance and role of the society. And also, they may advertise their advantages aggressively to the job applicants Second, in order to consider the employment program for the small and medium sized enterprises, University should be scheduled their subjects related to real industrial work and also elicit the students' interest through a specialized academic-industrial program. As settled down those academic programs in reality, university should be found out the way of building infrastructure creating curriculum training programs and industrial classified job training programs. And also, each university or united university holds job exhibition regularly for the small and medium sized business to provide the equal opportunity to all. Third, the bachelor students employment for the small and medium sized enterprise could be selected their proper aptitude field by participating the provided program from the university and government institution and by experiencing firsthand in individual industry. However, the applicants need to apply the job within their ability and capability. Finally, for the relive solution to the difficulty of the manpower shortage, the adolescent apprenticeship of the small and medium sized enterprises is the representative solution to increase the manpower supplying directly and reducing repulsing from a new comer. It provides quality improvement of employment enormously increasing the turning rate for the permanent under the circumstances to increase the temporally position for adolescent. Additionally, there should be a way to enhance exceptional military service system someone who has unique technical skill or technique. There are two kinds of the exceptional military service system, specialized researcher and industrial technician. If those positions expand a number of amount and improve the system, it will assist to relieve the manpower shortage in many ways for the small- and medium-sized enterprises.
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