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가구형태에 따른 노인의 식품섭취 실태 비교

가구형태에 따른 노인의 식품섭취 실태 비교
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A Comparison of Food Intake of the Elderly Regarding Different Family Types
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노인들은 스스로 식품을 구매하여 식사를 준비하기 어렵기 때문에 가족구성원의 지원이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 노인의 가구형태에 따른 식품섭취실태를 분석하여 영양위험의 대상자를 찾고, 그들을 위한 영양적인 지원을 제공하는데 기초자료로 사용하고자 한다. 연구 자료는 질병관리본부에서 시행하였던 2008년 지역사회건강조사 중 경기북부 21개 지역에서 만 60세 이상의 노인 3680명(남자 1652명, 여자 2028명)을 대상으로 조사한 식이섭취행태자료를 이용하였다. 가구형태는 독거가구, 부부가구, 미혼자녀가구, 기혼자녀가구로 분류하고, 식품군 섭취는 과일류, 채소류, 김치류, 잡곡밥, 육류, 생선, 두류, 우유 및 유제품, 단 음료의 섭취빈도를 일일 단위로 환산하고, 일주일 결식회수를 산출하였다. 1. 노인의 전체 연령은 69.7세이며, 대다수가 경제적 소득과 교육수준이 낮고, 직장이 없었다. 여자노인은 남자노인에 비해 월 소득이 낮고, 교육수준이 낮고, 직장이 없거나, 의료보호인 경우가 높았다. 남자노인은 여자노인에 비해 현재 흡연을 하거나, 음주를 하거나, 규칙적인 운동을 하는 비율이 높았고, 여자노인은 남자노인에 비해 과체중 비율이 높았다. 여자노인은 혼자 살거나 기혼 자녀와 사는 경우가 높은 반면, 남자노인은 배우자와 사는 경우가 높았다. 2. 성별에 따라 여자노인은 남자노인에 비해 육류, 생선, 단음료 섭취가 낮고 결식빈도가 높았는데, 특히 동물성 단백질 식품 섭취가 열악하였다. 3. 식품섭취 및 가구형태와 관련이 있는 요인으로 남자노인은 인구학적 요인(연령, 지역), 사회 경제적 요인(교육수준), 정서적 요인(스트레스, 우울)이 선정되었고, 여자노인은 인구학적 요인(연령, 지역), 사회 경제적 요인(교육수준), 신체적 건강 요인(IADL), 정서적 요인(스트레스, 우울), 건강행동 요인(흡연, 운동)이 선정되었다. 4. 식품섭취 및 가구형태와 관련 있는 요인들을 보정하기 이전에는 남녀 노인의 가구형태는 과일류, 채소류, 김치류 섭취 및 1주일 결식빈도와 연관성이 있었고, 남자노인은 잡곡밥 섭취에서, 여자노인은 육류 및 생선 섭취에서 연관성이 있었다. 가구형태와 식품섭취와 관련변수를 보정한 후에는 추가적으로 우유 및 유제품 섭취에서 남녀 노인의 가구형태에 따른 연관성이 있었다. 5. 과일류, 채소류는 남녀 노인의 독거가구에서 가장 적게 섭취하였고 기혼자녀가구에서 많이 섭취하여 유의한 차이를 보였고, 김치류는 독거가구에서 적게 섭취하였다. 여자노인의 경우 육류와 생선과 같은 동물성 단백질 식품은 독거가구에서 적게 섭취하였고, 남자노인의 경우 잡곡밥은 독거가구와 미혼자녀가구가 부부가구에 비해 적게 섭취하였다. 우유 및 유제품은 남자의 경우 독거가구가 미혼자녀가구에 비해 적게 섭취하였으며, 여자의 경우 부부가구가 기혼자녀가구에 비해 적게 섭취하였다. 1주일 결식빈도는 남녀노인 모두 독거가구에서 높았다. 본 연구 결과 노인들이 균형 있는 식품을 섭취하기 위해서는 사회적 지지가 중요하다. 독거가구에서 다양한 식품 섭취가 어려운데, 특히 여자 독거가구의 동물성 단백질 섭취가 열악하였고, 자녀동거가구 중에서도 미혼자녀가구가 기혼자녀가구에 비해 식품 섭취가 낮았다. 따라서 지역사회 노인의 사회적 요인을 고려하여 취약한 계층을 찾아 올바른 영양섭취를 권장하고, 균형 있는 식사를 제공하기 위한 영양개선 사업을 시행해야 한다.|Since the elderly citizens have difficulty of purchasing groceries and preparing for meals, supports from the family members are needed. This study analyzes the food intakes of the elderly regarding different family types and find the factors for nutritional risk, so that proffers basic reference for providing nutritional support for them. The study referred to the dietary behavioral survey data of the 3,680 elderly people (1652 male and 2028 female) from 21 regions in northern Kyeonggi province. The data was collected by the method of one-to-one interviews and was a part of Community Health Survey 2008 by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC). We classified family types as a household of elderly living alone, a household of elderly with spouse, a household of the elderly with unmarried children and a household of the elderly with married children, and as for intakes of foods, the frequencies of taking fruits, vegetables, kimchis, rice with mixed cereals, meat, fish, bean?Etofu?Esoymilk, milk and dairy products and sweet beverage are calculated on a daily basis and skipped meals on a weekly basis. 1. Mean age was 69.7 years old. Most of subjects were low income, low education level and highly unemployed. Elderly women showed lower income, lower education level and higher unemployed, higher rate of government healthcare subsidy than elderly men. Elderly men showed relatively higher proportion of current smoking and drinking and higher proportion of working out regularly than elderly women. On the other hand, rate of overweight was higher in elderly women. Elderly women tend to live alone and with their children while elderly men tend to live with spouse. 2. Elderly men took more meat, fish and sweet beverage and lower frequency of skipping meals than elderly women. Especially, elderly women showed poor intake of animal protein such as meat and fish. 3. Factors selected as related to the family types and food intake are demographic characteristic factor(age, areas), socio-economic factor (education level), emotional factors (stress and depression) in elderly men. And women, in addition to that physical health factors (IADL), health-behavioral factors (current smoking and exercise) had been selected in elderly women. 4. Before adjusting factors related to family types and food intake, some groups of foods such as fruits, vegetables, kimchis and weekly rate of skipping meals showed significant difference. But after adjusting related factors, milk and dairy products showed significant difference by family types. 5. In both male and female, intake of fruits and vegetables were the least in elderly living alone, while the elderly with married children have taken the most, to make significant difference. In both male and female, the household of elderly living alone took significantly less amount of Kimchis than other family types. Elderly living alone tended to have significantly less meat and fish specially in women. In the case of Rice with mixed cereals, the elderly living alone and elderly with unmarried children took significantly less amount than the elderly living with spouse in men. The elderly living alone took significantly less milk and dairy products than the elderly with unmarried children in men while the elderly living with spouse took significantly less milk and dairy products than the elderly with married children in women. Regarding meal-skipping frequency, the elderly living alone had the most frequent occasion of skipping meals. From this result, it can be concluded that social support is important for the elderly to have balanced meals. Having various foods is difficult for the elderly living alone and especially, elderly women living alone had poor condition of taking animal protein. The elderly living with unmarried children showed low quality of dietary life than that of married children. Hence, it is highly needed to seek underprivileged class and program operations for nutritional improvement should be conducted accordingly in order to encourage desirable food intake and provide balanced meals.; Since the elderly citizens have difficulty of purchasing groceries and preparing for meals, supports from the family members are needed. This study analyzes the food intakes of the elderly regarding different family types and find the factors for nutritional risk, so that proffers basic reference for providing nutritional support for them. The study referred to the dietary behavioral survey data of the 3,680 elderly people (1652 male and 2028 female) from 21 regions in northern Kyeonggi province. The data was collected by the method of one-to-one interviews and was a part of Community Health Survey 2008 by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC). We classified family types as a household of elderly living alone, a household of elderly with spouse, a household of the elderly with unmarried children and a household of the elderly with married children, and as for intakes of foods, the frequencies of taking fruits, vegetables, kimchis, rice with mixed cereals, meat, fish, bean?Etofu?Esoymilk, milk and dairy products and sweet beverage are calculated on a daily basis and skipped meals on a weekly basis. 1. Mean age was 69.7 years old. Most of subjects were low income, low education level and highly unemployed. Elderly women showed lower income, lower education level and higher unemployed, higher rate of government healthcare subsidy than elderly men. Elderly men showed relatively higher proportion of current smoking and drinking and higher proportion of working out regularly than elderly women. On the other hand, rate of overweight was higher in elderly women. Elderly women tend to live alone and with their children while elderly men tend to live with spouse. 2. Elderly men took more meat, fish and sweet beverage and lower frequency of skipping meals than elderly women. Especially, elderly women showed poor intake of animal protein such as meat and fish. 3. Factors selected as related to the family types and food intake are demographic characteristic factor(age, areas), socio-economic factor (education level), emotional factors (stress and depression) in elderly men. And women, in addition to that physical health factors (IADL), health-behavioral factors (current smoking and exercise) had been selected in elderly women. 4. Before adjusting factors related to family types and food intake, some groups of foods such as fruits, vegetables, kimchis and weekly rate of skipping meals showed significant difference. But after adjusting related factors, milk and dairy products showed significant difference by family types. 5. In both male and female, intake of fruits and vegetables were the least in elderly living alone, while the elderly with married children have taken the most, to make significant difference. In both male and female, the household of elderly living alone took significantly less amount of Kimchis than other family types. Elderly living alone tended to have significantly less meat and fish specially in women. In the case of Rice with mixed cereals, the elderly living alone and elderly with unmarried children took significantly less amount than the elderly living with spouse in men. The elderly living alone took significantly less milk and dairy products than the elderly with unmarried children in men while the elderly living with spouse took significantly less milk and dairy products than the elderly with married children in women. Regarding meal-skipping frequency, the elderly living alone had the most frequent occasion of skipping meals. From this result, it can be concluded that social support is important for the elderly to have balanced meals. Having various foods is difficult for the elderly living alone and especially, elderly women living alone had poor condition of taking animal protein. The elderly living with unmarried children showed low quality of dietary life than that of married children. Hence, it is highly needed to seek underprivileged class and program operations for nutritional improvement should be conducted accordingly in order to encourage desirable food intake and provide balanced meals.
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