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소수자 이해를 위한 다문화시대의 소설교육 연구

소수자 이해를 위한 다문화시대의 소설교육 연구
Other Titles
A Study on Novel Education in the Multicultural Age for the Understanding of Minorities: the case of novels 『Namaste』 and 『A Hen Getting Out of the Yard』
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Seung yeon
Issue Date
국문초록 소수자 이해를 위한 다문화시대의 소설교육 연구 -『나마스테』,『마당을 나온 암탉』을 중심으로 이 승 연 국어교육전공 한양대학교 교육대학원 세계화의 시대적 흐름으로 인해 우리나라는 단일민족국가에서 다민족, 다문화 국가로 변모하고 있다. 이러한 시대적 흐름은 우리가 인지하지 못하는 사이에 빠르게 진행되었고, 현 사회의 다수자들은 올바른 다문화적 가치관을 형성하지 못한 채 빠르게 변하는 사회를 맞이하게 되었다. 그로 인해 한 공동체의 다수자들은 ‘다름’이라는 이유로 사회·문화적 소수자들을 만들고, 그들을 ‘차별’의 대상으로 여기게 되었다. 이러한 소수자들의 문제는 인권에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 수면위로 떠올라 다문화시대의 대표적인 문제로 자리 잡았다. 본 연구는 이러한 시대적 흐름에 따른 다문화시대의 소수자 문제에 대한 관심에서 비롯되었다. 소수자의 개념은 장소나 상황의 변화에 따라 그 의미가 달라질 수 있어, 확정적이고 고정적으로 결정지을 수는 없다. 하지만 여러 정의들에서 공통적으로 나타나는 소수자의 중요한 특성은 ‘편견과 차별의 대상’이라는 것을 발견할 수 있다. 본 연구자는 소수자를 대하는 우리의 올바른 인식과 다문화적 가치관을 정립하는데 다문화 제재를 활용한 소설교육이 효과적임을 인지하고 그 필요성과 목적이 있음을 주장하였다. 그로 인해 소수자 제재의 소설을 활용한 다문화교육에 초점을 맞추었다. 작품으로는 박범신의 『나마스테』와 황선미의 『마당을 나온 암탉』을 선정하였다. 박범신의 『나마스테』는 한국 현실 속 소수자 문제를 구체적으로 반영한 작품으로 그 의의를 가진다. 또 황선미의 『마당을 나온 암탉』은 소수자문제를 상징적으로 담아낸 작품으로 다문화시대 소수자를 제재로 한 소설로서의 의의를 지닌다. 본고에서는 이 두 작품이 학습자들에게 올바른 다문화적 가치관을 심어줄 수 있는 작품으로 사용될 수 있는 충분한 요소들을 담고 있다고 여겨 다문화적 관점으로 분석하였다. 『나마스테』에서는 외국인노동자 카밀을 통해 한국사회가 외국인 노동자를 바라보는 시각과, 외국인 노동자들이 한국사회에서 차별과 핍박을 받고 있는 현실을 구체적으로 묘사하고 있다. 이 작품은 학습자들에게 우리 주위에서 일어나고 있지만 관심 갖지 않았던 외국인 노동자의 문제에 대해 생각해보게 하며, 소수자에 대한 올바른 가치관을 형성해 나갈 수 있도록 하는데 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다. 『마당을 나온 암탉』은 현실을 구체적으로 보여주는 『나마스테』와 다르게 우화라는 형식을 사용하여 소수자문제 접근하고 있다. ‘잎싹’이라는 인물은 다름으로 인해 소외 받고 차별 받는 우리사회의 소수자를 대변하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 결국 함께 공존하지 못하고 공동체의 일원이 되지 못한 잎싹의 삶을 통해 한 공동체 속에서 함께 살아가지만 ‘우리’가 되지 못하고 소외 받는 소수자들의 문제를 생각해 볼 수 있게 하는 학습효과를 가진다. 현 한국사회에 다문화시대 소수자를 다룬 작품들은 한국사회에 많지 않지만 여러 작품을 다문화적인 관점으로 해석하여 다양하게 교육할 수 있는 방안을 더욱 연구하여 ‘다름’과 ‘동등’이라는 다문화적 가치관을 갖도록 해야 한다. 다문화시대를 살고 있고, 살아가야할 학습자들에게 이러한 가치관을 가지고 사회 공동체 많은 소수자들과 소통하는 법을 알려주는 것이 다문화시대의 소설교육에서 담당해야할 역할이다. |ABSTRACT A Study on Novel Education in the Multicultural Age for the Understanding of Minorities: the case of novels 『Namaste』and 『A Hen Getting Out of the Yard』 Lee Seung-yeon Major in Korean Languate Education Graduate School of Education Hanyang University The worldwide globalization trend has turned our country into a multiracial, multicultural one, while the nation has typically been racially homogeneous. Such a flow has rapidly overtaken our society to the extent that nobody can notice it, and people have to keep up with rapid-changing society though they don't yet build the right multicultural values. A great number of people of a community keep some people at a distance on the ground that they are 'different,' and the small number of people who are left out are called a minority who are discriminated by the majority. As there is a growing concern for human rights, minorities are emerging as one of major issues in the multicultural era. This study focused on the minority issue in today's multicultural society. The concept of a minority depends on contemporary contextual changes, and there isn't any single, fixed concept of it. Given the common denominators of its various definitions, however, it can be said that a minority is those whom the majority discriminate and are biased against. The purpose of this study was to examine the necessity and object of novel education as a way to raise the right awareness of minorities and expedite multicultural values building, as there are lots of multicultural subject matters in novels. And it's specifically meant to focus on multicultural education by utilizing novels covering minorities. Two literary works were selected in this study: "Namaste" written by Park Beom-sin and "A hen getting out of the yard" by Hwang Sun-mi. The former is of significance in that it dealt with the minority issue in Korean society in detail, and the latter is also of importance in that it described the minority issue in a symbolic manner in today's multicultural society. As the two novels seemed to make it possible for learners to build multicultural values in the right way, they were analyzed from a multicultural perspective. Park Beom-shin's novel described a foreign laborer Camil to show how Korean society looked at foreign laborers and how they were discriminated and persecuted in Korean society in detail. This novel is expected to stimulate learners to think of the problems of foreign laborers that take place in our society, whereas they aren't likely to be concerned about their troubles at all at present, and that is also expected to help them to acquire correct values about minorities. Unlike this novel, the other novel by Hwang Sun-mi dealt with minority problems in the form of fables. The character 'Ipssak' could be said to represent minorities in our society who are alienated and discriminated just on the ground that they are not the same. Students will be able to think of alienated minorities who aren't viewed as eligible members of society when they read about the character's life who failed to coexist with others as an eligible member of society. Currently, there aren't lots of works that have dealt with minorities in multicultural Korean society, but it's required to consider how to interpret those works from a multicultural standpoint to provide diverse education in order for students to have appropriate multicultural values to accept those who are different. In the multicultural era, novel education should especially be provided for learners to build good values about minorities and communicate with them.; ABSTRACT A Study on Novel Education in the Multicultural Age for the Understanding of Minorities: the case of novels 『Namaste』and 『A Hen Getting Out of the Yard』 Lee Seung-yeon Major in Korean Languate Education Graduate School of Education Hanyang University The worldwide globalization trend has turned our country into a multiracial, multicultural one, while the nation has typically been racially homogeneous. Such a flow has rapidly overtaken our society to the extent that nobody can notice it, and people have to keep up with rapid-changing society though they don't yet build the right multicultural values. A great number of people of a community keep some people at a distance on the ground that they are 'different,' and the small number of people who are left out are called a minority who are discriminated by the majority. As there is a growing concern for human rights, minorities are emerging as one of major issues in the multicultural era. This study focused on the minority issue in today's multicultural society. The concept of a minority depends on contemporary contextual changes, and there isn't any single, fixed concept of it. Given the common denominators of its various definitions, however, it can be said that a minority is those whom the majority discriminate and are biased against. The purpose of this study was to examine the necessity and object of novel education as a way to raise the right awareness of minorities and expedite multicultural values building, as there are lots of multicultural subject matters in novels. And it's specifically meant to focus on multicultural education by utilizing novels covering minorities. Two literary works were selected in this study: "Namaste" written by Park Beom-sin and "A hen getting out of the yard" by Hwang Sun-mi. The former is of significance in that it dealt with the minority issue in Korean society in detail, and the latter is also of importance in that it described the minority issue in a symbolic manner in today's multicultural society. As the two novels seemed to make it possible for learners to build multicultural values in the right way, they were analyzed from a multicultural perspective. Park Beom-shin's novel described a foreign laborer Camil to show how Korean society looked at foreign laborers and how they were discriminated and persecuted in Korean society in detail. This novel is expected to stimulate learners to think of the problems of foreign laborers that take place in our society, whereas they aren't likely to be concerned about their troubles at all at present, and that is also expected to help them to acquire correct values about minorities. Unlike this novel, the other novel by Hwang Sun-mi dealt with minority problems in the form of fables. The character 'Ipssak' could be said to represent minorities in our society who are alienated and discriminated just on the ground that they are not the same. Students will be able to think of alienated minorities who aren't viewed as eligible members of society when they read about the character's life who failed to coexist with others as an eligible member of society. Currently, there aren't lots of works that have dealt with minorities in multicultural Korean society, but it's required to consider how to interpret those works from a multicultural standpoint to provide diverse education in order for students to have appropriate multicultural values to accept those who are different. In the multicultural era, novel education should especially be provided for learners to build good values about minorities and communicate with them.
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