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dc.description.abstract1.연구의 필요성 및 목적 본 연구를 시작하게 된 목적은 사교육에 대해 정의를 알아보고 사교육의 문제가 어떠한지, 그리고 사교육의 변화과정과 형태는 어떠했는지 어떠한 문제가 있는지에 대해 알아보고 대책에 대한 기초 자료를 제시하는데 있다. 우리나라의 교육열은 상상 이상으로 상당히 높은 편이다. 학생들도 그러하겠지만 부모들이 자식에 대한 교육열은 더 그러하다. 내 자식이 모든 면에서 뛰어나길 바라고, 특히 학업에서는 더욱 그러하다보니 공부를 시키려 하고, 공교육의 보조적 역할로 사교육을 시작했다. 그러나 요즘 사회를 보면 사교육은 공교육의 보조적 역할이 아니라 공교육의 대체 역할 인듯하다. 아니 더 자세히 들여다보면 공교육보다 사교육이 중시되고, 공교육은 무시되어가는 경향이다. 요즘 사교육은 이미 우려 단계를 넘어섰다는 진단이 나오고 있다. 사교육이 공교육을 도태시키고 대다수 서민의 가계를 짓누르는 수준까지 와 있는 것이다. 이 논문을 쓰기까지 여러 자료를 본 결과 2010년에는 그 이전보다 사교육비가 조금 감소했다 하지만 미세한 차이만 있을 뿐 나아진 부분이 있다고 생각 될 만큼의 차이는 없는 것 같았다. 이에 따라 교육기관은 물론이고 여기저기에서 사교육의 문제를 진단하고 바람직한 대안을 모색하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 나는 현 사교육의 문화와 문제 더불어 공교육의 실태에 대해 알아보고, 그에 따른 대처법을 알아보겠다. | Kang, mina machine Education department The Graduate School of Education Hanyang university The purpose and necessity of the studying The purpose of the studying is to research the definition of private education ,problems occurred in education field and how the private education of the change process has been risen for years and what kinds of problems there were. I hope to suggest the informative data about effective countermeasures for further relevant studying. Education Fever in Korea is much higher level than any other nations in the world. The reason is that Korean parents want their children to reach the top at schools. So, the size of the market for private tutoring in Korea is breathtaking. Hagwon (a Private Cram School) seems to do a better job at educating students than public schools- at least if exam grades are the measure of an education. One reason for this is surely the increased level of competition among private institutes. Even good students are likely to end up taking just as many private lessons as their classmates or neighbors, simply because their mothers constantly benchmark them against their immediate surrounding. Also, the growth of the Hagwon industry has been supported by the prevailing study philosophy that paying someone for a quick and ready-made explanation is a better way of learning than individual efforts and improvement through trial and error. Consequently, it seems Hagwon is not only regarded as a subsidiary way, but also as an alternative one to substitute the public education system. If you look over the matter of that, public education became much less favorable than Hagwon in Korea. Currently, public schools tend to be disregarded by parents due to unfavorable fact. According to the survey, it was given the diagnosis that Hagwon crossed the serious stage. It also made public education fall behind, and the common economic weigh down because private tutoring has surged. To write this thesis, I examined various information about education in Korea for many days and found the relevant article published in 2010. It was shown that Private Educational Expenses has slightly decreased since then, but there was little change to think differently. From then on, some educational facilities were trying to create a new idea to find a better solution by diagnosing the problems of Private Education System in Korea. So I would like to explore the culture of Private Education and research on the actual condition of Public Education System. At the same time, I hope to inquire into the countermeasures in terms of the matter of both educations.; Kang, mina machine Education department The Graduate School of Education Hanyang university The purpose and necessity of the studying The purpose of the studying is to research the definition of private education ,problems occurred in education field and how the private education of the change process has been risen for years and what kinds of problems there were. I hope to suggest the informative data about effective countermeasures for further relevant studying. Education Fever in Korea is much higher level than any other nations in the world. The reason is that Korean parents want their children to reach the top at schools. So, the size of the market for private tutoring in Korea is breathtaking. Hagwon (a Private Cram School) seems to do a better job at educating students than public schools- at least if exam grades are the measure of an education. One reason for this is surely the increased level of competition among private institutes. Even good students are likely to end up taking just as many private lessons as their classmates or neighbors, simply because their mothers constantly benchmark them against their immediate surrounding. Also, the growth of the Hagwon industry has been supported by the prevailing study philosophy that paying someone for a quick and ready-made explanation is a better way of learning than individual efforts and improvement through trial and error. Consequently, it seems Hagwon is not only regarded as a subsidiary way, but also as an alternative one to substitute the public education system. If you look over the matter of that, public education became much less favorable than Hagwon in Korea. Currently, public schools tend to be disregarded by parents due to unfavorable fact. According to the survey, it was given the diagnosis that Hagwon crossed the serious stage. It also made public education fall behind, and the common economic weigh down because private tutoring has surged. To write this thesis, I examined various information about education in Korea for many days and found the relevant article published in 2010. It was shown that Private Educational Expenses has slightly decreased since then, but there was little change to think differently. From then on, some educational facilities were trying to create a new idea to find a better solution by diagnosing the problems of Private Education System in Korea. So I would like to explore the culture of Private Education and research on the actual condition of Public Education System. At the same time, I hope to inquire into the countermeasures in terms of the matter of both educations.-
dc.title사교육에 대한 문화와 문제-
dc.title.alternativeprivate education treat culture&problem-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorKang, Mi-Na-
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